Jan 18, 2018


Embracing any kind of feeling is freedom. You feel free because you don't care if you are feeling bad or good, you think that you're always alright no matte what you feel. Nothing can stop you, you will still move despite of feeling bad. You don't wait to feel good before you take actions, you just do it no matter what.

If you feel happy now and you really want to laugh hard... laugh, embrace the feeling, don't be shy to express it... show them how you feel, never stop it nor contrast it... let it go, let it fly.

If you feel so bad and you're so depressed... embrace that feeling, never resist, never make dramas. But still... always do your responsibilities, always keep moving because that is the best way to change how you feel. You must entertain yourself through actions.

Any emotion will go away if you will embrace it, if you feel negative, if you feel scared then keep being scared but always make sure you are thinking right, always make sure you are doing what is best for your life.

Problems will arise, challenges will come into your life but if you were able to embrace everything that will come into your life, if you were able to embrace all the random feelings that you may feel... you will live life easier.

It doesn't matter if you feel bad, it doesn't matter if you're scared, what matters is you're not afraid of any kind of emotions. You're not afraid of anxiety, you're not afraid of depression, you're not afraid of fear because you know you will feel better in just a matter of time.

Any emotion is just an emotion, it will never hurt you physically, you are the only one who can hurt yourself. It's not a big deal. If there is a problem.. embrace it, deal with it, feel blessed that you're still alive. Life is so sweet, emotions is what makes it sweeter. Always remember that what you feel now will never star in your system forever. You may feel bad now but eventually you will feel good later. Life is a roller coaster of emotions.

You can always control your emotions if you will try to embrace it and never make it a big deal. If something is disturbing you... feel it, don't react so fast, let it disturb you and don't overreact... soon you will see that it's nothing, that it's not a big deal and all it does is make you feel bad. You feel bad because you think it's bad but if you will think deeply then you will know that it's not that really bad, it's pretty annoying but it will never even affect your life, health or financial status. It's just a little bit annoying, you can still work with it.

Any kind of emotion that is running in your system right now... all you have to do is embrace it and make peace with it. It's annoying, yeah it is but what are you going to do? make everything a big deal? treat everything as a problem. You have the power to tame all of your emotions, your emotions is the one that is affecting your life and not the things that are outside of yourself.

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