Jan 15, 2018


Focus on your own numbers, numbers that were purely created by you and only you. You produce it by using your own process and technique, you get it by using your own knowledge, strength and timing.

Be happy in creating your own money, if you can earn 50 dollars a day, it's fine, never compare your money with others, just count it, be happy with it and try to grow it day by day, it's all about the growth and appreciating your own work. Count your own numbers and never count other people's numbers because that will produce jealousy and bitterness. You will only feel bad if you saw that someone is better than you. Focus on your own numbers and you will become really happy.

So what id they are creating more than you? does it even matter? it matters if you're needy of attention and power, it matters if you're always seeking for appreciation. The only appreciation you need is appreciation form yourself and from the people that truly cares about you.

Create any kind of number. The number of minutes you can run everyday, the number of push ups or pull ups you can do today, the number of tasks you did, the number of clients you emailed... it's fun to focus on your own number. Make it grow, make it bigger, don't stop until you have enough.

Even if your numbers were just small.. be happy with it, if you truly work hard for it then appreciate it and never think that you didn't do well. Of course you did well, if you put your heart and soul into it, if you really work hard and stay passionate by doing it then you did well, you should congratulate yourself and create more numbers tomorrow and the next day and so on. You will never stop creating your own numbers, you will never stop growing.

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