Jan 19, 2018


You better start living your dream now or else it will die, living it doesn't mean getting it fast, it means you are getting closer from it little by little, it means you are undergoing the process of getting it. You can have it gradually, it is better if you will get it slowly rather than getting it fast, getting it fast means you just got lucky, there is a possibility that it will go away fast too because you don't know how to take care of it, you didn't suffer that's why you will not give it a value. You will take it for granted and you will become very arrogant.

Think about it, think that it's already yours, all you have to do is take massive actions to get it. For sure it will be yours in the right time but for the meantime you really have to work hard, I mean real real hard work and focus, you have to have that insane drive so that you will be able to do impossible things and still take actions when the road gets rough. Never hesitate nor procrastinate... just do it.

You have the right to dream, you always knew it, you're just afraid to get your dreams. Just start now and never stop... that's it. It's a long journey but it's going to be so much fun especially if you're serious about it. Be ready to face the challenges, never be scared to fail over and over again. It is all part of the process, don't be afraid to try again and again to become successful. Always remember that pain will make you grow, it will make you a better person so don't be afraid of it... ever, face it and try to process it. Try to give it a different meaning, be happy about it and it will become weak.

All you have to do is take actions and that's it, living your dream means movement, it means motion, it means doing something for it regardless if it is big or not. Ask something for it, sacrifice for it, always think about it... that is what living your dream is all about. If you can't make results it means your effort is not enough. You can't be making excuses if all you do is think about it and not do anything for it. Always be patient, take your time but move fast as much as you can. You can't be waiting for it to happen, you can't be relying on someone to do it for you. Little by little... attract it into your life.

You can only become truly happy if you're living your dream, it gives satisfaction to your dying soul. It gives your life a real meaning. Just focus, stay positive and keep taking actions everyday. Consistency is the key here, if you're really serious then you must be mad if you can't do something for your dream. Make it your life, make it a major part of your system.

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