Jan 31, 2018


Why are you doing it? what is the reason? what made you do it? what motivates you to do it? because you will never do it for no reason, you did it because something pushes you to do it. Why are you watching stupid movies? why are you wasting your time? I am pretty sure you do it because it motivates you, it motivates you to become lazy, you did it because you feel so comfortable doing it, you think that it will give you security and freedom. It is easy... that's why you did it, you think that it will give you an easy life, you think that it can solve your problems. 

Why are you not working hard? it's because laziness is comforting you, you are ok with being mediocre, you are ok with your life. There is nothing wrong with that just make sure that you will never complain when you don't have money or something, never complain if you're not satisfied with your life. There is a reason why you are doing something, there is something that triggers you to be like that. You have to find it and see if it is doing something goof for you. Why are you acting that way? why are you reacting that way? for sure there is an obvious reason why you behave like that. Rich people were motivated y money that's why they work so hard and never sleep until they have that next millions in their bank account. Poor people were motivated by instant gratification, they were so high to spend what they earn today, they never care if they suffer tomorrow. There in an obvious reason why are you doing something, you have to find it and change it if it's making your life miserable. 

If you want to do something and you're having a hard time taking actions... find something that will make you move, find an inspiration, look for the reason why you need to do it. If you want to earn a lot of money, what is your agenda behind this? what is your motive? are you going to do it because you want other people to become happy? are you doing it for someone? or you simply want to have a lot of money just to brag about it? it's all up to you, whatever makes you move is right. Ask yourself why do you need to do it, ask yourself if you are willing to do whatever it takes to get it. 

If you're lazy and doing stupid things that has no impact in your life... ask yourself why are you doing it, why are you doing it? for real? is it going to give you a good future? is it going to make your life better? success is very easy to achieve, all you have to do is do the right things. DO it little by little, you should have the right decision every second. If you're aware that it is wrong then stop doing it. 

Jan 30, 2018


Keep struggling, keep moving despite of not getting any progress in your life. If you're struggling then keep struggling, keep doing what you know, if you will stop then you will struggle even more. You can't stop because if you do then it's game over for you, you will never end your struggle. Keep struggling even more the the struggle give up on you. All you need to do is stick with it, show your endurance and never give up. You have that mental stamina to keep going and fighting, you don't need to quit, you just need to struggle even more, that suffering will end in just a matter of time. Struggle is only in the mind, you are the one who is making your life suffer. Embrace the pain because it has a big reward in the end. All people struggle, be happy if you're experiencing it now because it means you're evolving as a human being. Without struggle there is no growth, there is no evolution and progress so be happy if you're struggling now because you will still experience it later in your life if you're not experiencing it now.

Just give your best, look for the smallest thing that you can do and do it. Always have the mindset to move forward and whatever it takes to solve your problem. Sometimes you think that it's hard but if you will only stick with it then you will find out that it 's not that hard. Taking actions and doing something is not that hard, what the real hard is controlling your mind, you're so unfocused, you can't do something for a very long time that's why you keep on repeating over and over again. If you're struggling then struggle even more... as simple as that, never stop the struggle, never stop pushing forward. If you will keep on running away from pain then you will never achieve freedom. You will keep on suffering and you will have a miserable life.

Just don't quit and that's it. Let the struggle quit not you. It's only hard in the beginning but once you embrace the mindset of always moving forward then your struggle will end faster than expected. The key to make the struggle end faster is to fall in love with the process, have fun taking actions until the end. Never get bored with what you're doing, do it a million times until you see the results, until you see the change in your life. Always remember that it's ok to struggle, it's ok to have a hard time. It's just a feeling, just a state of mind, you can always survive it, struggling doesn't mean that you need to stop, it means you need to move faster, be in the moment and never look back.

Embrace the grind, embrace the hustle, embrace the discomfort. You will get uncomfortable even more if you will procrastinate and always tell yourself that you're just going to do it tomorrow. Do it now, take actions now... never stop until you win.

Jan 29, 2018


Some people can't become happy with their lives because they don't want to look bad, even if they need to look bad temporarily... they hate it, they feel bad about it, their day was ruined because of looking bad. Life is not about looking good always, sometimes you need to look bad in order for something to happen, sometimes you need to look bad just to survive this day. Some people doesn't want to look poor, if they have to attend a party.. they will buy clothes, I mean new and expensive clothes, they don't want to look poor they always wanted to look rich. Even if they don't have extra money, they will buy clothes just to impress people, in the end they are having a hard time with their lives. If you can just ignore what people say and look bad now with your old clothes then you will have more money, your future will become nicer, as simple as that. That party is just one day, their words doesn't matter, if you will always think about what people say then you're in big trouble, you will not be able to make the right decisions because your main purpose is to please them and impress them.

If there is someone who is borrowing some money from you and you really don't have an extra money what will you do? let's say he is you friend and he terribly needs some money, he is making a lot of excuses and dramas just to convince you, what are you going to do? you can say the truth and look bad and selfish but it will not put your financial status in trouble or you can pretend that you're kind and lend him some money. Which decision do you think will make you happier? telling the truth and look bad or pretending to be kind but putting your budget in jeopardy?

Sometimes you need to look bad in order to make correct decisions, sometimes you need to make other people feel bad so that you will become happier. Remember that it's not your fault if you refuse to help, it's not your fault if you're trying to be true to yourself. If you really want to become happy then learn to express yourself honestly even if you look terribly bad to the eyes of others, embracing the bad image will make you feel free, you will be able to make decisions that will make your life better.

Some people's decisions were always attached to what other people say. They wanted to look kind, rich, pure, perfect. That's why they can't do the right things anymore, they always wanted to impress other people that's why they can't fully express themselves and do what they feel is right. You have to look nasty sometimes, reject people sometimes and look poor sometimes. Always think about the future, it's not all about living the moment, sometimes you have to be realistic and make the best decisions in life/.

Jan 28, 2018


Sometimes you can instantly make it on the first try, sometimes not, sometimes you will fail and if you have a weak heart then probably you will never try again. Your warm up routine will give you a little bit of confidence to keep going. Whether it's about socializing, competing or doing a simple task... your warm up routine will make your motor running and perform at the highest level. Some people needs it some people don't. But if you're this kind of person who needs rituals before you perform at your best... then you should have a bold warm up routine that will make you pumped up. Do something before you start something, it's either you make a sign of cross, bend your knees or say something stupid. It's all about psyching yourself up to perform at the highest level. It's summoning your peak stage and giving you the fire to do it and never stop until you finish it. When ever I am playing basketball, my warm up routine is I go hard to the basket and I don't care if I will get blocked or not, all I want it so go hard as much as I can and set my self free, whenever I do that... I feel good and confident, I begin to show my skills and use all what I know about basketball. If I get blocked so be it, if I get humiliated and embarrassed.... so be it, for as long as I try... my confidence is starting to take over.

That's what I do in life, every time I am afraid to do something... I just do it regardless of what might happen. I count my first try as a warm up, i don't care about how ugly it gets, for as long as I started it... I know that my next try will be alright. And it does, my momentum starts to get nicer, I was able to found my rhythm and everything runs smoothly.

What is your warm up routine? if you're a slow starter like me then you need to have it. Always remember that once you've done it... start the real task right away. If you need to talk to your crush and you're scared like a wounded pig... just pray secretly, after doing it... go and talk to her, once you finished praying you need to immediately talk to her, even if she's doing something or she's busy... talk to her or else your mantra will lose its effectiveness. Talk to her like a hungry dog looking for a bone, talk to her even if you're scared and you're almost pissing your pants. Always remember that there will never be a perfect timing.

Every time you feel lazy about doing something, set up a warm up routine. For example, if you're so lazy reviewing your lessons... start with a warm up routine, ready a few lines first in your lesson and then never stop. Read a few lines slowly, think about it and then never stop, never stop until you're done. It's all about opening your book and notebook and sticking with the review session until you fell asleep... that's how simple it is, you really need to enjoy boredom if you want to become successful, enjoy the process to get things done.

Actually, you really don't need a warm up if you want to start something. If you have the will to win or finish then you don't need it but what if you don't have the motivation? you need to have mantras or rituals so you can do it. Choose your own rituals, choose what is the best for you and will make you do it. It doesn't need to be a perfect ritual, whatever works is right.

Jan 27, 2018


Believe in being slow, believe in the power of slow. You need to be in the moment of you are feeling the pressure, you need to relax while moving if tension is really high. Take it slow, if you are slow then you will be able to think clearly, if you are slow your fear will go away little by little. Life is not all about who is fast and who is not, life is also about who is calm and can think under pressure. It's ok if you are slow, you are not competing with others, you are not proving them that you're the better person. A lot of people out there are fast but can't make the right decisions in life, they were always in a hurry that's why they make a lot of mistakes. Don't race with them, find your own pace, never panic if you're last, don't be scared if you're not making any progress. You can run your own pace and never care if you're first or last. If you're slow then you will see all the details around you, you will feel your environment and make adjustments easily if needed. Be slow so that you will be able to think easily, be slow so that fear will subside. Just make sure that you're doing it right and you're consistent in taking actions. Be slow, forget about their rules, forget about what they're trying to achieve, forget about what they are trying to get. Forget about what they think, just go for what you want and stop thinking about anything else.

You can increase your speed whenever you already have the confidence, you can make a dramatic progress if needed. It's all up to you, you don't need to prove yourself, you don't need to make them believe that you're one of the best. Just take it slow and do whatever it takes to win, consistency and determination will make you look fast even if you're slow. The only way to figure things out is to take it slowly and think deeply. Just like when you're lost in an unknown territory... you can still find a way if you're not rushing things. Just look for the sign boards, feel your environment and try to regain your confidence back.

Be proud of you're slow but still moving, people will quit right away once they see that they are not progressing. You're one of a kind if you're patient, you can make your own decisions if you are slow, you can have a perfect timing if you are doing things patiently. So keep moving, keep working, you will go further if your're taking things slowly, you will reach the places that you haven't reached yet, you will see the possibilities, you succeed in just a matter of time. Being slow but still moving means you really want it and you are serious in making it. So if you are lost... just take it slowly and you will figure out what to do next.

Jan 26, 2018


Work now, this is a fun ride even if you don't know what you're doing, even if you know the next step... keep working, just make a guess, make a lucky guess. It's better to be moving than simply being stuck in a mad. It's ok to make mistakes, it's ok to become imperfect. The idea here is you can figure it out if you're really serious about it. Just give your best and keep guessing, there is nothing wrong in making a guess for as long as you're working hard and still being passionate about it. This is a journey and in journey you will fall down, you will stumble, you will do some silly mistakes but in the end you will still become successful if you keep on dedicating yourself to success. Life is a circus, pursuing a goal or doing a difficult task is circus, you can educate yourself and follow certain patterns that will make the job successful or you can follow a more fun path that will make you stumble but will make the journey more fun. Just make sure that if you made a mistake you will admit it and you will never act like everything is cool. There will be disappointments and frustrations but you need to embrace all of them. All you need to remember when things are not going on your way is you will still find a way, you will still get things done if you will persevere and keep the passion alive. Keep the fire alive, keep the momentum alive... because if you will never quit then you will make it.

Make a bold guess, make a confident guess, it doesn't matter if you break everything, it doesn't matter if you destroy everything... if you're willing to make a stand and push until the end then you will get away with it. Decide, make a decision and make sure you will stick with it no matter what, never leave it until you made it successful. Because the truth is... you don't need to know everything, you don't need to make everything working, for as long as you're making a small amount of progress then you're fine. It's ok to feel lost, it's ok to feel down because the only rule is... if you're moving forward then you will make things right, you will get what you want, you will reach the finish line.

Guessing while moving is better than knowing the perfect details but not taking any actions at all, remember that life is a process, it's a journey, you don't need to be perfect because if you're really serious about it then you will find a way. PUSH, one word, a strong philosophy, this will never fail you, you will see an opening, you will find a hope, just keep pushing and never give up until you collapse.  Never mind if the mistake is so ugly because just like what I said... you can fix it, it may eat a lot of your time but for sure you're going to fix it, you're going to finish it.

Jan 23, 2018


All you need to do is replace fun with hard work and you already succeeded because all you need to do is work hard and have fun with it. What is fun right now is not fun at all, you think it's fun? if it will not give you positive benefits in the end then it's not really fun. Activities such as day dreaming, watching movies a lot, eating so much foods, buying stupid things that doesn't matter... yeah they are all fun in the beginning but they have no equivalent rewards, your time is running but they don't have rewards in the end. How about working hard? how about doing something that will improve your life? yeah they are not fun at all, it's hard but if you can  program your mind to have fun while doing these hard things then you will become successful in the end. Just have fun while working hard, it's the same as being lazy... your time is running but the only difference is you will get benefits in the end. Unlike doing things that are meaningless... your time will run, you are wasting your time without getting anything.

You can trick your mind and tell it that you're having fun at the moment, working hard is no different from being lazy. If you will have fun while working hard, if you can change your attitude towards your work then you will become successful. The truth is.... it is better to work than to become lazy, not doing anything is stressful even more. Yeah it is easy but your mind is becoming rusty, your body is getting slower... it is a double stress for you if you're not doing anything. It's harder and it will make your life uglier. So do something abut your life now, move now and never stop until you become successful, don't be afraid to get tired because not doing anything is tiring even more, you will experience more fatigue if you're simply watching your tv and pressing the remote control. 

Are you having fun with gossiping, watching other people's lives and doing things that are very easy? yeah it is fun in the beginning but it is not really fun at all because there are no progress in those activities. If you want your life to change then you must develop a habit of having fun while working hard because the real fun is in there, the real fun is with difficult activities and not with easier activities. Time is fast, you will never get bored while working hard if you will take it one step at a time, living consciously is better than living unconsciously, don't live in an auto pilot mode, appreciate every movement of your body, appreciate every actions even if it is really hard. 

Look for an activity that will improve your health, mind and body. Look for an activity that will improve your financial status. Just start now, yeah it is hard to start but you really have to force yourself to start or else you will be trapped in that ugly place forever. The most beautiful place in the world is a place where you are moving and growing not a place that is full of stagnancy and laziness. Take it slowly if needed but make sure that you're working hard and pushing yourself. Have fun doing the difficult things, appreciate that you can still take actions now because in the future... when you get older you will never be able to take actions anymore. 

Jan 22, 2018


Don't be threaten by little threats, those are nothing. Just keep pushing forward and always give your best no matter what. Those threats are only making your fears bigger. Never mind them, never fix what is not broken, focus on your work, focus on your goals and try to become successful in your own way. If there is a threat that the economy is down or the prices of products are getting higher... forget about it, never mind it. Never believe the news that is downhearting you. Be brave enough to believe in your visions and dreams, never focus on the problems instead focus on the solutions. Something will always threaten you, something will always bother you, you need to get use to it, treat it as something normal. Always remember that you can survive any small problems, even the biggest problems... you can survive it. It's your focus that will determine your future, if you will focus on little threats that will not even affect your life then you're in big trouble, your mind will be poisoned by negativity. You will be stunned, you will be confused and will not be able to know what to do anymore.

The idea here is if what you're doing is still working then keep doing it, keep working on it, keep getting better. Never let a simple threat make you feel weak. You are strong, even the big threats shouldn't avoid you from moving forward. It's all about moving forward despite of worrying, despite of hearing some threats. Because what else will you do? listen to your fears and change your direction? go to the easier path that has lesser rewards or have no rewards at all? it's a waste of time, stand for what you believe in and never give up. Never change direction, never change plans. Have a bold intention and destroy your hesitation.

Replace the negative thoughts by more positive ones and never believe in information that will degrade your motivation. You need to be always stay motivated everyday. Never slow down because of a stupid news, if you're threaten then fight by working hard and giving your best even more. You can survive and situation so what is it to be afraid of? always remember how strong you are, remember the things that you can do. If you have the power to become scared then you also have the power to believe. Stay focus on the grind, stay focus on the hustle and everything will be alright. If you're scared then just fake toughness and courage, fake it until it becomes real. Never show any signs of giving up, never show any signs that you can't go anymore.

Entertain your mind with your visions and dreams. You will get through any obstacles no matter what. You're too strong for little threats, just laugh at those threats and keep moving forward.  Replace those fears with actions, take massive actions and you will become very confident again. Just fight that threat, threat it too.

Jan 20, 2018


You can always make your life a little bit better. For sure there are ways to do it, actually there are millions of ways. You just need to be patient and sacrifice a little bit. It's all in the habits, your success relies on the habits that you have right now. If 90 percent of your habit is all about procrastination then how will you expect to become successful? Just try to be a little bit better today and success will be attracted to you slowly, it will fall into your hands one by one. Just be a little bit better than yesterday and that's it, stay consistent and never skip a day. Never skip working even if it's your birthday or Christmas day. Find ways how to make yourself a little bit better, you can find it if you're willing to improve. Seek for growth not for instant results.

Look for any areas in your personality that needs improvement and then do something to make it better, do something for it everyday, even if the action seems like no impact at all... still do it. It will accumulate in the end, all of your efforts will add up that will produce a huge result. Change is easy, you can even change today, if yesterday you did things late you can do it early today, that is already a change. But what makes it difficult is consistency, it's hard to become consistent, it's hard to do it everyday because you will get bored, you will get tired of waiting fore results to come in. You really need to force yourself to commit so that permanent change will take place. It takes a lot of self control and discipline, it is possible if you really want a change in your life.

You don't necessarily need a dramatic change in your life. You don't need to make a huge impact. Just make your life a little bit better, do something positive and be patient for the big change to happen. If you perform terribly bad yesterday just try to give your best today, try not to repeat the same mistakes that you did yesterday. You can have a better life if you're willing to do the necessary steps.

If you earn 100 dollars yesterday you can earn 101 dollars today, that's an improvement, be proud of it because at least you break your record. Try to add one dollar each day and you will see a significant improvement in your salary. Consistency is very powerful, it can conquer the biggest dream in the world. It can give you anything you want but you have to be patient in waiting.

Always seek for a little growth, always try to break your records. Push a little bit more, work a little bit more. If you run 30 minutes yesterday then run 31 minutes today. You think it will not make a difference but if you keep adding one minute every now and then then you will see that the results are coming fast.

Jan 19, 2018


You better start living your dream now or else it will die, living it doesn't mean getting it fast, it means you are getting closer from it little by little, it means you are undergoing the process of getting it. You can have it gradually, it is better if you will get it slowly rather than getting it fast, getting it fast means you just got lucky, there is a possibility that it will go away fast too because you don't know how to take care of it, you didn't suffer that's why you will not give it a value. You will take it for granted and you will become very arrogant.

Think about it, think that it's already yours, all you have to do is take massive actions to get it. For sure it will be yours in the right time but for the meantime you really have to work hard, I mean real real hard work and focus, you have to have that insane drive so that you will be able to do impossible things and still take actions when the road gets rough. Never hesitate nor procrastinate... just do it.

You have the right to dream, you always knew it, you're just afraid to get your dreams. Just start now and never stop... that's it. It's a long journey but it's going to be so much fun especially if you're serious about it. Be ready to face the challenges, never be scared to fail over and over again. It is all part of the process, don't be afraid to try again and again to become successful. Always remember that pain will make you grow, it will make you a better person so don't be afraid of it... ever, face it and try to process it. Try to give it a different meaning, be happy about it and it will become weak.

All you have to do is take actions and that's it, living your dream means movement, it means motion, it means doing something for it regardless if it is big or not. Ask something for it, sacrifice for it, always think about it... that is what living your dream is all about. If you can't make results it means your effort is not enough. You can't be making excuses if all you do is think about it and not do anything for it. Always be patient, take your time but move fast as much as you can. You can't be waiting for it to happen, you can't be relying on someone to do it for you. Little by little... attract it into your life.

You can only become truly happy if you're living your dream, it gives satisfaction to your dying soul. It gives your life a real meaning. Just focus, stay positive and keep taking actions everyday. Consistency is the key here, if you're really serious then you must be mad if you can't do something for your dream. Make it your life, make it a major part of your system.

Jan 18, 2018


Embracing any kind of feeling is freedom. You feel free because you don't care if you are feeling bad or good, you think that you're always alright no matte what you feel. Nothing can stop you, you will still move despite of feeling bad. You don't wait to feel good before you take actions, you just do it no matter what.

If you feel happy now and you really want to laugh hard... laugh, embrace the feeling, don't be shy to express it... show them how you feel, never stop it nor contrast it... let it go, let it fly.

If you feel so bad and you're so depressed... embrace that feeling, never resist, never make dramas. But still... always do your responsibilities, always keep moving because that is the best way to change how you feel. You must entertain yourself through actions.

Any emotion will go away if you will embrace it, if you feel negative, if you feel scared then keep being scared but always make sure you are thinking right, always make sure you are doing what is best for your life.

Problems will arise, challenges will come into your life but if you were able to embrace everything that will come into your life, if you were able to embrace all the random feelings that you may feel... you will live life easier.

It doesn't matter if you feel bad, it doesn't matter if you're scared, what matters is you're not afraid of any kind of emotions. You're not afraid of anxiety, you're not afraid of depression, you're not afraid of fear because you know you will feel better in just a matter of time.

Any emotion is just an emotion, it will never hurt you physically, you are the only one who can hurt yourself. It's not a big deal. If there is a problem.. embrace it, deal with it, feel blessed that you're still alive. Life is so sweet, emotions is what makes it sweeter. Always remember that what you feel now will never star in your system forever. You may feel bad now but eventually you will feel good later. Life is a roller coaster of emotions.

You can always control your emotions if you will try to embrace it and never make it a big deal. If something is disturbing you... feel it, don't react so fast, let it disturb you and don't overreact... soon you will see that it's nothing, that it's not a big deal and all it does is make you feel bad. You feel bad because you think it's bad but if you will think deeply then you will know that it's not that really bad, it's pretty annoying but it will never even affect your life, health or financial status. It's just a little bit annoying, you can still work with it.

Any kind of emotion that is running in your system right now... all you have to do is embrace it and make peace with it. It's annoying, yeah it is but what are you going to do? make everything a big deal? treat everything as a problem. You have the power to tame all of your emotions, your emotions is the one that is affecting your life and not the things that are outside of yourself.

Jan 17, 2018


If you can't get rid of something in your system... just lower the dosage. For example, if you're an alcoholic and you're drinking 10 bottles of beer everyday... try to limit it to 8 bottles, this will lower the damage in your body. Try to bring it down to 8 bottles for a few weeks then if you're already comfortable with that number try to lower it to 5 until you completely get rid of it in your system. If it's hard to remove it fast then remove it gradually.

Just like in watching TV, if you're so addicted to it and you're watching 8 hours a day, try to trim it down to 5 hours a day. Just try it and you will see that you have a more free time doing productive things that really matters.

If you're eating 5 cups of rice everyday, try to reduce it to just 3 cups. There is a benefit in trying to reduce the intake, it will give you good rewards in the future. Of course it's uncomfortable, of course it's stressful but you have to endure it if you want your life to become better.

Lower the numbers of the things and activities that are making your life harder and slower, this technique will somehow improve the quality of your life. There is a benefit in decreasing, you will feel bad because the intake is lessen, you will feel less but the truth is you are having more. You are giving yourself the opportunity to become healthy, stronger and richer. You will have more time, energy and health. The change will not happen right away but the more you decrease your vices and keep doing it for a long time, you will see a dramatic change in your life.

Sometimes all you need to do is not do something and your life will change. Stop gossiping, stop thinking negatively, stop focusing on other people's lives, stop smoking, stop drinking too much, stop doing unproductive things. Those habits will be replaced by better ones and you will see a big change in your life.

Just focus on the small positives in your life and you will have a good life, for sure there are lot of positive things that are happening in your life, all you have to do is appreciate it.

Fall in love with the small progress, fall in love with taking baby steps and taking small steps. Life is so simple if you will make it simple, just learn to endure and always practice delayed gratification. There is nothing wrong in not having too much.

Lower the dosage of your spending habits, stop buying things that doesn't matter. Always remember that saving is more fun than spending, it's good to be counting your money rather than buying things that will go old on just a few weeks. You will feel better if you have more money, it's a growth, an addictive growth that is powerful if you're committed to it.

Starting today... look at the things that you need to lessen, look at the habits that you don't need to be doing. Study them and starting today, give lesser time to them, it's better if you will ignore them all at once.

These are the list of things that you need to lower the dosage, do it and you will have a better life:

1. Spending habits
2. Smoking
3. Drinking too much
4. Giving time to people who doesn't really matter
5. Gossiping

Jan 16, 2018


Look at you situation and make an assessment, if yous situation sucks then you need to make a decision right away, the decision to move and change your life.

If your situation is really bad, let's say you're broke then the action that must be taken is already revealed, you need to change your life, you need to do something about it.

Look at your situation now, if your poor then make money, go find a work, go find 2 or three works and earn money as much as you can... as simple as that. Don't ever ask yourself how are you going to do it... just do it. It sucks having no money right? you feel powerless and useless so start making money now and never stop until you become rich.

Looking at your situation deeply will give you a clue on what to do, look at yourself, how are you feeling? if you feel bad about your current situation then it only means you need to do something about it.

If your health is in jeopardy because you eat a lot and you're not exercising then that's what you need to do... exercise, diet, as simple as that. Once you a bad situation then do something about it right away.

You need to work on the bad area of your life. Whether it's about money, health, mental problems... you need to work on it before it gets worse.

Do something about it, decide now, don't be shy, don't stop yourself. You always knew what to do and you have to do it or else you will become a full time loser in the end, your life will sucks even more, do you want it? If you don't feel good about something... get rid of it or try to improve it, decide now before it's too late.

Jan 15, 2018


Focus on your own numbers, numbers that were purely created by you and only you. You produce it by using your own process and technique, you get it by using your own knowledge, strength and timing.

Be happy in creating your own money, if you can earn 50 dollars a day, it's fine, never compare your money with others, just count it, be happy with it and try to grow it day by day, it's all about the growth and appreciating your own work. Count your own numbers and never count other people's numbers because that will produce jealousy and bitterness. You will only feel bad if you saw that someone is better than you. Focus on your own numbers and you will become really happy.

So what id they are creating more than you? does it even matter? it matters if you're needy of attention and power, it matters if you're always seeking for appreciation. The only appreciation you need is appreciation form yourself and from the people that truly cares about you.

Create any kind of number. The number of minutes you can run everyday, the number of push ups or pull ups you can do today, the number of tasks you did, the number of clients you emailed... it's fun to focus on your own number. Make it grow, make it bigger, don't stop until you have enough.

Even if your numbers were just small.. be happy with it, if you truly work hard for it then appreciate it and never think that you didn't do well. Of course you did well, if you put your heart and soul into it, if you really work hard and stay passionate by doing it then you did well, you should congratulate yourself and create more numbers tomorrow and the next day and so on. You will never stop creating your own numbers, you will never stop growing.

Jan 14, 2018


Don't b afraid to get it, don't be afraid to touch success. Success is scary but it will never kill you. You can't get success because you're afraid of it, you're so afraid that you can't handle it. You're so afraid that you might get hurt if you can't get it.

You are literally so scared, it's ok, you're just a human. Always remember that success is really scary and exciting, you never know what will happen, you never know what's next. You never know how will you feel if you fail or if you get it. Success is a mystery that it so hard to solve.

Sometimes you're already successful but you can't still feel successful because your standards are so high.

You're so scared to take the risk because fear is stopping you, you're thinking about failing rather than succeeding. You're so scared to try, you are passing the responsibility to others, you don't want to take the blame. If you're not willing to take the blame then you will never become successful... as simple as that.

Success is demanding, it demands a lot of you time and effort. You need to sacrifice a lot that's why you're afraid of getting it.

Success is all about how you feel, you need to feel great in order to become successful. So starting now... forget all of your fears and worries, destroy procrastination and start taking action.

Just don't be scared to try, remember that you only have one life, remember that you will not be here forever so you better act like tough and start chasing success. Touch it, feel it, embrace it, never shy away from it.

Jan 13, 2018


You need to do it by yourself, learn to do it because there will be times when nobody is available to do it for you. You have to be flexible, always strive to learn how to do it by yourself because if not... you will not be able to move forward.

Not all the time you can pay someone to do it for you, not all the time you have money to rent for a service. If there is a simple clog in your sink... don't try to call a plumber right away, research first and try something. See if you can solve it by yourself, sometimes it's just a small problem and all you have to do is take small steps to resolve it. Try to fix it on your own, this will save you a lot of cash.

Sometimes it 's very easy but because you're too lazy and spoiled... you want someone to do it for you. The thing is this... not all the time people will help you, what if nobody is there to do a small task for you? it means you're in trouble. Strive to become a doer not a help seeker.

The truth is... you can always learn how to to do something, all it takes is just a little asking, just a little trying. Don't be scared to mess up because you will learn a lot by messing up, you can always start from the very beginning, you can always create a temporary solution if you can't fix it permanently. The idea here is you are doing it on your own and that is a big asset, that is a big advantage. Knowing a lot of things will make your life easier, actually you don't need to learn a lot, you just need to be a tryer, you just need to be independent.

There is always a solution for every problem, a temporary solution is better than no solution at all. You need to be a working guy, you need to be someone who can make fixes by your own. Just like I said, not all the time you have a lot of money to pay someone, not all the time someone is there to clean your dirt. Have a mindset of being independent and responsible if you want to have an easier life.

Jan 12, 2018


Learn to love yourself even if you're incomplete and imperfect. Learn to love yourself even if no one loves you because if you will not... then what the hell will happen to you? everyone will belittle you, everyone will take advantage of you. They will see you as a weak puppy lost in the forest.

Loving yourself will build the confidence in you, it will make you appreciate the world even more. You will become a positive thinker, you will become happier than ever.

Even if you're not beautiful... love yourself, even if you're not talented... love yourself. Yourself is the only think that you can love without having regrets in the end. You may love somebody but you will regret it if it doesn't make you happy in the end. But if you will love yourself... you will never regret because it gives you true happiness.

Loving yourself means opening yourself to different possibilities and experiences, if you love yourself then you will always treat yourself, you will always give yourself a chance to try something new. You will please yourself, you will become a little bit selfish but that's ok, there is nothing wrong with that. All people have selfishness in their own unique ways.

If you will not love yourself then who else will truly love you?

Jan 11, 2018


What are you hiding? why are you hiding it? is it really bad? or was it just a simple flaw? There is no reason to hide it. You are imperfect and you have to deal with it, no one is perfect in this world. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone has an ugliness in his body. They have no right to judge you because they too are not perfect.

Expose it, be proud of it, even if they laugh at you.. so what? it's not the end of the world. The more you express and expose your true self... the more people will love you, they will appreciate your sincerity and being genuine. People loves real, they were so sick and tired of fakes and pretentious.

Expose your weakness, admit your flaws and mistakes. It is what it is, if it's true then all you can do is be proud of it. Your weakness will become strength if you will openly talk about it and do something to develop it.

You can always change what is ugly in you, and if you can't change it then so be it.

But never feel ashamed of your ugliness, it's normal, you're just a human and you cannot have everything in life, not everything will be given to you. You will also get imperfections so don't be hard to yourself because there is nothing to be ashamed of about yourself. Expose the ugliest spot in your body and you will become comfortable about it .

Jan 10, 2018


If you want to become really happy, I mean were talking about real happiness here... don't seek for appreciation nor approval. Because if you do... you will always feel conscious, your actions will be based on other people's reactions, you are tying yourself up with their judgement.

Just be yourself, be natural and you will be happier. No need to ask for permission to anyone about how are you going to do something, if you have your own style then use it regardless of what might they say.

Never seek for appreciation, some people will appreciate you and some people will put you down, you cannot make all people to like you. Some people will hate you and that's ok. No matter how good you are, there will still be some people who will raise their eyebrows, deal with it and stop being too sensitive.

Sometimes you already knew how to do it but you're still seeking for approval, it is a weak move. If you are at least 70 percent sure that you're right then stop asking someone else if you're right... just do it.

You will be limited if you're always seeking for appreciation or approval, you will be scared, you will become conservative. Detach yourself from what other people might say and you will feel free, you will gain more confidence, you will experience real happiness and freedom.

Jan 9, 2018


Patience is the number one key to become successful. If you have a lot of it then you will go further, you will be able to reach the final stage. Being patient will make you avoid quitting, it will make you mentally tougher. A lot of people were good but they don't have patience that's why they fail.

1. Never look for results or outcome. Just keep working, never look for results because if you work hard and you can't see it... you will quit, you will take a different route that you think is easy. Just keep working and working and you will get there.

2. Accept that it's hard. Of course it's hard, nothing is easy in this world but the key to make something easy is to enjoy it, accept that it's a process and you need to exert a lot of effort to become successful.

3. Pretend that you're not mad. Fake your feelings, pretend that it's ok not getting the results that you're expecting.  You can fake your feelings, pretend that you're happy and you will really become happy. Fake your laugh, pretend that you are loving every second of your struggle.

4. Take a break if needed. Sometimes your mind is already cluttered, you are overwhelmed. Take a break for 5 minutes, stretch your body, meditate and go back to work again.

5. Make taking actions as your number one habit. People are so impatient because they are afraid to work, they are so lazy, they don't want to get tired. Rest is their default, if you can make taking actions as your default then everything will be easy for you. You will never get stressed. 

6. Always look at the bigger picture. Look at your goal, look at what you wanted to achieve and you will become patient even more. Always remember that you're not going to get it if you will quit.

7. Never look at the clock nor calendar. Never look at the time remaining or what time it is. Just work, never wait for lunch or dinner or recess.. just work. Always looking forward to rest will make you mentally breakdown. 

Jan 8, 2018


Some people have great talents but they cannot even move, they were so lazy, they think that their talents alone will make them successful, they think that future us guaranteed to them. They will never work hard, they will just relax and act like they were entitled to become successful without even doing anything.

If you don't have any skills or talents... you still have a chance, all you gotta do is outwork everyone, give your very best every single day and you will become successful. You will improve, you will reach another level, you will even surpass those "talented" people.

A lot of people were so lazy, they are not giving their best. You know what... you can still feel lazy but you can force yourself to move, move despite of feeling heaviness in your body, take actions despite of not wanting to do it.

You can get ahead by simply forcing yourself to move, make this as your habit, if you can force yourself to move then you're one of a kind. It means you're not lazy, it means you're taking your life seriously. If you need to do it and you don't want to do it but you can force yourself to move and take actions despite of discomfort then you will become successful one day.

Accept that you cannot simply do everything you want. If all you want to do is do what you want then you will never work, you will just take a vacation, act like a boss and live an easy life.

But that doesn't how life and success works. Success will work if you are willing to take massive actions. Just a little headache and toothache should not stop you from working.

Moving is the best skill ever, simply moving and taking actions fast. You don't need to warm up or perform rituals before you move, if you really want to take actions then you will move right away, do something and make things happen.

Jan 7, 2018


Don't be afraid to start now, don't be afraid to make mistakes. Start now and make adjustments later if needed. You can always correct your mistakes, it's a journey... you will start now and take the necessary steps to reach the finish line even if correcting your mistakes.

Starting is easy if you will not think, forget the outcome, forget about perfection. Just what like I said... this is a journey, if your intention is right then it is the right move. You always have the right move, just be confident and take relentless actions.

Make mistakes as much as you can, there is nothing wrong with that, one day you're going to make it. It's not about smooth sailing and making it fast, it's not about being the best and having a flawless record. It's about sticking with the process until you get results.

Start now, whatever you can think of, whatever idea that runs inside of your head... do it, execute it, don't be scared if you're right or wrong. You will eventually know later if you're right or wrong if you keep moving and keep taking actions.

You always knew the next more, you're just too hesitant to try it. Always remember that time is running out, if you will waste a lot of time then you will never get anything you want in life. Time is fast, it is too scary because a year feels like a month. You think it's still 11 months before Christmas and the year is still long but you will never even notice that it's another new year.

Start even if you suck, start even if it feels not right. It's all about starting, it's not about finishing... it's all about starting.

Start fast and finish strong, stay focused, commit and dedicate your time to finishing something great.

Jan 6, 2018


Building courage is really that simple, all you have to do is face your fears. It's not that you will act tough right away, you are taking small actions and you are feeling the fear gradually. Being courageous is a choice, your situation maybe tough but if you choose to move and face all the consequences that might happen... you will be able to build a momentum and get the right amount of courage to keep moving.

Face it, face what is needed to be faced. Face it even if you will get hurt, you have to face the pain... that is what courage is all about. Yeah, it is really hard but it will become harder if you will do nothing in your life.

Life is tough but you need to be tougher, keep in mind that you're the one who put your life in a tough spot. You did it by yourself, no one is responsible for you own actions. The real root of your being a pussy is inaction, you're not moving that's why doubts and fears are eating you. You created your own ghost but the good news is you're also the one who can kill all of those fears and scary thoughts.

You have to force yourself to take action now, whether you like it or not you have to do something or else your life will be wasted for nothing. This is the best time to act like you really have big amount of courage in your system. This is the best time to use your life for a bigger purpose.

Courage will only be achieved by facing fears, again it doesn't mean that the fears will go away easily. You will absorb it in your system and be one with it, you have to unite with fear. You have to keep moving despite of feeling it. Fear is nothing if you will do something about it. Look it in the eye, imagine what is the worst thing that may happen if you move, what was that? nothing right? So get up and do what is needed, build the courage gradually and get what you want.

Jan 5, 2018


Hard work is a great attention grabber, you don't need to talk, you don't need to become needy... just work hard and they will see your presence.

Make them feel your hard work and you will attract a lot of opportunities, people will feel how serious you are, they will know what you are made of. 

Hard work is simply being serious, working harder and faster and giving your best. You don't need to worry about anything else if you do it. People will like you, the universe will bless you, you will get what you want. It may not come fast they way you expect it but for sure there is a reserve that is designated to you only. 

You can work harder and harder each day. If the results were not yet coming it only means you need to work harder and harder each day. As you go harder your life becomes better. You will never feel alone if you work hard because people will praise you, they will look for your services, they would love you to be as their partner. They trust you and appreciate you. Especially if you are not seeking for a reward for your hard work. 

It seems like you're creating an invincible energy that people wants, they want to follow you and feel your power. Hard work is powerful, it's a great weapon, just trust it and you will become very happy with your life. You will feel confident, you will feel that there is nothing that can put you down.

So if you ever feel lost... make them feel your hard work, work hard, give another definition to work, make your work elevate to the highest level. 

Hard work will give you direction, it will give you everything you need. You will be proud of yourself if you really work hard, you will never feel inferior. They will feel it, they may not feel it now but just keep working hard and you will see what I am talking about. 

In anything you do... make sure you work really really hard, make it something special, put your hear into it and you will never regret it. 

Jan 3, 2018


Feel the pressure, feel the tension but don't ever panic, don't ever give up, don't freak out. feel the pressure but manage to stay relax. Forget about what might happen next. Pressure creates diamonds if you will surpass it. 

Pressure is just a feeling, it is a sign that you must give your best. You must move faster and work harder. You will become more creative if you're feeling the pressure so don't be afraid of it. 

The key here is always be aware if you are being pressured. If you feel that pressure is around... stay relax and calm, always take positive actions. Never panic, never resist that feeling. Just feel it even if it's uncomfortable, you will become comfortable in a while. 

Feeling good is not always good, it will make you comfortable and cocky, you will think that you already made it which is not true. You haven't made a significant success yet. If you always feel good about your situation then you're not growing anymore. If you want to grow then you need to feel the pressure. 

Leveling up requires a high amount of pressure. You will only evolve if you're willing to face the pain. A good example is a spoiled brat pampered by his mom until his teenage years. He always get what he wants even if he don't need it, he will get it even if it is making their lives suffer. If a high amount of pressure hits this kid... he will freak out, he will panic, he will not know what to do. It's because he haven't feel any pressure since he was a kid, he didn't grow.

If you're in pressure your creative mind will click, you will come up with the best ideas just to survive. Yeah, you're in a survival mode but that is good because you're learning by yourself.

If the deadline of a project is still far... people will not work, people will stay chill but if it is almost there... they will do whatever it takes to beat the deadline, they can come up with different ideas that they can't think before. 

But that doesn't mean that you need to be pressure first before you move, sometimes if the pressure is too big... you got overwhelmed, the result is inaction. 

So while your life is still good, while you're still in a good position and you can breathe freely... put pressure on yourself, pressure yourself to take actions so that if the real pressure is there... you will never be scared of it. 

Jan 2, 2018


It's new year now, you can erase all of the bad memories of 2017. Erase all the bad memories from the past because today is a new day, it's new year... the dreams were alive again. make this year different, start this year fast and finish it strong.

No more time for excuses, no more time for lame habits. Conquer this year and make it so alive. Make it great, do everything in your power to get all the things you want and achieve all of your goals. It's time to become greedy, be greedy of your time, never give some of it to people who doesn't even matter. Do what is important and become relentless in pursuing your dream.

Don't ever think that you have a lot of days remaining, time is very fast, this year will end fast, don't waste it like last year. This is another opportunity to have a better life so don't ever squander it for nothing.

Make a special run, work the hardest, give your very best. Forget all the mistakes from the past, forgive yourself if you didn't give your best last year. This is a new era, it is your era, make the best out of it and live like a king.

Make a special run, a run that you haven't done before. A run that was hard but is worth it, push yourself to the limits and do some impossible things.

Never care about what people might say, if you want to pursue an impossible dream then pursue it, never stop until you have it.

Remember that it is not your obligation to make sense to everyone, what you wanted to do... do it the way you wanted to do it. Make this year as your year, own it.

Jan 1, 2018


There's no need to to worry if there is a parking space for you because there will always be. No need to think about it, no need to rush. Even if the place you are going is crowded... you will still find a parking area, you may not see it right away but you will see it in a while if you look hard. You may find it somehow a little bit far from the place that you need to go to but at least you still find something.

Just like in life, you may not always find what you want that fast but you will still find it. You will still see it no matter what, just seek hard and you will find. Stop complaining, stop making excuses, stop seeing negative... just do what you need to do because that is what you should do.

Sometimes you need to look longer, sometimes you need to wait but for sure you will find something, just be patient and never lose your cool.

The only thing that stops you from seeing it is you, you are always in a hurry, your mindset is about scarcity and not about abundance. You should relax and never think that it's hard to find it. Of course you need to work for it but don't ever think that it's hard because if you always keep thinking about it then you will really have a hard time, you will miss the opportunities that is in front of you because you were too busy complaining and pointing fingers.

Did you ever go to a mall and you didn't find a parking space? I bet your answer is no, it simply means you will always find a place. There is always something available for you, all you have to do is believe. This idea applies in all areas of life. They say that there are lot of Engineers in the world and you will have a hard time looking for a job. It's true that there are lot of engineers but there will always be an available slot for you if you never give up looking for it. What you are looking for is also looking for you so always have a positive mind and never stop pursuing your goal.