Dec 9, 2022


Ignoring the nonsense one by one, being aware of what you think and what you do... that is the most effective way to change your life and achieve greatness. There will be a millions of temptation that will try to distract you and if you can notice them and identify them as something that slows you down and make your life harder then you will level up and will achieve your goals faster. Because the only thing that stops you is your inability to focus and cross out all the things that doesn't matter. Ignore what slows you down and focus on becoming faster and doing more. Fall in love with speed, fall in love with being productive and disciplined. This is the way to improve your life, you will get bored and stressed but it is a healthy stress. If you really want some change in your life then you better be good on ignoring things and information that are complete garbage. 

Avoid the dramas because it's not serving you at all. Yes it's giving you an emotion but it's destroying your mind, it's filling your mind with negative information that you can never use for everyday life. Avid the drama and you will feel much better with your life, you will feel lighter and better. Dramas will never make you better, it will only make you weak and stupid, it will never give you anything. Why super interested with a pregnant celebrity? An athlete who was jailed? a stupid tiktok artist who drinks a rat poison? etc etc. Nothing about it is helping you to evolve. Avoid dramas and you will be able to save a lot of time, you will become productive and positive. Stop consuming information that are interested but has zero essence. 

Ignore the past because all it does is make you a dramatic person, it's making you weak, it's eating a lot of your time. What is done is done, you can never bring it back anymore, accept it and move one. Real life is happening now, focus on the present moment and try to make your life spectacular as it can be. It's on you to get better, the power is in your hands, you're having a hard time with your life because you're not focused on the better and useful things of life, you got distracted easily, you're not doing what is suppose to help you. You're doing what most people do and that is why up to now you're still stuck in a mud. Ignore the BS one by one, train yourself, train your mind and eyes to see only the things that will help you to grow. Focus on yourself, focus on improving yourself, you will only become happier if you're focused on what you can control and that is your actions and thoughts. 

Protect your time and mind, never let it be wasted for consuming images, videos and information that fries your brain. You need to be better than that. It's not about how good you are, success is not about how talented you are... it's about how you manage to use your time. If you're just going to waste your day scrolling on social media and gossips then stop expecting to become great. You need to stay disciplined and committed for the rest of your life if you want to have an edge. 

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