Dec 5, 2022


Real power is not having a lot of money, it's being able to walk away from money and not letting it control you or make you do something that you don't even like. Don't let rich people use you, that's the number one method to become richer than them. If they can't make you do something then they don't have power over you. Treat them as business partners, you just do your job and you got paid. No time for free overtime, no time for work that you don't like, don't let them make you dance for a couple of bucks, don't let them make you work during sundays. Have the ability to walk away anytime you want if you feel like being abuse already. Because at the end of the day they need you too, yes maybe you are replaceable but if you can make them feel that you are ok to leave anytime soon then they can never use you. If you will take away the money out of the equation then nothing can use you, nobody can make you eat shit. That's why you need to save a lot of money so that you can have a lot of leverage, be wise in investing and saving so that you can have a lot of options, if you have more options then you will win. You will be in control, you will be able to command your environment and refuse to do what you hate to do. 

Make your value higher. Get better and better each day, hone your skills, develop everything that you can develop that will give you an edge in the future. Don't just waste your time watching stupid Tiktoks because it's making you poor, it's making you dumb and slow, you are wasting your future and potential every time you watch a lot of social media posts that doesn't even matter. You need to focus on growing and not on entertaining yourself. If you want to have a better control of your life... learn to save money and develop some skills so that Rich and abusive people won't have an option to use you. Always remember that if a rich person can't use you or make you do something then he's no richer than you. 

Believe in yourself, believe that you can become rich too, believe that you can become a millionaire in your own way. And if you can't get it now, at least don't be a slave of the rich people. It's just a matter of setting up your life, focusing on what works and practicing delayed gratification. Most broke people were consumers that's why they became the slave of the rich people. Use your money to create more money, use it for leverage, use it to make yourself more valuable. Use your money for building your own business, brand, style, ideas or empire. Don't use it just to please other people and forcing them to believe that you are rich. Use your money to get smarter of more experienced. Use it for security, use it to avoid being commanded by rich people. Because at the end of the day they will leave you, they can fire you anytime they want no matter how much you serve them. You need to be prepared all the time, you need to have a backup plan or a backup money so you can create the future or life that you desire. Again, it's ok if you are not rich but don't ever let rich people just stomp on you whenever they want. Don't let them make fun of you nor make you a slave. You only have one life why not use it for your own good and not for other people's good. 

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