Dec 7, 2022


The reason why you're so unhappy is because you're not attacking life, you're letting life give you what it wants to give you, you're not forcing fate, you're not trying to get better, you're so slow and always hoping. You're daydreaming all the time, you're always wishing for your life to change without even exerting an extra effort to make it a little bit better. You can make your life a little bit better by pushing yourself to do more and that is guaranteed. Be good in forcing yourself to move, do more so sadness and laziness won't catch you. Create a new business, build your own empire, create your you tube channel, learn a new skill, go out and meet new people, you have to attack life so it won't make you sad. You have to be fast, you can do a million things in one day, it's better to be moving than not moving at all. Because at the end of the day depression happens not because you're mentally ill, it happens because you're too lazy and always lying on your sofa while scrolling on facebook and simping. You're better than that, stop wishing for a better life if all you do is be slow all day. 

You can do more, you could have done more but you choose not to, if you keep living like that then you will have a lot of regrets in the end, your dreams will haunt you and it will never give you peace at night. While you still have some power... do more, create a new life by doing more. If you need to exercise do it now, if you need to study something do it now, if you want to ask for an increase to your boss do it now, never let the fear of making a mistake stop you, never let being scared of failure immobilize you. You need to force fate, it's simply about making your body move and that's it. Force your hands and feet to work, it's not that complicated. Do the work and attack life, never let laziness make you broke or weak, you have to create a new power and it will come from your work ethic. 

Start now, don't start later or tomorrow because you're not going to do it. Start now, no matter how you feel right now... start now and make something happen. It's going to get a lot easier if you will move faster and stop thinking too much. If you really want it then you will never care about how you feel, you will never care about what they say, you will focus on what you can do and do it to the extreme, nothing can stop you if you really want it bad enough. You will do whatever it takes, you will sacrifice your sleep, you will sacrifice everything that makes you comfortable. 

Attack life because you only have one, there is no spare, there is no second chance, live your life to the fullest and don't just use it for partying and stupid vacations, use your life to see what you can become and how far you can go. Ignore all the BS that stops you and slows you down, it's time to become great, it's time to become spectacular. 

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