Dec 4, 2022


Don't praise them too much, stop thinking that you're not as great as them, stop comparing yourself to others because it's the most disrespectful thing that you can do to yourself. You need to believe in yourself, stop feeling inferior because even the most successful people doesn't know everything, some were even dumb but they were able to find a way to become successful through perseverance and hard work. You can also get on top if you will just believe in yourself. These successful people were just strong believers, they're nothing special, they just believe in themselves and work hard, that's it, what they do is nothing complicated and special at all. You too can achieve something great if you will focus and work as hard as you can. Focus is a very powerful force, you can become what you wanted to be if you will dedicate your life into something. 

Neve care, just keep moving forward and make yourself closer to your goal. Never care if you're not good enough, you just need to strengthen your willpower and perseverance. All you have to do is push yourself to the limits and good things will happen to you. Never mind what they are doing, never feel insecure about other people because they don't know everything too. You just need to know and define what you are going to do today and do it twice or thrice, repeat a million times and you will become something special. Just do what you need to do everyday and you will become a master of it, as simple as that. It's consistency and determination that will make you great. It's the discipline that will put you on top and nothing else. If you will become the best version of yourself then nothing can ever stop you. You will become more and more confident, the better opportunities will be attracted to you. So do it fast, start fast and never stop, jut keep going no matter what and become the force that you wanted to be.

It's ok if you don't know everything, just keep going and you will find a way. It's ok if your skills were not good enough, it will get better as you keep trying. There is nothing missing in you, you just need to strengthen your mind, give your best and never quit even if the challenge was so hard. You can do anything if you will put your mind to it, just don't ever get discourage when things are not going well, just don't give up and you will get on top, as simple as that. 

There's no time for being hesitant, there's no time for belittling yourself. Allow yourself to become successful, face all the challenges, face your fears and force yourself to do what is needed now. Always be in a place of sense of urgency, you need to move faster than everyone else, you need to stop worrying and just focus on the execution. What will happen will happen, you will fail if you will fail, what you can't be doing is take this day for granted and think that there will always be another chance. That's why you're not succeeding, it's because you're too cocky and relaxed. You need to be pushing yourself now even if you feel lazy, stop squandering time and do whatever it takes to win in life. 

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