Dec 31, 2022


Repeat the process over and over again, stay consistent and never miss a day, never skip, never rest because you are improving everyday. You need to remind yourself that it is ok to fail, it is ok to see zero results for as long as you're working on it and not stopping. Remind yourself that you are getting faster, smarter and better every time you repeat the process. It's much better if you don't feel good about it because that is where growth happens. If you don't want to do it anymore and you still do it... congratulations because you're already on another level by doing that. You are improving everyday, it's getting better, trust the process and never give up. Never think that you are just wasting your time because you are getting zero results. Always remember that victory belongs to the most persevering and you can never win if you will doubt yourself and stop the process now. Keep going no matter what, it's either you go all in or don't do anything at all. Believe it whole heartedly and never compare yourself to anyone who is making it fast, stay in your lane and never get jealous with other people. Your time will come if you stay committed to what you do. Give everything you've got and never think about quitting even just for a second. Fight for what you want, go for it, start again today and push forward. Start fast and finish strong, you are developing a strong mentality every time you repeat the process again and again even if you already hate it. Stick on it and never let go, never think that it is not for you, you have what it takes to win. Repeat the process until the end because it will never be over until you win. 

You may not see the money, success, recognition now because it's not time yet. Guess what? you don't need any of it, you just need to continue the process of getting better. At the end of the day you really need to work hard, you can't expect success without working hard. So whether you are succeeding or not... still work hard as much as you can. Trust the numbers game, the harder you work and the more you try the bigger your chances of winning. Just do it, even if you don't want to do it again... just do it. Never let your mind think, stop over analyzing because it's not helping at all. Just start and follow through until the end. It will get better everyday, you just need to keep plodding and give your very best even if you can't see any progress. The universe is watching you, you will get what you want in just a matter of time. 

Become a finisher, become a doer, stop wasting your time hoping for things to get better. It will not get better if you don't make yourself better. Keep working on yourself, watch your thoughts and actions, see yourself evolving even on the smallest things. Every work will work, hard work works, dedicate yourself to the process because when an opportunity comes... you are ready. Do it again, make the same mistake again, fail again and again until you become successful. Just because you're failing time and time again doesn't mean you're not progressing. It's ok to be failure for a long time because you will become successful in just a matter of time. Just learn to wait and still work hard, never stop, keep believing and keep moving forward. 

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Dec 30, 2022


The time is now, the time for showing your skills and who you really are is now, it's showtime. Stop waiting for tomorrow, stop delaying the process, stop focusing on losing and just try. Give it a try, it's not about winning or losing... it's about trying and giving everything you've got no matter what the circumstance is. Focus on what you're trying to achieve and never stop pushing yourself to the limits. If you wanted to become great then stop putting doubts on yourself, set yourself free and give your all for the moment. Never think about the future and consequences, just go all in for today. Expose yourself to failure and face the pain, it's showtime, it's your time now, this is the moment to shine and use all of your power to create something bigger than who you are. 

Rely on your mentality, rely on your mindset. If you have a strong mindset then you can do anything, anything is possible to you. If you want to become great then reprogram your mind, reprogramming your mind will make you take different actions, you will form some new habits that is essentials for becoming successful. The time is now, see yourself winning now, learn to visualize positive things, learn to see yourself becoming faster and stronger and sharper. Don't be a loser forever, it's time to become a new you. Don't wait for New year, don't wait for a hero to save you, you are the one who can save yourself. Nothing can stop you if you will. Just do whatever it takes to win, push yourself every now and then and never stop. It's too simple if you have a burning desire, do something you haven't done before and take your skills to another level. Whatever skill you can develop... do it, watch yourself. It can be simply being faster, being more patient, working harder, believing more, working more... these are skills too that most people are not accepting. They thought that it's simply about results and being technical. You can make a progress by adjusting your attitude alone. 

Staying focused, committed, disciplined and dedicated were always overlook. These are simple attitude adjustments but can make a big difference in your life. Your mindset is everything, your habits is what will bring you to the top and not your intelligence or talent. You can become the smartest person but if you're too lazy and picky then you will never go further. You need to have a philosophy that you can use during the toughest hours of your life. You need a habit that will save you if you're struggling mentally and financially. You will never struggle physically if your mind was right, you will never suffer if you have the right mindset. So focus on building a powerful mind that cannot be penetrated by any kind of fear. Build a mindset that will save you from any danger or adversity. It's all in your mind if you can just build a very strong mind or belief then nothing can ever touch you. It's showtime, show them what you've got, push as hard as you can and never stop for a second. 

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Dec 28, 2022


So what if they love you or not? it will never contribute to your improvement. It's just words, appreciation, critics, harsh comments, likes. It will never make you better or worse. The real power is in your ability to work hard and stay committed. What people say is none of your business, you just need to keep moving forward all the time whether they like or dislike you. Social media is poisoning a lot of people's minds, it's making them believe that you need to become famous or likeable in order to become happy. Your happiness should not based on people's comments and appreciation. Your head will only grow bigger every time they give love to you. You have to watch yourself, never let your guard down. Just keep going even if you are being hated or loved. At the end of the day what matters is taking actions and nothing else. No matter how much they love you, you will never succeed if you're not taking actions. And even if they hate you, you will still become successful if you're giving everything you've got. 

Choose pulling the trigger not hearing what they say, choose to take actions no matter what and stop getting interested with what people say. Real power is within, stop looking for validation to make you feel better, stop looking for appreciation to feel confident. You don't need any fake claps just to feel superior. You can feel good by simply being you and working hard as much as you can. The best way to become confident is to work as hard as you can and chase your goals without any connection from anyone. Detach yourself from what people say, forget the love or hate and just do what you need to do, as simple as that. Because wanting their likes and approval is a fake happiness, you will be happy for a while but you will feel bad later especially if they're not giving you any attention anymore. Just focus on becoming the best version of yourself, focus on creating the better habits, reprogram your mind for success and there you go, you don't need anything else. 

Most people will only feel good and appreciated if they are being appreciated. They will feel sad if there is nobody kissing their ass, this is a very weak mentality. Time will come and you will feel unappreciated, you will feel alone and you must be ready for it. You must still feel strong being alone with no ally. You must still feel blessed even if you're not getting any attention or help, having this kind of mentality will make you powerful. Whether they like you or not, just keep going because you can never control how people feel about you. The only thing you can control is your thoughts and emotions. Never feel needy of their attention, never try to make yourself good all the time just to please them. Be good because you want to be good, never do something just for the sake of impressing people because you will be controlled by them. 

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Dec 26, 2022


The best revenge is not to become successful and letting them know that they made a mistake for hurting you. The best revenge is to never give them your time. If you can just have peace with yourself if you can't have peace with them then you will feel much better. They say that you must become big so the people that hurt you in the past will respect you, that is wrong, what if you can't become big? what if your goal will take a lot of years to accomplish? you are only hurting yourself even more if you have a mindset like that because you only wanted to become great not for yourself but for them, your life will still revolve around them. The best revenge is to forget them and never give them some time. Never think about them, never talk about them, stop making them feel that you're still attached to them. Let them go, completely ignore them and treat them like dead. 

Because every time you think about them, every time you hate them... you are burning yourself, you are the one who is getting hurt. And even if you become successful and they ignore you, you will still never feel accomplish. They will never respect you no matter how big you become. The best revenge is to ignore them and never think about them for once, as simple as that. Just live your life and forget about what happened in the past. If you come across the person that you hate then treat him like a ghost, never look at him, never talk to him, just live your life the way you wanted to live it. At the end of the day you are the one who is hurting yourself because of thinking about them, why not just think about your own life instead? 

It's all in the mind, you are hurting because you keep on thinking about them. If you will just think about some other thoughts that will make you feel happier then you will become happier and will never think about having a revenge anymore. Those people will never say sorry to you, they will never respect you and you need to accept it. Forget the past if you want to have a more peaceful life, be simpler and stop looking for validation and respect. Work on yourself, get better everyday not because you want them to fear you but because you are doing it for yourself. Give more time for yourself, if you are forcing yourself to get better so that they will get envy of you then you are not working for yourself, you are working for them and in the end you will still fail because you will never get the attention or treatment you think you deserve. 

Focus on what you can control and that is your thoughts emotions. Focus on taming your thoughts and you will have a better life, you will feel much better. Focus on what you want, revenge is not what you really want because it's about people who hurt you in the past. You can never progress and move forward if you're always thinking about the past, you don't need to force them to believe in you. Never care if they are happy because you are failing, never care about what they think of you, just feel free, if you can detach yourself from what hurts you then you are powerful, nothing can harm you again. 

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Dec 23, 2022


If you're feeling lazy, if you're scared, if you're losing your confidence... don't warm up, don't think about it and just do it. Look for the failure, look for embarrassment, look for failure. The idea here is to just move and try, you have to accept that you're going to fail but still try, forget about winning and focus on moving. This kind of mentality will make you very productive. Start mediocre, start weak but don't ever stop. Just do it without any form of attachment to anything, the reason why you can't move and feeling stuck is because you're judging yourself all the time, you think you're wrong, you think you don't deserve to win, you think you don't have the power to do it. But the truth is you have an unlimited power especially if you will not care about the outcome. Just do it, if you fail you fail, if you succeed you succeed. You should never care about winning or losing, care only about trying and not giving up. It is just a game, you will only win if you will try a million times. Keep trying and never give up, success will fall into your hands in just a matter of time. 

Push yourself to just do something. Never care about how you feel and just do it, never care about the results, the only thing you need to get worried about is your effort and speed. Check yourself if you are too slow, you need to be fast, you need to  hustle like a hungry cheetah that hasn't eaten for months. Because the reason why you can't take actions is you're thinking too much, you wanted to become perfect all the time and that's why you can't move. Like a fat man who is thinking too much about how to lose some pounds in his belly, he is thinking about what shoes to use for running, he is doing and endless research on you tube about how, where, when to run instead of just running, he is thinking too much that's why all of his energies were wasted for nothing. He can simply just go out and run, he can even run with barefoot only. Nothing can stop him if he is determined, he will never waste time, he will never warm up or do any kind of stretching, he will just go for it, he will go for the kill like a cheetah without any hesitation. 

Always choose speed, you need to be  fast in deciding and taking actions, you need to stop worrying too much and just go for it. Attack the task, face your fears, embrace it and never stop, as simple as that. You don't need to feel good all the time, the best thing about being a human is you can still take actions despite of not feeling good. You can do it even if you feel uncomfortable, there are no excuses here. You need to go all in, decide that you're going to finish it no matter what. Forget about the situation, forget about the future and just move. Stop warming up, stop delaying the process and just do it. 

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Dec 22, 2022


It's all in the mind, it all depends on your mentality and quality of thoughts, your mindset will dictate where you will end up. If you're always thinking about your fears then you will attract it in just a matter of time so stop thinking about losing, getting broke, sickness, poverty, recession, weakness etc. Instead think about abundance, greatness, strength, health, speed. Do whatever it takes to make yourself better, protect your mentality and never let anything limit you. You are unlimited, you're just not accepting it because you're too cautious of the future. You're worrying about what will happen next, the real life is happening now, you can create a better future if you will focus on the now and focus on what you can control. Focusing on what you can't control will only create bigger fears that will immobilize you and your body. You're stuck in a mud because you're too worried about what's going to happen next. Your fear will manifest if you will not force your mind to think differently. If you're scared right now just learn to breathe calmly and affirm better things, affirm better situations, talk to yourself and say to yourself that you are great and can overcome anything. 

if your mind was too crowded with BS then you will have a BS life, but if your mind is consuming positive things all the time then you will have a better life, as simple as that. What you see and think is what you're attracting, you need to check your mind all the time and overpower the hatred and negativity with positive thoughts and appreciation. Your mind is everything, if you can control the thoughts that come and go then you will become very powerful. It's all about what you are thinking now and what you will think later, it's the flow of thoughts that will dictate the outcome of your life. So what are you thinking now? 

So stop looking for what is wrong with your life, there is something wrong with your mind that is why your life was like that. You're thinking the wrong way, your mind is wandering everywhere, you need to put it back on the present moment and accept that all you can control is the present and not the future nor the past. Your mind is either destroying you or helping you. It depends on how you use it. It can be your strongest enemy or most loyal ally. The way you use your mind will dictate how you live your life. So if you keep on judging yourself and actions, if you keep on hating your life then you will never have a better life, it will always become negative. But if you constantly say nice words to yourself and you learn to appreciate everything about you then you will have a wonderful life, as simple as that. Focus on what you want and stop giving attention to what you don't want. 

Train your mind to see greatness so that you will work for greatness. See yourself working hard, doing the process and winning. Never complain about petty things, never care about things that bothers you. Let go of the thoughts that are not helping you. Forget the past, forget failures and visualize yourself winning now. It's all in your mind, it's a lot of work and discipline but if you really wanted to have a new life then you better tame your mind and guide it to the right path. 

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Dec 21, 2022


The plan is to stop having fun and just do the process, do the work and be relentless as you can be. The plan is to not stop and to become something you're not, it's to grow and evolve even on a slow pace. It's to thrive a little bit everyday by conquering your inner demons and controlling your mind to direct it to the right path. Time us running whether you spend your day being lazy or not, time will never wait for you, it is still fast, it is still valuable, the question is are you using your time the right way? are you using it for productivity instead of negativity? Time will never stop just because you feel lazy or depressed. Stop making dramas and do the work, time will never be refunded. 

Just keep going, even if you feel lazy or motivated... keep going no matter what and never stop. That's the best lifestyle you can ever have, keep going and be relentless to attack the challenges of your life. Don't be afraid to work, don't be afraid to get tired. Life is really like that, it will never be easy. Even if you're becoming successful, it will never be easy but it will become harder if you're not doing the right thing. You will struggle more if you will focus on looking for comfort and not doing the work that you are suppose to do. Take baby steps whenever you feel lazy and carry on, follow through until the end. Never look for completion and just focus on the process. Many people loves the results and that's why they are depressed and jealous of other people who are getting it. Life is a journey, it's a process. Never get tired of working hard because that is what you are suppose to do. 

Some people are really not working hard, you think they are working hard because they're working for 12 hours a day. The truth is they just knew what is the right thing to do, they're just focused and committed, they just wanted to win more than they wanted to rest. It's a norm for them. It looks like they're working hard but the reality is they're having fun. If you want to have more energy then work as hard as you can and never complain, enjoy delayed gratification, enjoy pushing yourself to the limits. Never care about what's going to happen next and just push yourself to keep working harder. DO whatever it takes to finish the next step and follow through until you're done. You can't be wasting a lot of your time because it will backfire at you in the end. Stop using your energy for nonsense things, stop acting like you're entitled to rest because you are not. If you want to become great then work like hell and push like a bull. 

Time is on your side if you're using it the right way, it will become your ally but it will become your enemy if you're squandering a lot of it. It will punish you if you're not taking care of it, stop thinking that you have a lot of time because that is arrogance. Use your time for the most important people and activities only. 

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Dec 20, 2022


Why quit if you can try again for one more time? if you can still try then keep on trying, life is not about winning, it's ABOUT MOVING FORWARD and giving yourself a chance to win. It's about erasing regrets with your effort and commitment. If you really want it then never quit, try again no matter how embarrassing it was. Just give your all, at the end of the day what they say doesn't matter, what matters is you're giving your all and you're not taking your life for granted. You can try again, you just don't want to struggle again that's why you're choosing to become a chicken, stop playing it safe and try again for one more time, you can make it if you really want it, you will never give up if you're really serious in getting it. Face the pain now, face the struggle and enjoy the boredom, quit being a cry baby. You can try as much as you want, nothing can stop you. 

Use all of your energy for moving not for making dramas and excuses, I know it's hard but your life will become harder if you don't try. It's time to man up and get serious with this, stop acting like you've given everything if you only gave half of your strength, stop acting like a victim, quit complaining that the world is unfair. You are not entitled of anything, if you can't at least give your 99% then who the hell are you to complain, quit complaining and start working. Quitting is for the losers, trying again is for the winners. If you don't want to become a loser forever then start moving now. Don't waste your energy whining, crying and complaining about something that you can't control. What is done is done, you can only control your effort, it's time to go harder this time and quit making dramas that are not helping you at all. People don't care if you're hurt, people will never give you any sympathy for being a cry baby. Some people are just playing you that's why they're giving you some attention, or maybe they don't have anything to do with their lives that's why they're wasting their time for you. 

Quitting now will make you a quitter forever, once a quitter always a quitter. You have to keep going even if it is hard and impossible, you have to push yourself to the limits and go further so you will know the truth. You will only know if you can do it or not if you will work until the end. At the end of the day the question is not if you win or lose, the real question is did you give your all? Stop thinking that you already gave your all because if you really did it then probably you would have been successful by now, but you're not, it only means you have to keep on trying. 

Just be good in trying, try everyday, fail everyday, make as this your lifestyle for one year and let's see if you can't get any good results. It's just a numbers game, the more you try the more chances of winning. It's really that simple yet most people doesn't want to try because they're too allergic of failing, they're too caring about their stupid identity, they don't want to embarrass themselves, they don't want to be labeled as failures so they won't try. The truth is, if you didn't try then you already lost. Stop playing it safe and just go all the way, push yourself and destroy all the boundaries. Limitations are what you place on yourself. 

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Dec 19, 2022


The number one root of procrastination, laziness and dramas is trying to look cute on social media. It's trying to look perfect all the time in front of people, it's trying to become great without the willingness to get your hands dirty. You're protecting yourself too much, you wanted to feel good all the time and that's why you can't take actions. You feel so special, you feel so entitled and that's why you don't want to work hard and struggle, you just want to look like a star and that's why you can't pull the trigger. You don't wan to try, you don't want to fail, you don't want to feel the pain If you have a mindset like that then you will become a loser forever. You need to stay away from your comfort zone, leave it and try something new, you need to force yourself to move and work as hard as you can even if you're not seeing any results or progress. Forget the results, forget what other people say, forget winning and just do the work, this is the best way to at least finish something. 

You wanted to win so fast and that's why you don't want to try, you want the results right away and that's why you're having a hard time taking actions. This is a journey not a destination, you will never know what is your true potential if you will not go farther. Just start even if you're not sure of what you're doing, you have to get the ball rolling or else you will never figure out what's working or what doesn't. Don't be afraid to make mistakes and just do what you need to do. Forget about being the best, never care about your identity. Be willing to accept and acknowledge your mistakes and make changes when needed. The concept here is to keep moving forward and avoid idle hours. You've got to do what you need to do, there is no other way to get on top. 

Just go hard, be fast and that's it, there is nothing else to worry about. The only thing that you should be worrying is if you're giving your very best or not, are you taking chances or not. Don't be afraid to pull the trigger because it doesn't take too much strength to do it. The predictor of your future is what you're doing now so if you keep on hesitating and procrastinating then your life will become miserable. But if you're working hard and pushing yourself to the limits now then you will go further. Just do it, make mistakes, enjoy the process and fall in love with the struggle. You will make a breakthrough in just a matter of time so be patient because all it takes is hard work and perseverance. Stop being soft, stop acting like a start because you are not, you need to get your hands dirty and enjoy failure by failure, you have to stand up right away and give everything you've got next time. 

If you will never force yourself to work and just do it then you will never make an improvement, the situation will only get worse. Man up, make a stand to do what you need to do no matter what. The uncomfortable feelings is a sign that you must act now, you will never feel comfortable, accept that everyday it's going to get harder and harder and you must fight and hustle big time to get what you want. Go all out, force yourself to do it even if it's hard, once you have that momentum... things will get better and better. GO deeper and deeper, go faster and faster, there's not time for waiting, no time for procrastinating, you have to pull the trigger now. 

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Dec 18, 2022


If you made a mistake... carry on and keep moving forward. You only need to say sorry if you accidentally hurt somebody, you only need to repeat something if you really need to but if it's just a small detail... forget it and keep moving foward. Keep taking the next steps. Don't worry about mistakes, don't worry about failures and just try again, do something that will make you productive instead of worrying what went wrong. What is done is done, forget the past and live in the moment. Keep pushing, keep going and feel no regrets with every action that you take. This is how to become fast, productive and happier, you have to stop worrying if you're right or wrong. Never compare yourself to others and just focus on taking actions. Stop judging yourself all the time, stop being too cautious with your steps and just do whatever it takes to win, as simple as that. If you can give your all, if you can give your very best every single day then there is nothing else to worry about, you're in good hands if you're taking positive actions everyday.

Keep going and you will see that you are progressing. Have not time for dramas about the past, never hope to change the past, accept what you did, accept all of your mistakes and carry the hell on. Always go hard, always take the risk and never give up, as simple as that. Life is simply being productive and taking chances, it's simply about the willingness to go further and take risks as much as you can. Life is a game, it's not about winning or losing, it's about not giving up and having fun with the process. Practice not undoing anything, never correct your mistakes and try again for one more time. Stop making dramas about your failures, stop blaming anything and try again for one more time. Never stop trying, never stop believing, that's all you need to do and you will become successful. If you fail be happy, if you succeed stay humble, repeat the process again and again until you got bigger. 

The game plan is to move forward all the time without any form of attachment. Just do it, just push yourself to the limits and never quit for a second. Drag yourself to do the first step, it's ok if you don't feel good, it's ok if you don't feel confident at all, the concept here is to keep taking steps as much as you can and never care if you made a lot of mistakes. Repeat the mistakes again, repeat it better, go harder and stop overthinking. Stop thinking about what people say, they're nothing because they couldn't even take a single step, they were so afraid of taking actions. Go all in, feel confident even if you're not confident at all, never judge every move you make, never go back to the past and try to undo your failures, just accept it and look for the next activity. 

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Dec 17, 2022


Before you quit ask yourself is that all you can do? is that all you can give? stop making dramas, stop making excuses, stop blaming the world and telling everyone that life is unfair. Yes it is unfair but did you became fair to yourself? did you give everything you've got before you quit? Before you give up just try one more, just push yourself for the last time and take the easiest step that you can take. You can take one more step, you can try again and fail again and try again. Trying should be the last step, you should never make giving up as the last step. Ask yourself if it's all you got and if you think you can still try for one more time then go ahead and try. Forget about winning or losing and focus on just doing it, doing it will make you free, forgetting the results will give you more boost and confidence because the reason why you're feeling weak is because you're thinking about winning all the time, you don't want to lose, you wanted to win but you don't want to try. 


Do more even if you are slow, do more even if you feel weak. If you're losing so be it but don't ever stop, don't give in and just push forward until the end. Stop stopping yourself, stop giving limits to yourself and always feel that there is no boundaries. stop thinking and execute the step that you know, whether you are sure or unsure... do it without any form of hesitation. Stop making excuses, stop listening to the voices in your head that you need to quit, do something now and carry one, power through and push past pain. If you want to do more then don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid of making mistakes because it's all part of the game. 

If you want to become unstoppable then stop dwelling with your emotions and focus on taking actions, as simple as that. Always remember that you can still move and do something despite of feeling uncomfortable and scared. Be good in forcing yourself to take actions no matter what, be good in mastering moving fast and not thinking about the future. Train your mind to believe in everything that you do. Train your mind to enjoy every process may it be easy or hard. It's simply pushing yourself whenever you feel lazy and not worrying about what's going to happen next. Forget the result, forget the outcome and just go all in. 

Allow yourself to work as hard as you can. feel every step, feel every movement of your body. Never mind if you're not progressing and just keep taking actions. Feel every second, feel every transition and never get disgusted with the way you feel. Embrace your emotion and have peace with it. 


The reason why you're stressed and couldn't even move is because you're not one with your feelings. You're always resisting when there's a negative emotion, you don't want to feel it and that's why you can't move. Success is simple about moving, you can never move fast if you're not allowing yourself to feel. You will never go further if you're trying to hide from your feelings. You don't want to get tired, you don't want to feel your heavy breathing, you just wanted to rest and that's why you can never go the extra mile. You don't want to feel the pain and that's why you can't heal, you always wanted to escape the negative emotion and that's why it's getting worse everyday. If you want to feel alive and get stronger you need to become one with your feelings. Once you become one with your feelings, everything will become easier and lighter. 

Don't hate what you feel, don't try to change it because it will change naturally. Don't try to make dramas about it, don't talk about it, don't act like a victim because things will get worse. Just live with it, breathe with it and you will feel better in a while. You are allowed to feel anything, the reason why most people are depressed is because they don't know that it's ok to feel that way. They are hating themselves when they feel negative, they're making it a big deal, they're looking for attention. 


Stop looking for steps, motivation, advice or any stupid spark plug to lighten up your mood in order to take actions. You already knew what to do and you're going to do it. Start it and finish it now, keep going no matter what, keep going even if you are tired... that's how to become superior. Just take actions now and never wait for something to happen before you move. Don't wait for comfort or good mood, you will never feel right all the time but you have to realize and program to your mind that the best time for taking actions is whenever you don't feel right. Don't look for answers and just live in the moment, take whatever step is available and don't be afraid to make a lot of mistakes. Everything will be a lot easier if you can program your mind to become a fast mover. Become a fast starter, you don't need to think if you will do it or not, just do it and carry on. 

stop pretending that you're lost because you knew what to do, you're just lazy and weak. You're weak because you made yourself weak by strengthening the bad habits that is not making you mentally tougher. Stop engaging with bad habits that will only stop you from taking actions. Be selective of what you're doing because it is molding your future little by little. If you're working hard now and being patient then you will become successful but if what you're doing is not even connected to success or small progress then you will fail.

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Dec 14, 2022


When you're in pain, don't talk about it, don't whine about it, keep it to yourself and just endure it. Talking about it means you're instigating a drama, you're making an excuse, you're looking for a sympathy. You want to be the talk of the town, you want people to feel sorry for you. Athletes who keeps on losing tells everyone that they have an injury. A useless person always talk about his painful past. A lazy person who doesn't want to work always fake an injury or illness just to avoid the work. Talking about your pain is weakness, it's looking for an approval, it's just a drama. Because the truth is life is really full of pain and you need to get use to it. Stop crying about a little pain that you're feeling. 

Don't waste your time feeling sorry for yourself, stop looking for sympathy and assistance. Man up and force yourself to push harder through pain. Everyone is feeling pain, some people were just good in managing it that's why they are thriving. You need to stop focusing on your pain and start focusing on what you can do, you're better than just making dramas and looking for some alms. You need to push yourself to get better, be greater than your situation, that is what it is all about. Stop creating a drama because nobody cares. Nobody cares if you are in pain, they're even laughing at you. Avoid self pity and just do whatever you can. DO whatever it takes to get stronger, focus on taking actions now and simply live in the moment. 

Ignore all the resistance, pain is a resistance and you should ignore it. Just laugh at your pain and ingrain to your subconscious mind that it is making you strong. Stop making dramas about it, stop posting it on social media. If you want to become strong then stop looking for sympathy or attention. You need to focus on what you can do, stay positive and strong, stay committed to taking actions. Just pursue a goal, it can be a goal for today or a long term goal. Just take actions rather than looking for people who will feel sorry for you. Pain is a drama, it's a negative energy if you talk about it but it can become a positive energy if you own it and keep it with yourself. Choose taking over of your life instead, choose controlling what you can control and that is your actions and thoughts. Always think that you don't need drama because it is for the weak, you only need to enforce your will and do whatever it takes to win everyday. You can control your own life and get anything you want if you will stop making excuses and stop feeling sorry for yourself. 

Weak and toxic people were always involve in different kinds of dramas. They love toxic subjects, they're always looking for an ally to support their stupidity. They're always looking for an attention an that's why their lives is all about problems and garbage activities. 

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Dec 12, 2022


Stop worrying, stop judging yourself and the situation, stop being scared and insecure, all you have to do is keep going and that's it. To become happier, more confident and has trust in yourself you need to take actions, whatever you can do... do it now, stop thinking because it's not helping, focus on the movement, there is something you can do to make your situation a little bit better. Stop making excuses, stop looking for what is missing in your life and just do the work. Stop waiting, stop looking for comfort and just make a move. Take the first step and follow through as much as you can. There's no right or wrong here, you just have to keep going and never stop until you become successful, stop wasting time and forget the past. Thinking about the past is what makes you stuck. 

You can become stronger, faster, richer, smarter, healthier if you will just keep on going. There is a solution for every problem, there is no way you can't make your situation a little bit better. You just have to be committed. Always focus on what you can control, if you're too focused on what you can control then you will get more results. The problem with people is they were too focused on what they can't control that's they all of their energy goes to complaining, waiting, hoping and being a victim. If you will just focus on what you can control such as getting better then success will happen automatically. 

You know you can do it so why be afraid to take actions? you can finish anything you want, you just need to start. Just start it without hesitation and never stop until you're done. The main reason why it is hard is because you're acting like a clown, you're thinking too much, stop messing around and just do it. Once you start, follow through until the end. You will feel better once you are pushing. What the hell are you waiting for Christmas? the time is now, take the first step even if you're not sure about it. Feel the pressure, feel your emotion, feel the pain, feel the laziness, feel your fear and just keep moving forward. Remember that all you have to do is move and you will win, how simple was that? how good was that? you're too bless because you can take actions. 

Rely on your speed, do it now, what you need to do... don't hesitate about it and just do it. Never stop, never think and just take your journey to another level. Take your actions and pace to another level, you only need to push yourself and that's it. There's nothing difficult about that. Just keep pushing until you finally made it. Rely on your speed, create a new self image of you that is fast, bold and aggressive. Stop worrying too much because it will never get the job done, just focus on taking actions and be the fastest that you can be.

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Dec 9, 2022


Ignoring the nonsense one by one, being aware of what you think and what you do... that is the most effective way to change your life and achieve greatness. There will be a millions of temptation that will try to distract you and if you can notice them and identify them as something that slows you down and make your life harder then you will level up and will achieve your goals faster. Because the only thing that stops you is your inability to focus and cross out all the things that doesn't matter. Ignore what slows you down and focus on becoming faster and doing more. Fall in love with speed, fall in love with being productive and disciplined. This is the way to improve your life, you will get bored and stressed but it is a healthy stress. If you really want some change in your life then you better be good on ignoring things and information that are complete garbage. 

Avoid the dramas because it's not serving you at all. Yes it's giving you an emotion but it's destroying your mind, it's filling your mind with negative information that you can never use for everyday life. Avid the drama and you will feel much better with your life, you will feel lighter and better. Dramas will never make you better, it will only make you weak and stupid, it will never give you anything. Why super interested with a pregnant celebrity? An athlete who was jailed? a stupid tiktok artist who drinks a rat poison? etc etc. Nothing about it is helping you to evolve. Avoid dramas and you will be able to save a lot of time, you will become productive and positive. Stop consuming information that are interested but has zero essence. 

Ignore the past because all it does is make you a dramatic person, it's making you weak, it's eating a lot of your time. What is done is done, you can never bring it back anymore, accept it and move one. Real life is happening now, focus on the present moment and try to make your life spectacular as it can be. It's on you to get better, the power is in your hands, you're having a hard time with your life because you're not focused on the better and useful things of life, you got distracted easily, you're not doing what is suppose to help you. You're doing what most people do and that is why up to now you're still stuck in a mud. Ignore the BS one by one, train yourself, train your mind and eyes to see only the things that will help you to grow. Focus on yourself, focus on improving yourself, you will only become happier if you're focused on what you can control and that is your actions and thoughts. 

Protect your time and mind, never let it be wasted for consuming images, videos and information that fries your brain. You need to be better than that. It's not about how good you are, success is not about how talented you are... it's about how you manage to use your time. If you're just going to waste your day scrolling on social media and gossips then stop expecting to become great. You need to stay disciplined and committed for the rest of your life if you want to have an edge. 

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Dec 7, 2022


The reason why you're so unhappy is because you're not attacking life, you're letting life give you what it wants to give you, you're not forcing fate, you're not trying to get better, you're so slow and always hoping. You're daydreaming all the time, you're always wishing for your life to change without even exerting an extra effort to make it a little bit better. You can make your life a little bit better by pushing yourself to do more and that is guaranteed. Be good in forcing yourself to move, do more so sadness and laziness won't catch you. Create a new business, build your own empire, create your you tube channel, learn a new skill, go out and meet new people, you have to attack life so it won't make you sad. You have to be fast, you can do a million things in one day, it's better to be moving than not moving at all. Because at the end of the day depression happens not because you're mentally ill, it happens because you're too lazy and always lying on your sofa while scrolling on facebook and simping. You're better than that, stop wishing for a better life if all you do is be slow all day. 

You can do more, you could have done more but you choose not to, if you keep living like that then you will have a lot of regrets in the end, your dreams will haunt you and it will never give you peace at night. While you still have some power... do more, create a new life by doing more. If you need to exercise do it now, if you need to study something do it now, if you want to ask for an increase to your boss do it now, never let the fear of making a mistake stop you, never let being scared of failure immobilize you. You need to force fate, it's simply about making your body move and that's it. Force your hands and feet to work, it's not that complicated. Do the work and attack life, never let laziness make you broke or weak, you have to create a new power and it will come from your work ethic. 

Start now, don't start later or tomorrow because you're not going to do it. Start now, no matter how you feel right now... start now and make something happen. It's going to get a lot easier if you will move faster and stop thinking too much. If you really want it then you will never care about how you feel, you will never care about what they say, you will focus on what you can do and do it to the extreme, nothing can stop you if you really want it bad enough. You will do whatever it takes, you will sacrifice your sleep, you will sacrifice everything that makes you comfortable. 

Attack life because you only have one, there is no spare, there is no second chance, live your life to the fullest and don't just use it for partying and stupid vacations, use your life to see what you can become and how far you can go. Ignore all the BS that stops you and slows you down, it's time to become great, it's time to become spectacular. 

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If you want to become free, progressive and continuously evolving... embrace imperfection. Don't be afraid of what people say and get your hands dirty, just keep moving forward and do your thing. Stop thinking about what's going to happen next and just keep moving forward all the time. You need to make yourself like a machine, be fast in starting and never stop. Just go all the way and never mind what's going to happen next. You should feel free, always remember that you can still do somethin despite of feeling bad and uncomfortable, you need to keep pushing so that you will never overthink. What stops people is overthinking and trying to become perfect. If you will just do it now then you will get results, you will be able to manufacture some momentum. Embrace imperfection, if it's ugly it's ugly, if it's bad it's bad, don't be afraid of the results and just focus on taking actions. Remember that massive actions is the only key to success, you will only get better if you will move now so be fast and stop acting like a diva. Stop being soft, stop being slow and just do what you need to do, as simple as that. 

If you want to become fast then just do it, just start it and never mind the consequences, be present and never worry about what's going to happen. What will happen will happen, the only thing you can control is your actions and thoughts. If you will try to control everything then you will just freak out. Just keep pushing and you will be good. Stop trying to look cute all the time and just do the dirty work, if you will not start now then you will never start forever. Whenever you feel like you need to do it... do it even if you feel so uncertain and insecure. When you're scared to jump that's the time you're going to jump or else you will be on the same place forever. 

You will become faster and faster every time you embrace imperfection. You will be able to create a momentum, you will become very productive. It's not that you're not taking your work seriously, of course you're still giving your best but you don't care if you make a mistake, you don't care if you're looking good or not. You just do what you can do and never care about the judgement of other people. Because if you will try to look cute all the time... you will never make a progress, you will never do something. Just do it, start it, be fast and never be afraid of making a silly mistake. Accept who you are, appreciate what you can do and just go all the way. 

Most people are trying to look perfect nowadays because of social media, they don't dare to do something great, they just wanted to look perfect. And that's why they're sad and frustrated, they can't express themselves, they're too caged with the impression of other people. If you will not set yourself free then you will become a slave of your mind forever. Stop trying to look cool, stop trying to look like a winner and smart and just do what you think is right. 

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Dec 5, 2022


Real power is not having a lot of money, it's being able to walk away from money and not letting it control you or make you do something that you don't even like. Don't let rich people use you, that's the number one method to become richer than them. If they can't make you do something then they don't have power over you. Treat them as business partners, you just do your job and you got paid. No time for free overtime, no time for work that you don't like, don't let them make you dance for a couple of bucks, don't let them make you work during sundays. Have the ability to walk away anytime you want if you feel like being abuse already. Because at the end of the day they need you too, yes maybe you are replaceable but if you can make them feel that you are ok to leave anytime soon then they can never use you. If you will take away the money out of the equation then nothing can use you, nobody can make you eat shit. That's why you need to save a lot of money so that you can have a lot of leverage, be wise in investing and saving so that you can have a lot of options, if you have more options then you will win. You will be in control, you will be able to command your environment and refuse to do what you hate to do. 

Make your value higher. Get better and better each day, hone your skills, develop everything that you can develop that will give you an edge in the future. Don't just waste your time watching stupid Tiktoks because it's making you poor, it's making you dumb and slow, you are wasting your future and potential every time you watch a lot of social media posts that doesn't even matter. You need to focus on growing and not on entertaining yourself. If you want to have a better control of your life... learn to save money and develop some skills so that Rich and abusive people won't have an option to use you. Always remember that if a rich person can't use you or make you do something then he's no richer than you. 

Believe in yourself, believe that you can become rich too, believe that you can become a millionaire in your own way. And if you can't get it now, at least don't be a slave of the rich people. It's just a matter of setting up your life, focusing on what works and practicing delayed gratification. Most broke people were consumers that's why they became the slave of the rich people. Use your money to create more money, use it for leverage, use it to make yourself more valuable. Use your money for building your own business, brand, style, ideas or empire. Don't use it just to please other people and forcing them to believe that you are rich. Use your money to get smarter of more experienced. Use it for security, use it to avoid being commanded by rich people. Because at the end of the day they will leave you, they can fire you anytime they want no matter how much you serve them. You need to be prepared all the time, you need to have a backup plan or a backup money so you can create the future or life that you desire. Again, it's ok if you are not rich but don't ever let rich people just stomp on you whenever they want. Don't let them make fun of you nor make you a slave. You only have one life why not use it for your own good and not for other people's good. 

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Dec 4, 2022


Don't praise them too much, stop thinking that you're not as great as them, stop comparing yourself to others because it's the most disrespectful thing that you can do to yourself. You need to believe in yourself, stop feeling inferior because even the most successful people doesn't know everything, some were even dumb but they were able to find a way to become successful through perseverance and hard work. You can also get on top if you will just believe in yourself. These successful people were just strong believers, they're nothing special, they just believe in themselves and work hard, that's it, what they do is nothing complicated and special at all. You too can achieve something great if you will focus and work as hard as you can. Focus is a very powerful force, you can become what you wanted to be if you will dedicate your life into something. 

Neve care, just keep moving forward and make yourself closer to your goal. Never care if you're not good enough, you just need to strengthen your willpower and perseverance. All you have to do is push yourself to the limits and good things will happen to you. Never mind what they are doing, never feel insecure about other people because they don't know everything too. You just need to know and define what you are going to do today and do it twice or thrice, repeat a million times and you will become something special. Just do what you need to do everyday and you will become a master of it, as simple as that. It's consistency and determination that will make you great. It's the discipline that will put you on top and nothing else. If you will become the best version of yourself then nothing can ever stop you. You will become more and more confident, the better opportunities will be attracted to you. So do it fast, start fast and never stop, jut keep going no matter what and become the force that you wanted to be.

It's ok if you don't know everything, just keep going and you will find a way. It's ok if your skills were not good enough, it will get better as you keep trying. There is nothing missing in you, you just need to strengthen your mind, give your best and never quit even if the challenge was so hard. You can do anything if you will put your mind to it, just don't ever get discourage when things are not going well, just don't give up and you will get on top, as simple as that. 

There's no time for being hesitant, there's no time for belittling yourself. Allow yourself to become successful, face all the challenges, face your fears and force yourself to do what is needed now. Always be in a place of sense of urgency, you need to move faster than everyone else, you need to stop worrying and just focus on the execution. What will happen will happen, you will fail if you will fail, what you can't be doing is take this day for granted and think that there will always be another chance. That's why you're not succeeding, it's because you're too cocky and relaxed. You need to be pushing yourself now even if you feel lazy, stop squandering time and do whatever it takes to win in life. 

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Dec 3, 2022


When there's a critic, if someone is trying to pull you down... it means you're doing something right, it means you're going up. Only people who are going up experience some kind of a harsh treatment from others, it's because they don't want you to succeed, they're insecure because they can't try something big for themselves. They're too focused on other people's lives that's why they keep on being negative everyday, they get worse and worse and they can't do something about it. 

Never react, even just for once, don't try to defend yourself, just don't react and those clowns will sooner or later shut their mouths. It's simply because they will know that they can't shake you, if you can control your emotions then you will become very powerful. Preserve your energy, use it for action and not for reaction, stop giving them any time, ignore them form the beginning to the end, never interact with them nor fight with them, always remember that clowns stop dancing when you stop watching, never listen to them and treat them like a ghost, that's how to beat a critic. 

Just keep moving forward and do your thing, this kind of approach will make you ignore all of your critics, never mind them, always think that what people say about you doesn't matter at all. What matters is what you feel about yourself. Stay weird, stay strong, stay focused on being yourself. At the end of the day their words doesn't matter at all, what matters is how you perceive yourself. No great has not been criticized, if you are being criticize all the time then it means you're on the path to greatness 

Fall in love with what you do, stick with the process and trust it. Success will be attracted if you're too focused on making yourself better. Never mind what they are doing, never mind other people's business and simply focus on your own daily grind. Hustle like a broke, do something that most people can't do, increase your value by working insanely hard and being serious with your own branding. Just don't let words break you, don't let their malicious comments make you feel something, words can hurt so bad if you let it go inside of your head. Always think that what they think doesn't matter at all, what matters is you're moving forward and doing your thing. 

Stop trying to prove then that you are right, you need to prove it to yourself that you are great and doesn't need any approval from others. Keep pushing and doing what will make you better, those critics will soon shut their mouths because they can never make you react anymore. Feel good when there is a critic because it means you're affecting someone, it means you're making an impact and making them feel something. It means you're interesting and you have something to talk about. Critics will make yu stronger if you will take it as compliment or use it as a fuel for motivation. 

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Dec 1, 2022


Something is ugly because of your focus, it's what you see, it's where you place your attention. But if you will just look on the good qualities of anything then it's impossible for you so see the ugliness. You're comparing yourself, you're feeling insecure, you're afraid of what people say. If you will never care about what people say then you will never feel ugly at all. You feel insecure because you're always thinking about your flaws, you always wanted to change something. But if you will accept yourself and stop trying to change anything then you will become very powerful and beautiful, you will glow, you will bloom, you will start to see better things in life. In any areas of life, may it be yourself, surrounding, people or problems... it becomes ugly because you're too focused on its ugliness. But if you will see the beautiful side of it then you will feel much better. Everything is just a perception, the way you see things will become your reality. The way you see yourself becomes who you are, you are what you think of yourself. You will never grow if you're always hating on yourself, you will never succeed if you're always trying to compare yourself to others. 

Learn to appreciate everything. Appreciate the traffic, problems, disrespectful people, ugly places, defeats, flaws in your face, your weak personalities, hate of people, etc. Learn to appreciate everything, if you can master this then you will become invincible. It's just a matter of trying to thrive in chaos and not letting anything bother you. Life will become very easier if you will not take anything personally. Just live your life and keep moving forward all the time. Focus on appreciation, live in the place of gratitude and you will have a better life. It takes practice, it will take time but it's worth it if you mastered it. Nothing can hurt you, nothing can stop you if you will just appreciate all the ugly things in life, stop focusing on it and stop thinking that it is ugly because it's not, there's a nice side of it, it's trying to teach you something and you will learn a lot from it if you will just think deeply. 

Focus on what you want, think about what you want, give your time and energy for the things that really matters. Sometimes you're giving too much attention to something and someone that doesn't matter at all, you're being too sensitive and emotional, you're being too soft. It's time to place your eyes to something that is more meaningful and useful to your life. Stop giving your power to something that you don't like from the start. If you don't like something... don't talk about it, don't think about it, don't even look at it. Think of it as something that doesn't exist. You have to be mindful all the time of what you're thinking and doing and stop wasting your energy for nonsense subjects. If you want to live an easier life... focus on what is meaningful to your heart, stop focusing on subjects that is only making you feel miserable. Your feelings was produce from your thoughts and judgements, if you can just think the right way and avoid being too harsh and judgemental then your life will feel like heaven. 

Train yourself to become aware of what you're thinking all the time, stop thinking negatively, stop thinking like a victim and start living like a powerful human being that can't be bothered easily. If you can just master ignoring what you don't want then your life will be very smooth and happier. 

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