Jan 13, 2020


It's always there, you're just not summoning it yet, it's always there to give you strength to move forward. You just need to draw the state from within. You can fight all the time, you can fight everyday, it's just a matter of commitment and promising to yourself that you will never give up. Not giving up is already a fighting spirit, having the will to move forward is already a fighting spirit. It doesn't matter what happens next, it doesn't matter if you lose everything, what matters is you give everything you've got. Your spirit is there, it's never lost, it's always there. Don't worry if you are scared for now, don't worry if you're lost and you don't know what to do, all you have to do is stick with the moment and keep moving forward as much as you can. Anybody can do this technique, remember what you want and just move forward.

Some people almost have forgotten that they wanted to succeed once they feel the pain and exhaustion. They will just focus on trying to ease the pain and just give up. And that's why they can't win, they always wanted to get comfortable. If you really wanted to win then you need to give up comfort, you need to face the uncertainties and pressure, you need to embrace the most uncomfortable moments because that where growth and progress lies. Be happy if you're moving and getting uncomfortable now because it is molding you into a different type of beast. You are forging a character that can withstand anything and everything. Because success is all about weathering the storm, it's not that complex. It's all about facing catastrophe another catastrophe and surviving and thriving in the end. For example, once you were able to get away from mortgage for whatever reason then find another storm, build a business, something that is challenging and risky. You will never know how strong and good you are until you face something that is very scary and challenging.

Always remember that the fighting spirit is always there and will never go away, it's inside of you, all you need to do is remember that you have it. Anyone has a fighting spirit but most of us were not using it because were were stunned by pain and uncertainty, always remember that when it's too uncomfortable and hard then that's the time to keep fighting until you become successful. 

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