Jan 28, 2020


Always remember that happiness is only inside if your head. If you can control your thoughts or at least focus on the best things in your life then you will become happier than ever. Happiness is not that hard to achieve, all it takes is patience and being in the moment. Happiness is just an emotion and remember that emotions doesn't stay forever, it's ok if you're sad now because you will become happier later and don't ever feel comfortable if you're happy now because you can become sad later for no reason at all, or maybe something will make you sad eventually, it's not about being negative, we're just talking about the reality here. Anyway here are the three best magical tips to have instant happiness:

1. Forget about the future. Forget about what might happen later. Forget about the outcome, just enjoy what is going on right now, even if your situation is a little bit difficult or really uncomfortable... learn to enjoy it. At least you're still alive and experiencing life. Forget the future and learn how to be still with any kind if feeling you are experiencing right now. Worrying about the future steals your happiness, overthinking will only create stress hormones inside of your body. If it happens then it happens, it is what it is but you must remind yourself that life is not all about securing the future or getting a guarantee for a good and easy life. Life is all about experiencing the now and being satisfied of what you have. It's ok to push yourself to have a better life, it's ok to look for improvement but don't take away the fact that life really happens now and it is your choice if you're going to stay happy or scare yourself by worrying about something that hasn't happen yet.

2. Look for something you can do. Make yourself busy, love the process, look for something you can do and be passionate about it. Do it with all your heart, give your full maximum effort. Pushing yourself to the limits creates happiness, it will make you feel that you're something special because you're doing what great people does... and that is to maximize their skills and see what is possible by giving everything they've got. There is something that you can do to make yourself happy. You can paint, you can exercise, create your own brand, chase the impossible. Experiment on yourself and see how good you can be. Keeping yourself busy and chasing a goal or something will take away all the pain that you're feeling right now, you will be able to divert your attention from pain to passion.

3. Detach from the past. You can never erase the past anymore so what is the point of remembering it? Past is past, you can never change it no matter how hard you try. But the good thing is nobody remember it anymore, it is just another part of your life. You can even deny that it did happen. Stop living in the past so you can create a new life now, you will only experience something new if you will let go of the burden that you are carrying for a very long time. After all, your past is all just a memory, it's nothing anymore, you can even laugh about it, your past doesn't define who you really are, you can forge a new life now if you will start all over and do what is best for your life. 

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