Jan 30, 2020


How much money do you have? how much is your savings? do you want more? do you really want it? do you want to double your income this year? the answer to that question is very easy... DOUBLE YOUR EFFORT. That's it, it's nothing fancy, it's nothing complicated, it's too simple and very basic. Anyone can do it, even a child can do it... just double your effort, work harder. If you want to double your savings then double your discipline to avoid temptations that are useless. If you want to double your money then do some overtimes, push further and look for some other ways where you can earn more money. It's up to you, really up to you, if you're not earning more money then it means you're lazy and stagnant, you wasted your time and you take every opportunity for granted. There are millions of opportunities surrounding you all you have to do is look for it and grab it, it's not something that is hard to do, all you need to do is be fast and aggressive.

BE STRONGER THAN YOUR LAZINESS. You need to overpower your laziness if you want to double the results that you've been getting. Once you feel lazy... stand up and do something, never let your mind think, never let your mind worry. All you have to do is do the right thing and that's it. All you have to do is work and push further, what's so hard about that? never prioritize your emotions, stop looking to feel good all the time. Of course you will feel bad every once in a while, you're just a human being. You will feel lazy you will feel heavy but you must remind yourself that you can still move despite of the negative emotions that you are feeling. You can always start whenever you want to, you can move your hands and feet, you can think a little bit, you can solve some problems, you can start over, you can still work hard despite of feeling heavy. It's all up to you, force yourself to take actions, once you are moving... you will create a momentum that is hard to stop, you will eventually have fun in your work. You need to love your work, force your heart to do it, because loving your work will create more results, you will become more productive and disciplined, you will be able to create amazing things.

Laziness is weakness, remember that being lazy will only destroy your life and mind, it will never give you anything, it will only give you problems in the future. So look at yourself and be aware if you're lazy or not. If you're lazy now then do something, never make it as your habit because it will be the start of your miserable life. Build a habit of just doing it, just work, if you really want to double your money then make hard work as your culture. Be fast, be decisive, be bold and never hesitate to take actions. 

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