Jan 28, 2020


Always think that you are working hard and giving your best. Even if you didn't do well today, still be proud of yourself, appreciate your effort and do better tomorrow. Because if you will keep on judging yourself then you will never trust yourself anymore, you will always have doubts and fears and traumas will start to take over. You need to be happy with your performance and always forgive yourself if you come up short. Try harder next time, forget the past and always see to it that you're giving your very best every single second. No regrets, no frustrations, it is what it is, what is done is done, be proud if you show up and exert an effort, be proud that you're still fighting for what you want, be proud that you're trying. Because at the end of the day, you should only feel bad about yourself if you didn't try. You're going to make it in the future if you didn't make it now, keep trying, that should be your mentality, always think that one day it's all going to fall in your hands, it's all going to be yours. Because nobody is going to be proud of you other than yourself, you may not exceed people's standards, they may expect more from you, they may get disappointed at you but at the end of the day it's what you feel that matters the most. Forget their expectations and standards, if you know in yourself that you gave your best then there is nothing to talk about anymore, there is nothing more to argue about.

Because you need to love yourself, you need to b confident with the process that you are doing, you need to appreciate all of your efforts even if nobody is appreciating it. You should follow your own standards, be the authority of your own life, you will be the judge if what you did is already good. Because if you will keep on belittling yourself and being ashamed of yourself then nothing good will happen to you, it will become your habit, you will never progress if you have that kind of mentality because you should be the one who's loving and taking care of yourself. It's alright if you failed, it's alright if you come up short, you're just a human and stop judging yourself. The good thing about life is you can try again tomorrow or later, there is no shame on trying, there is no harm in trying, you only got better even if you fail.

And never feel bad if your family or mother or wife is not proud of you, don't worry about it, it's none of your business about what they think, your business is to do your job and try and try again... as simple as that. Don't worry because once you become successful they will kiss your ass and act like they support you from the very beginning. But it's ok, don't bring it up, don't talk about it anymore, forgive them and go chase the next goal, I'm pretty sure they will support you this time because you already proven something. Because it is the reality that if you haven't prove anything yet then you will never get respect, but it's ok it's the reality, just keep persevering because one day you're going to become successful too. 

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