Jan 28, 2020


Why are you worrying? what is the worry all about? you are still alive right? so why are you so damn scared? you're scared of what? if you survived yesterday then you can survive today, and if you survive today then you can survive tomorrow, the cycle goes on and on, you will live no matter what, no problems can kill you, no troubles can put you down. So why are you worrying too much? life is easy if you will just live and follow your true passion. Work hard, expect for the best but don't be afraid to get disappointed, don't be afraid to fail because if you're afraid to fail then you will fail because you will not even dare to try. Worrying will give you zero results, always remember that it is better to think positive than to think negative. Worrying will kill you, it will poison your mind, better to choose action and do something rather than worrying all day long, keep yourself busy, do something positive that refrain your mind from worrying. You should be moving now, it's very logical and obvious that worrying will never give you anything and taking actions will give you something, learn to choose movement over procrastination. Take it step by step, do something now, don't every waste your time, kill the idle hours and make yourself productive all the time.

You have to start now, stop waiting for tomorrow and do something now. If you need some money then take some actions that will give you money. Whether it's about applying for a job or building a small business or simply selling some stuffs, it's better to do something, it's better to create a solution rather than just watching your life go by and see yourself failing, just try, just move and make yourself useful. Because you're not useless at all, you can be very valuable if you will just do the right things and practice delayed gratification. Don't worry because everything will be alright, for as long as you are moving forward... you will be fine, no need to entertain fears. Because at the end of the day the only thing that matters is if you did whatever it takes to win in life, did you push yourself to the limits? did you go all out or go all in? did you focus your energy to something that you really want?

Wasting time creates worries later, so if you're enjoying too much now doing something stupid but you have an important task to do... you're in big trouble. You will worry later because you don't have enough time anymore to finish the task. So stop being lazy, stop thinking that you have a lot of time because you will only know that it's already over when it's already too late. So stop wasting a lot of time, just do what you need to do and that's it. There is nothing to worry about if you're taking actions to make your situation a little bit better. 

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