Jan 29, 2020


They say money is psychology, they say you can earn money with your thoughts, because if the thoughts are right then the body will follow. Visualize money, think about it, see the image of it, feel it coming into your life, never worry about it, just imagine that the amount you want was already in your hands. Don't be afraid to dream, don't be afraid to think about large amount and don't be afraid to work hard for it. Money will be attracted to you if your consumed with the images of it. It's not about being crazy, it's about building a mentality about money... the right and strong mentality. Because if your mind is right then it will be easy for you to create money. Look at those people who have scarcity mindset... they're having a hard time creating money, they feel that the process to become rich is forever, they don't know that they can change their situation once they have the right mindset for money.

Always dream big, always chase big money, never sell yourself short. Always think that you deserve it, always look for what is possible. Because at the end of the day... even if you're having some troubles with money... you will find a way if your mentality is right, you will be able to succeed in just a matter of time. Just don't kill that abundance mindset and keep moving forward while you still have some strength. Feel that you are rich, feel that you can buy anything, feel invincible and never engage with negative ideas about money. You should smell like money, your color should be like money, because the idea here is where the focus go the energy flow. So if you're focused on creating money then you will have more of it, as simple as that. Because the truth is it's really not that hard to earn money, you're just not thinking right, you need to let go sometimes so that money will flow into your life. Let go of the process, things, people, ideas that are making you feel bad, you need to feel good so that money will come to you easily.

Because at the end of the day you will think about something, why not think about money all day long? why not saturate your mind with ideas about wealth and abundance? it's easy, it's all about programming your mind, it's simply repetition and discipline. Never entertain the ideas about lack, poverty, scarcity or failure. You need to feel successful all the time, appreciate your money growing little by little, always believe that you can have anything you want. The predominant thought will be your life, it will be your reality, what you manifested in your life... it's the result of your dominant thoughts. So if you are poor right now it's because you're always thinking about poor ideas, you're always scared to lose and that's why you can't win. But it's ok, you can program your mind any day and you should start now, start thinking about money... staturate your mind with wealthy ideas. 

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