Jan 29, 2020


Why are you working? why are you studying? why did you sell some stupid products? why did you work so hard and kiss your boss' ass? why are you doing what you don't love? its's all about the money right? stop pretending that you just want to do it. Of course there is a personal agenda behind it, you want money, you want to earn more. There is nothing wrong with that. We all need money, some people were pretending that they don't need it, if they really don't then why are they bragging that they don't need it? why are they still talking about it? The idea here is to stop pretending that you don't need it and just go for it, if you can look for a process of going directly to it then do that process. Some people will study for ten years because they think that it's the right way but some people will directly work for the money and do whatever it takes to become a millionaire and it works for them. Sometimes you just need to do what is effective in order to earn some money, you don't need to look great or respectful, you don't need to make your identity and name so big, all you need to do is look for what is working and keep doing it.

Everyone works for the money, some people were acting like they don't need it but at the end of the day... they will also look for it. Because let's face it, it's hard to survive without it. So if you want to have more money then go to it directly, stop looking for shortcuts but you must be bold about the amount that you want to have. Making money is the best hobby that you can ever have, because at the end of the day you've got to do something, why not make money instead of watching stupid game shows? why not make money instead of wasting your time? your time will run anyway, why not put yourself on a best position to earn money? it's ok if you're just earning a little for as long as it is consistent and helping you to survive, don't worry because it will become bigger later if you persevere and do whatever it takes to earn more.

So stop doing stupid things, stop entertaining yourself with craps that are not even useful. You have to earn money now, look for ways where you can earn money. Kill your ego, stop trying to look great, if you're not earning money then what is it all about? you will still feel sad in the end. And even if you say you don't need money and you can be happy without it... good for you but you will still be sad later for whatever reason, it's better to be sad with money than being sad without it. It's better to be depressed driving a BMW rather than being depressed driving a toyota.

Making money is a great challenge but it is really fun, the good thing about chasing it is you are headed on the right direction. You are being useful, you can feed your family, you can secure your future. So stop denying that you don't need it, stop feeling guilty if you're getting greedy a little bit... you need it so go for it boldly. 

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