Jan 31, 2020


If you want to become more productive, if you want to get more results... do something now, just change later if you want it to look more perfect. Because at the end of the day... you've got to finish something, you have to start and make progress. Do it now, do the first step now, overthinking will kill you, it will make your body weak so just start it and never stop until your'e done, it's all about taking steps after the other, it's all about moving your body and using your mind, it's not so difficult if you will start. If you can create a habit of just doing it then you will become successful, as simple as that. So stop acting like you don't have the power to start, stop being soft, if you want to start something... do it now and perfect it later. And the truth to the matter is... you don't need to become perfect at all, you just need to move and do the right thing, was it so difficult? of course not, all you have to do is show up, all you have to do is do something, don't be afraid, don't be afraid to take risks and make mistakes. Life and success is not that complicated at all, it's a journey, it's not a destination, it's a journey and if you can enjoy the journey and push as much as you can then you will have a happier and more meaningful life.

Stress begins if you want to start something but you want to finish it right away, stress becomes stronger and stronger every time you procrastinate and feel lazy. You have to force yourself now if you want to end stress, you have to do something. There is something you can do, there is something you know that is useful. It's fun to be taking small steps at a time, especially if you will live in the moment. Because that is what life is all about... being patient living and working, it's not about the destination, remember that it's all about the process. And even if you finished what you are trying to finish... life doesn't end there, your work doesn't end there, there will always be another challenge that has a potential to stress you out. So all you can do is enjoy what you're doing now, enjoy your life now. Life is ups and downs, it's happiness and sadness, it's stress and relief, it's success and failure. One cannot exist without the other. Learn how to play the game of life, learn how to be mindful and enjoy your work. enjoy every second that you are living, stop stressing yourself out by thinking already about the next work or next step if you haven't started the present task yet. Enjoy what you're doing now and it will be easier for you to finish any kind of work.

Starting is the most important thing, stop looking for perfection, you just need to start. You need to focus on execution and not on perfection. Because if you're really serious about your work then you will produce something good if not a masterpiece. Take you work seriously, be fast in making decisions but don't worry too much about trying to become great. Remember that you need to produce, you need to take actions and that is the most important thing in life. 

Jan 30, 2020


How much money do you have? how much is your savings? do you want more? do you really want it? do you want to double your income this year? the answer to that question is very easy... DOUBLE YOUR EFFORT. That's it, it's nothing fancy, it's nothing complicated, it's too simple and very basic. Anyone can do it, even a child can do it... just double your effort, work harder. If you want to double your savings then double your discipline to avoid temptations that are useless. If you want to double your money then do some overtimes, push further and look for some other ways where you can earn more money. It's up to you, really up to you, if you're not earning more money then it means you're lazy and stagnant, you wasted your time and you take every opportunity for granted. There are millions of opportunities surrounding you all you have to do is look for it and grab it, it's not something that is hard to do, all you need to do is be fast and aggressive.

BE STRONGER THAN YOUR LAZINESS. You need to overpower your laziness if you want to double the results that you've been getting. Once you feel lazy... stand up and do something, never let your mind think, never let your mind worry. All you have to do is do the right thing and that's it. All you have to do is work and push further, what's so hard about that? never prioritize your emotions, stop looking to feel good all the time. Of course you will feel bad every once in a while, you're just a human being. You will feel lazy you will feel heavy but you must remind yourself that you can still move despite of the negative emotions that you are feeling. You can always start whenever you want to, you can move your hands and feet, you can think a little bit, you can solve some problems, you can start over, you can still work hard despite of feeling heavy. It's all up to you, force yourself to take actions, once you are moving... you will create a momentum that is hard to stop, you will eventually have fun in your work. You need to love your work, force your heart to do it, because loving your work will create more results, you will become more productive and disciplined, you will be able to create amazing things.

Laziness is weakness, remember that being lazy will only destroy your life and mind, it will never give you anything, it will only give you problems in the future. So look at yourself and be aware if you're lazy or not. If you're lazy now then do something, never make it as your habit because it will be the start of your miserable life. Build a habit of just doing it, just work, if you really want to double your money then make hard work as your culture. Be fast, be decisive, be bold and never hesitate to take actions. 


Have you ever wonder why Floyd Mayweather Jr. is always talking about money? are you annoyed with him? are you mad? do you feel that he is so arrogant? well you shouldn't be. He is just expressing himself and talking about what he wants. In order to create money you should talk, think and act about it. You should vibrate with it, and that is what Floyd Mayweather is doing. Don't be afraid to talk about money, don't be afraid to make it as a subject. There is nothing wrong about it, because what you are focusing on will be attracted to you. Look at those people who talk about problems... they always see it, they always find another problem after the other. It seems like all they see is problem and they can't see anything right and beautiful with their lives. So don't be bothered is someone is talking about money, it means they want it, it means they're vibrating with it and you need to vibrate with money too.

What you talk about is what you want, maybe it's not your life yet but if you keep talking about it and work hard for it then it's going to become your life anytime soon. Focus on making money, think about it 24 hours a day, don't feel guilty if it's consuming your mind because it's what you really want. Stop talking about a subject that you don't want to manifest in reality. Stop talking about losing your money, low salary, low budget, scarcity, poor people, ugly houses etc. You need to focus on abundance and start ignoring the lack in your life. Even if you don't have what you want yet... still focus on what you want, only think about your dreams. Because anything you talk about will be attracted to you, anything you think everyday has a big chance to manifest in your life. Your psychology and physiology will play a big impact to your success.

So don't be afraid to talk about money, if it's not in your personality to talk about it then simply think about it. Visualize the money, feel it in your hands, set affirmations and never give up until you have the amount that you desire. Its all about working, mental rehearsing, focusing and moving forward. That's it, you don't need a special talent here, all you need is determination and the willingness to put in a huge amount of work. Don't be afraid of success, don't be afraid of money. Don't be afraid of the work you need to put in, don't be afraid of repetition. Repeat the image of what you want to happen inside of your head, rehearse it everyday and never get tired of it, enjoy it, feel it as real as it gets.

Because if you will not talk about big money, if you will not think about it then you will not get it. You will be satisfied of small money and the worst thing is you don't like it, you want more so think big, think more and be more. Never stop, never settle, keep chasing that dream, keep feeling the money, vibrate with it and believe that it's going to be yours one day if not today. 

Jan 29, 2020


They say money is psychology, they say you can earn money with your thoughts, because if the thoughts are right then the body will follow. Visualize money, think about it, see the image of it, feel it coming into your life, never worry about it, just imagine that the amount you want was already in your hands. Don't be afraid to dream, don't be afraid to think about large amount and don't be afraid to work hard for it. Money will be attracted to you if your consumed with the images of it. It's not about being crazy, it's about building a mentality about money... the right and strong mentality. Because if your mind is right then it will be easy for you to create money. Look at those people who have scarcity mindset... they're having a hard time creating money, they feel that the process to become rich is forever, they don't know that they can change their situation once they have the right mindset for money.

Always dream big, always chase big money, never sell yourself short. Always think that you deserve it, always look for what is possible. Because at the end of the day... even if you're having some troubles with money... you will find a way if your mentality is right, you will be able to succeed in just a matter of time. Just don't kill that abundance mindset and keep moving forward while you still have some strength. Feel that you are rich, feel that you can buy anything, feel invincible and never engage with negative ideas about money. You should smell like money, your color should be like money, because the idea here is where the focus go the energy flow. So if you're focused on creating money then you will have more of it, as simple as that. Because the truth is it's really not that hard to earn money, you're just not thinking right, you need to let go sometimes so that money will flow into your life. Let go of the process, things, people, ideas that are making you feel bad, you need to feel good so that money will come to you easily.

Because at the end of the day you will think about something, why not think about money all day long? why not saturate your mind with ideas about wealth and abundance? it's easy, it's all about programming your mind, it's simply repetition and discipline. Never entertain the ideas about lack, poverty, scarcity or failure. You need to feel successful all the time, appreciate your money growing little by little, always believe that you can have anything you want. The predominant thought will be your life, it will be your reality, what you manifested in your life... it's the result of your dominant thoughts. So if you are poor right now it's because you're always thinking about poor ideas, you're always scared to lose and that's why you can't win. But it's ok, you can program your mind any day and you should start now, start thinking about money... staturate your mind with wealthy ideas. 


Why are you working? why are you studying? why did you sell some stupid products? why did you work so hard and kiss your boss' ass? why are you doing what you don't love? its's all about the money right? stop pretending that you just want to do it. Of course there is a personal agenda behind it, you want money, you want to earn more. There is nothing wrong with that. We all need money, some people were pretending that they don't need it, if they really don't then why are they bragging that they don't need it? why are they still talking about it? The idea here is to stop pretending that you don't need it and just go for it, if you can look for a process of going directly to it then do that process. Some people will study for ten years because they think that it's the right way but some people will directly work for the money and do whatever it takes to become a millionaire and it works for them. Sometimes you just need to do what is effective in order to earn some money, you don't need to look great or respectful, you don't need to make your identity and name so big, all you need to do is look for what is working and keep doing it.

Everyone works for the money, some people were acting like they don't need it but at the end of the day... they will also look for it. Because let's face it, it's hard to survive without it. So if you want to have more money then go to it directly, stop looking for shortcuts but you must be bold about the amount that you want to have. Making money is the best hobby that you can ever have, because at the end of the day you've got to do something, why not make money instead of watching stupid game shows? why not make money instead of wasting your time? your time will run anyway, why not put yourself on a best position to earn money? it's ok if you're just earning a little for as long as it is consistent and helping you to survive, don't worry because it will become bigger later if you persevere and do whatever it takes to earn more.

So stop doing stupid things, stop entertaining yourself with craps that are not even useful. You have to earn money now, look for ways where you can earn money. Kill your ego, stop trying to look great, if you're not earning money then what is it all about? you will still feel sad in the end. And even if you say you don't need money and you can be happy without it... good for you but you will still be sad later for whatever reason, it's better to be sad with money than being sad without it. It's better to be depressed driving a BMW rather than being depressed driving a toyota.

Making money is a great challenge but it is really fun, the good thing about chasing it is you are headed on the right direction. You are being useful, you can feed your family, you can secure your future. So stop denying that you don't need it, stop feeling guilty if you're getting greedy a little bit... you need it so go for it boldly. 


The truth is you don't know, if you're limiting yourself then you will get lesser money... as simple as that. You can earn more than billions, your capability is more than enough. You're just not thinking right and not pushing yourself to the limits that's why you're getting less. But if you will force yourself to earn more money then you will be able to do it. It's all about having the tenacity to push and the willingness to believe that you can do it. It all starts with your belief and ends with your effort. Hard work plus belief will create huge fortune, be confident with your ability to earn money, work hard as much as you can and you will be surprised with the results that you will get. Your skill for earning money is infinite, there is an abundance of money waiting for you and all you have to do is claim it, work for it and make it yours. No matter where you are, no matter what your age is... you can earn infinite amount of money if you will give yourself the authority.

It all starts now, develop a habit if earning more money everyday, stretch your imagination, be patient and always motivate yourself. There will be times when it's hard to earn money but that doesn't mean you are allowed to feel lazy and lose your focus, remember that you need to have a laser focus to earn more money, if you will sop working hard then money will not be attracted to you. Money loves people who are working hard, money loves relentless people. So be fast with your work, do your best and never stop believing. Always stay motivated even if you can't find a reason to. There is always a way, all you have to do is find it, and while you can't find it yet you still need to work because once you stop working... you will lose your momentum, you will fall down very fast and it will be very hard for you to make a comeback.

So if you want to earn millions then think about millions, increase your belief and learn to work like hell... as simple as that. It's all about your work ethic, belief and imagination. If you persevere enough and make a commitment of earning a lot of money then you will have more money. Keep improving your psychology, reprogram your mind and build a habit of earning more money. It's not a sin to look for more, it's not illegal to wish for more money, it's bad if you're asking for more money but not working at all. If millionaires can do it then you can do it too. Most people start from being broke or poor but they made it to the top, it only means you can start from the bottom and climb your way to the top. Stop stopping yourself, keep believing that you can do it. You have what it takes to become super rich, all you have to do is stay consistent and never quit.

The amount you can earn all depends on your belief and work ethic, if your belief is really strong and you can become relentless with your work then sky is the limit for you. 


Money is purely psychology and habits. If you have the right mindset for money and have the good spending habits then it will be very easy for you to become rich. Money is not that hard to get if you have the right habits, some people can earn a lot but they don't have the proper habits that's why they lose it so fast. Money is not purely for spending, it is also for keeping and investing. If you think that your money is made to give you pleasure then there is something wrong with you, be careful because you might got broke with that kind of mentality.

1. SAVE MORE AND SPEND LESS. This is the best equation of all time if you want to have more money. Sometimes you don't need to have a high paying job, all you need is to save more and spend less and you will have more money than the supervisor of apple company. Some people can earn a lot but they spend more than they can earn and that's why then end up being broke. Because at the end of the day you can earn millions but if you're spending billions then you're still broke. Stop being arrogant, stop following the trend, stop buying garbage that you don't even need. Once you build a habit if spending less and saving more then it will be easier for you to multiply your money, it becomes automatic.

2. THINK ABOUT IT EVERYDAY. Just like what I said... money is psychology, think about it everyday, visualize it, get comfortable holding it inside of your head, what you focus on will manifest. Think about millions, think about having checks from different sources. Never think about losing your money, never entertain thoughts that will not even help you at all. You need thoughts and information that will help you develop a mindset of earning millions or billions. Remember that it all starts in your minds so you need to saturate your mind with images and data that will make you feel good and motivated.

3. BE GENEROUS ONLY WHEN NEEDED. Don't be too arrogant trying to impress people by giving too much money for them. Remember... they only like you if you can give something for them, when you can't give anymore... their true colors will be revealed, they will not even give you any attention. Be generous if you only have extra money, be generous to people who really need it and not asking for it, in other words be generous to people who deserves it.

4. PRACTICE DELAYING THE SPENDING. If there is something you want to buy... don't buy it, think first if you really need it. Be honest with yourself, stop finding excuses why you need to buy it, if you're honest with yourself you will find out that it's just an emotion that is pushing you to buy that thing, it looks attractive and fancy, but the truth is you can live without it. You live without it before and you can live without it forever. 

Jan 28, 2020


Why are you worrying? what is the worry all about? you are still alive right? so why are you so damn scared? you're scared of what? if you survived yesterday then you can survive today, and if you survive today then you can survive tomorrow, the cycle goes on and on, you will live no matter what, no problems can kill you, no troubles can put you down. So why are you worrying too much? life is easy if you will just live and follow your true passion. Work hard, expect for the best but don't be afraid to get disappointed, don't be afraid to fail because if you're afraid to fail then you will fail because you will not even dare to try. Worrying will give you zero results, always remember that it is better to think positive than to think negative. Worrying will kill you, it will poison your mind, better to choose action and do something rather than worrying all day long, keep yourself busy, do something positive that refrain your mind from worrying. You should be moving now, it's very logical and obvious that worrying will never give you anything and taking actions will give you something, learn to choose movement over procrastination. Take it step by step, do something now, don't every waste your time, kill the idle hours and make yourself productive all the time.

You have to start now, stop waiting for tomorrow and do something now. If you need some money then take some actions that will give you money. Whether it's about applying for a job or building a small business or simply selling some stuffs, it's better to do something, it's better to create a solution rather than just watching your life go by and see yourself failing, just try, just move and make yourself useful. Because you're not useless at all, you can be very valuable if you will just do the right things and practice delayed gratification. Don't worry because everything will be alright, for as long as you are moving forward... you will be fine, no need to entertain fears. Because at the end of the day the only thing that matters is if you did whatever it takes to win in life, did you push yourself to the limits? did you go all out or go all in? did you focus your energy to something that you really want?

Wasting time creates worries later, so if you're enjoying too much now doing something stupid but you have an important task to do... you're in big trouble. You will worry later because you don't have enough time anymore to finish the task. So stop being lazy, stop thinking that you have a lot of time because you will only know that it's already over when it's already too late. So stop wasting a lot of time, just do what you need to do and that's it. There is nothing to worry about if you're taking actions to make your situation a little bit better. 


People will say you're a fool, people will think you're crazy. Especially if you're chasing something big, if you're trying to make your dreams come true. People will contradict you, they will criticize you and make fun of you, they will even think that you're psychotic and delusional. It's ok, it's better to become delusional and dreaming big rather than doing nothing and wasting your life. If you're delusional then you will do the impossible, you will do what most people can't do, you will separate yourself from the pack and you will become a lone wolf, you will never do what they are doing, you will become weird and you will act differently.

Because if you keep on doing what they are doing then you will get the same results as theirs, the question is do you love their results? are you satisfied with what you have? are you happy with your effort? It's very easy to become lazy like everyone else, it's easy to just clown around and act like a boss even if you don't have anything big. It's easy to become like everyone else but it's hard to be yourself, and if you are being yourself then you will go the other way, and that's the time when people will call you a delusional. People hates people who are dreaming big and doing some weird stuffs, they hate someone who is against the trend. They want you to be like them, they don't want you to do it your way.

It's better to be unique and doing it your way rather than following the herd that is going the wrong way. Most people were afraid to be labeled as weird or rebel, they want to play it safe, they don't want to create their own path. And that's why they are lost. You will get lost if you will not create your own path, it's because you will not love the results that you will get because it's the same as others. If you have an idea but you think it will not work... still do it, test it, how can you see if it will work if you will not try it. Don't be afraid of what people say, don't be afraid to be labeled as delusional, it's ok, there is nothing wrong with that. For as long as you're following your heart... you will be alright. You're on the right path if you believe in yourself and never waste time following the advises of other people.

Just do what you think will work, do it even if it's not working for now, allow yourself to do it your way and never hold yourself back. Your freedom only depends on self expression and not from what people are trying to say against you. And you will only become free if you will accept the fact that there is a chance that you might be labeled as delusional because you're doing something that wasn't done before. 


Always remember that happiness is only inside if your head. If you can control your thoughts or at least focus on the best things in your life then you will become happier than ever. Happiness is not that hard to achieve, all it takes is patience and being in the moment. Happiness is just an emotion and remember that emotions doesn't stay forever, it's ok if you're sad now because you will become happier later and don't ever feel comfortable if you're happy now because you can become sad later for no reason at all, or maybe something will make you sad eventually, it's not about being negative, we're just talking about the reality here. Anyway here are the three best magical tips to have instant happiness:

1. Forget about the future. Forget about what might happen later. Forget about the outcome, just enjoy what is going on right now, even if your situation is a little bit difficult or really uncomfortable... learn to enjoy it. At least you're still alive and experiencing life. Forget the future and learn how to be still with any kind if feeling you are experiencing right now. Worrying about the future steals your happiness, overthinking will only create stress hormones inside of your body. If it happens then it happens, it is what it is but you must remind yourself that life is not all about securing the future or getting a guarantee for a good and easy life. Life is all about experiencing the now and being satisfied of what you have. It's ok to push yourself to have a better life, it's ok to look for improvement but don't take away the fact that life really happens now and it is your choice if you're going to stay happy or scare yourself by worrying about something that hasn't happen yet.

2. Look for something you can do. Make yourself busy, love the process, look for something you can do and be passionate about it. Do it with all your heart, give your full maximum effort. Pushing yourself to the limits creates happiness, it will make you feel that you're something special because you're doing what great people does... and that is to maximize their skills and see what is possible by giving everything they've got. There is something that you can do to make yourself happy. You can paint, you can exercise, create your own brand, chase the impossible. Experiment on yourself and see how good you can be. Keeping yourself busy and chasing a goal or something will take away all the pain that you're feeling right now, you will be able to divert your attention from pain to passion.

3. Detach from the past. You can never erase the past anymore so what is the point of remembering it? Past is past, you can never change it no matter how hard you try. But the good thing is nobody remember it anymore, it is just another part of your life. You can even deny that it did happen. Stop living in the past so you can create a new life now, you will only experience something new if you will let go of the burden that you are carrying for a very long time. After all, your past is all just a memory, it's nothing anymore, you can even laugh about it, your past doesn't define who you really are, you can forge a new life now if you will start all over and do what is best for your life. 


Always think that you are working hard and giving your best. Even if you didn't do well today, still be proud of yourself, appreciate your effort and do better tomorrow. Because if you will keep on judging yourself then you will never trust yourself anymore, you will always have doubts and fears and traumas will start to take over. You need to be happy with your performance and always forgive yourself if you come up short. Try harder next time, forget the past and always see to it that you're giving your very best every single second. No regrets, no frustrations, it is what it is, what is done is done, be proud if you show up and exert an effort, be proud that you're still fighting for what you want, be proud that you're trying. Because at the end of the day, you should only feel bad about yourself if you didn't try. You're going to make it in the future if you didn't make it now, keep trying, that should be your mentality, always think that one day it's all going to fall in your hands, it's all going to be yours. Because nobody is going to be proud of you other than yourself, you may not exceed people's standards, they may expect more from you, they may get disappointed at you but at the end of the day it's what you feel that matters the most. Forget their expectations and standards, if you know in yourself that you gave your best then there is nothing to talk about anymore, there is nothing more to argue about.

Because you need to love yourself, you need to b confident with the process that you are doing, you need to appreciate all of your efforts even if nobody is appreciating it. You should follow your own standards, be the authority of your own life, you will be the judge if what you did is already good. Because if you will keep on belittling yourself and being ashamed of yourself then nothing good will happen to you, it will become your habit, you will never progress if you have that kind of mentality because you should be the one who's loving and taking care of yourself. It's alright if you failed, it's alright if you come up short, you're just a human and stop judging yourself. The good thing about life is you can try again tomorrow or later, there is no shame on trying, there is no harm in trying, you only got better even if you fail.

And never feel bad if your family or mother or wife is not proud of you, don't worry about it, it's none of your business about what they think, your business is to do your job and try and try again... as simple as that. Don't worry because once you become successful they will kiss your ass and act like they support you from the very beginning. But it's ok, don't bring it up, don't talk about it anymore, forgive them and go chase the next goal, I'm pretty sure they will support you this time because you already proven something. Because it is the reality that if you haven't prove anything yet then you will never get respect, but it's ok it's the reality, just keep persevering because one day you're going to become successful too. 

Jan 27, 2020


You have to make it happen no matter what, your dream should become a reality and it will only happen if you're taking actions. You can't just be thinking about it all the time and not doing anything, you have to move even if you're not sure that your steps are going to work. It's time to make your dream a reality and you can only do that by getting out of your comfort zone, you've been living a comfortable life for so long even if you're not rich nor successful, you're not in a sense of urgency and that is why you're not taking massive actions. Any big dream is not that easy to get, if it's easy then everybody would be successful. But most people were failures, it's because they don't want to face the pain, they don't want to undergo a very long process. Any dream will turn into reality if paired with hard work and perseverance. No matter how big your dream is... you can get it if you will exert full maximum effort.

Are you a dreamer or a doer?. It's ok to dream but it will forever be a dream if you will not force yourself to move now and do something positive for it. It's very easy to become a dreamer, all you have to do is lie down on your sofa, eat some popcorns and dream about what you want, anybody can do that. You can dream about your crush being your slave, you can dream about driving a ferrari or Lhamborgini, you can dream about mansions with playmates inside. It's ok if you want to live that way, there is nothing wrong with that, who am I to stop you? but I am very sure you want to take actions, I am very sure you want to do something, you're just afraid to start. Always remember that you only have one life, life is fast, you only have one chance to make your dream come true and if you will not act now then it will be too late for you in the future, it's game over, there is nothing you can do anymore. SO act now, be fast in making decisions, stop thinking too much, stop procrastinating and just do something.

You will never die if you work hard, nothing will stop you if you take massive actions. The world will just let you do your thing, so why are you so conservative of taking actions? just a little move is making you suffer. It's time to change your mentality, it's time to make a move, it's time to allow yourself to work hard and make your dreams come true. Your dream is so precious and unique, it is yours, you have to protect it and bring it into life. Because nobody will do it for you, you have to do it on your own. Just do it now, just start now and never hold yourself back, take actions... stop stopping. 

Jan 26, 2020


You're almost there, why are you stopping? because it's harder? because you are getting slower? because more challenges were scaring you? never stop because you're almost there, you can win, you can succeed if you push yourself to the limits. Giving up is for the losers, do you want to lose or do you want to win? if you want to win then stop prioritizing your feelings, stop pampering yourself, stop spoiling your laziness, you need to work harder and push harder. There is no other way but to keep going. Keep fighting and never give up, it is what it is, it's hard but what can you do? you can never go back, you're already all in here, so stop acting like a baby, stop being soft and give your best until it's done.

A lot of people almost made it but they gave up, they think that it's not for them, they entertained a lot of excuses inside of their heads why they can't make it. And losing manifest quickly, they quit, they stop and all they have is regrets in the end. Never think that you're too old for something, never think that you don't deserve it, of course it's for you, you just need to prove that you will never quit until you die, you have to keep trying again and again until you finally get what you want in life. What do you want? quitting and getting a little bit comfortable because you will rest or facing the discomfort and making a history? it's time to become proud of yourself because you pursue something with all your heart, so quit the idea of quitting and just keep moving forward. Step by step, brick by brick... face the pain, embrace the boredom, eat your fears and swallow your ego... keep moving forward until you get there.

It's only just a matter of time before you become successful. Life is fast, time is fast, don't ever say that you're going to rest for today and will go hard tomorrow or next week, that kind of mentality will never work, that is a mentality of a loser. You have to push hard now even if it feels so difficult, drag yourself if you need to, force yourself to take actions. One step after the other, go hard, go all the way... do your very best to get on top. It's never too late to dream about it, you deserve it, it is for you, just allow yourself to win by facing pain and not giving up.

Comfort is tricking you, you want to rest but the exchange of it is failure. Where is the glory behind that? get comfortable now and fail or get uncomfortable now and win later? the choice is yours, always remember that the harder the journey the sweeter the victory. It is hard for now but eventually the momentum will change, you will find your rhythm, you will feel motivated again. Just keep fighting for what you want and never quit, you can do it if you really want it, nothing is impossible with perseverance, you can conquer mountains by simply being consistent and dedicated. 

Jan 13, 2020


It's always there, you're just not summoning it yet, it's always there to give you strength to move forward. You just need to draw the state from within. You can fight all the time, you can fight everyday, it's just a matter of commitment and promising to yourself that you will never give up. Not giving up is already a fighting spirit, having the will to move forward is already a fighting spirit. It doesn't matter what happens next, it doesn't matter if you lose everything, what matters is you give everything you've got. Your spirit is there, it's never lost, it's always there. Don't worry if you are scared for now, don't worry if you're lost and you don't know what to do, all you have to do is stick with the moment and keep moving forward as much as you can. Anybody can do this technique, remember what you want and just move forward.

Some people almost have forgotten that they wanted to succeed once they feel the pain and exhaustion. They will just focus on trying to ease the pain and just give up. And that's why they can't win, they always wanted to get comfortable. If you really wanted to win then you need to give up comfort, you need to face the uncertainties and pressure, you need to embrace the most uncomfortable moments because that where growth and progress lies. Be happy if you're moving and getting uncomfortable now because it is molding you into a different type of beast. You are forging a character that can withstand anything and everything. Because success is all about weathering the storm, it's not that complex. It's all about facing catastrophe another catastrophe and surviving and thriving in the end. For example, once you were able to get away from mortgage for whatever reason then find another storm, build a business, something that is challenging and risky. You will never know how strong and good you are until you face something that is very scary and challenging.

Always remember that the fighting spirit is always there and will never go away, it's inside of you, all you need to do is remember that you have it. Anyone has a fighting spirit but most of us were not using it because were were stunned by pain and uncertainty, always remember that when it's too uncomfortable and hard then that's the time to keep fighting until you become successful. 


Sometimes you have to get something in a relaxed manner because wanting it so badly is reminding you the lack of it. And in order to get something you must believe that it's already yours. You must believe that it already happened before it happen. Wanting it so badly is making you jealous of other people who has it, sometimes you are so worried why it is not happening yet and you're not working anymore to get it. It's true that you have to want it so bad but you need to focus and feel confident all the time. Because sometimes you think that you're working too much already and exhausting yourself and still nothing good is happening. You have to want it so bad but you need to be patient and stop rushing the process.

Let it go when it's too heavy and then go back to it again. If it's too painful and not healthy anymore then stop thinking about it, detach from it for a while and then go back to it again when you think your mind is already on the right frame. Because forcing too much is not giving you results, you're going into an auto pilot mode and you're not controlling your emotions and thoughts anymore, you just want to push and push and push and nothing right is happening anymore.

Never think that it's the only thing that will make you happy, the moment you make it as your mindset... you will never going to make it. It's because you're putting a lot of pressure on your shoulders, and if you're too much pressured then you will never be able to perform well. That's why a lot of gamblers can't become rich with that hobby... they were scared to lose, they were pressured, they're not playing for fun anymore, they're playing not to lose and they can't enjoy the game anymore. You will only become successful if you can enjoy the process no matter how hard it is. So always watch yourself if you're already so mad about it, you don't have to burn yourself out to convince yourself that you really work hard for it. 

Jan 8, 2020


Stop feeding your ego too much, stop thinking that you're too special and any mistake you commit will be remembered. Nobody will remember a loser so if you're losing right now... it's not an embarrassment, it's just another day where you can get some lessons that you can use in the future. And even if you're winning or you achieved something great... they will still forget you. Even legends were forgotten, yes they were respected for some time but they will still be forgotten. Is Alexander the Great still being talked nowadays? is he still being feared by most people? he is nothing anymore, his name was written on the books but who cares? he is just another action figure, he is just part of the curriculum in college where students need to study. So don't ever think that once you made something great then people needs to respect you already, stop being too egoistic, you are still nothing, go outside of your house and walk at night and let's see if you're still invincible, someone might try to kill you and you can't do something about it.

The more you think you need some respect the more you become weak and powerless, it's because your strength is coming from the approval of other people, you feel bad once they didn't notice you. You feel disrespected if they can't remember your name. Who are you? what have you done? even if you're so successful still it is nothing, never let your head go big because the moment you do that... that will be your downfall.

So just enjoy your life and don't put too much pressure on yourself, what you accomplish is nothing, it has nothing to do with how people should treat you because not everyone will like you, not everyone will agree with you, some people will even disrespect you. Just live, just enjoy your life and don't be afraid of anything, don't be afraid to take risks and chances because sometimes it's not all about winning, it;s about giving yourself a chance to win. Keep making mistakes, keep failing, fail a lot of times because that's the only thing that will make you a winner. The lessons you learn from those failures will make you a better person.

Don't get jealous with other people who were so rich and successful, when they are about to die they will have a hard time letting go of their fame and money, they cannot even bring any of their wealth with them when they're about to leave this world, all of their achievements were nothing. The best thing to do is don't take life seriously, give your very best but don't ever feel bad when you're failing, you have to stand up and try again, you have to keep fighting until the end because that's the only way to live without regrets. Always remember that nobody cares if you're failing, nobody remembers your name after embarrassment, just keep moving forward all the time and enjoy your journey. 

Jan 3, 2020


Don't be afraid to be labeled as a mediocre worker, at least you're working. A mediocre work is working, it is making results, it is making you a worker. And a mediocre worker is much better than a dreamer. Because at the end of the day, you really need to work and produce something or else you will go crazy, you will become rusty and useless, do you want that? so whatever you need to do, may it be cleaning your house, washing the dishes or doing your homework... just do it. Do it even if it's mediocre, do it your way, it doesn't matter if it looks perfect or not, what matters is you do it and you are making yourself productive. Give your best while doing it and there is nothing else to prove.

A mediocre work is the path to greatness, all you have to do is repeat it and you will become good on it, you will master it. For example, if you're a mediocre artist or singer... keep singing, keep making arts, one day you will reach a different level, your level becomes higher and higher very time you move... as simple as that. You will never become mediocre forever if you are doing it everyday. Consistency is the path to greatness, so if you're mediocre now but you are showing up everyday and doing your responsibility then you will become great one day. So don't be afraid if they call you mediocre or not good enough, just keep pushing because you will become better every time you push. Magic will happen if you push yourself to the limits, you will see a different result, you will see bigger money, bigger experiences and different results. So never mind if you're a mediocre worker, for as long as you are pushing... you're on your way to greatness. So stop stopping yourself from doing something, stop thinking that it's hard and just do it. Do it until you're done... this is the best way to become successful.

Just do it, forget about what will happen next and just do it, forget about the judgement of other people and just do it. The reason why you can't move and make results is because you're always thinking that you're wrong, you're always judging yourself. Why not agree with your own work and be proud of it instead? challenge yourself to just do it, do it and do it until the job is done. You will feel good if you did something instead of thinking about it all day long. Start now, stop trying to look perfect and just try to produce something. Have no regrets when you do it, feel good about it even if it's not perfect. After all, you will never become perfect so stop being a perfectionist. Most perfectionist were just dreamers, they never accomplish anything because they always judge themselves and other people, they always think that there is a better way how to do things but they couldn't even get started.