Jan 22, 2019


Forget your weakness and greatness will come to your life. Forget that you can never do such thing. The reason why you can't succeed is because you always think that you can never become great, that is why you stop taking actions. Greatness is all about moving forward and nothing else. Great conquerors never stop, taking action is their culture, they don't care if they feel weak or sick, all they know is they need to keep moving forward and get what they can get.

That should be your mindset... you should keep trying over and over again until you get what you want, never feel bad if you're not getting anything... remember the play... it's to give your best every single second and forget about failing.

Weakness is all in your head, it's all in your mind. What if you think that you are great already? how will you react? how will you move? how will you make decisions? how will you look? destroy weakness now and push forward and do whatever you can do. You can always do something, never under estimate the power of taking small steps, those small steps will soon accumulate in the end and will give you anything that you want.

If you will just give your very best then you will never feel weak anymore. Most people were weak because they were lazy, they were not pushing themselves to the limits, they feel weak because they don't even want to start, they want to achieve something but they don't want to start. It's because they feel that the process is so long, they don't want to sacrifice. You need to keep climbing no matter what, you need to become relentless, entertain yourself by taking actions and you will forget what you're weak.

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