May 11, 2024


Your only problem is you don't take actions, that's it. You're too lazy, you're overthinking and you feel like you're entitled of something without doing anything, it's so sad because you're lost. You have no confidence, you don't have any idea how are you going to do it. Every action can make an impact, it all depends on your effort. You need to attack your dreams, every small step will give you a confidence boost. One small action is all you need, just start even if there is a lot of resistance, just start even if you feel so heavy. The idea is to keep going and destroy all of your excuses. 


Don't think. Just decide fast and be fast, take actions now, never wait till tomorrow, you need to do it now even if you're not ready. Give yourself a chance to win and never take any second for granted. You know what to do, you just don't want to do it because it's too uncomfortable. You have to decide, are you slow or are you fast? it's not about the strength of your body, it's the strength of your mind. Your body will follow to your mind. It's up to you, it's better to be fast than slow, it's better to be working hard than being lazy. Decide for your identity now, being lazy will make you weak and broke, being fast and hard worker will give you money, different opportunities and success. What will you choose? you don't need to become smart to choose here, you don't need a coach to do the right thing. Start now, what the heck are you waiting for? nobody will wait for you, nobody will be there to save your sorry ass. Take full responsibility of your life and never give up, as simple as that. 


When you jog for 3 days straight on the 4th day your mind will already look for an excuse. You will make yourself believe why you need to rest. You will wait for rain, you will look for another task to do, your feet will hurt even if it's still runnable, you will think that your shoes is not good for running, you will feel sleepy, you will look for validation from your partner or friend why you need to stop, you will think that you have had enough, your back will hurt for no reason, you will make yourself believe that you have no time for today and that there are some better things to do. You will always look for an excuse every time it gets harder and boring. A little pain, sleepiness, tiredness will dominate your mind, you will always look for what is missing, you will always look for what is wrong. You have to learn that it is normal, be conscious and believe that your mind is tricking you, it's just looking for comfort. And guess what? where does comfort take you? when your mind is always looking for something, when it's seeking for what is missing then you're on the wrong path, you're on the wrong frame of mind. 


Benin tough, trying again and again and not giving up will make you successful. You don't need a special talent here, you don't need a strong support. You just need to decide to never give up and you will have a better chance of winning, you will succeed, you will make a progress. Just go hard and give your every best, it doesn't matter if you get tired, it doesn't matter if it will take too long... just keep moving forward, choose activity over inaction, choose making progress over being stuck forever. Stop believing in your mind because it will always look for an excuse when things gets harder, you need to believe in the power of actions. It's ok to feel lazy, it's ok to be doubtful and scared but never pass on taking actions, always believe that hard work will give you a better life, it will put you on a better position all the time, it will give you a bigger chance of winning. 

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