May 21, 2024


If you get lucky you get lucky, if you fail you fail, this is it. One thing is for sure... you will never win if you don't work hard and try. You will only win in life if you make a 100% effort and didn't back down to any challenge. Force yourself to get lucky by working hard and giving your all. This is a simple thing, be fast and never think. It's all about taking actions, it's not about holding yourself back. Stick with the basics and never stop even if it is hard, this is it, this is the time to become great... not tomorrow, not later, you have to take chances now and believe that something will click along the way. Shut down all of your excuses and do everything you can to win or make at least a small progress. You are so lazy and that's why you can't get lucky in life, you will only get lucky if you're taking risks and giving everything you've got no matter what. 


Saying no to everything that makes you worse. Saying no to stupidity, saying no to temptation. Saying now is already making a progress. Saying no to Procrastination, saying no to bad habits, saying no to everything that is pulling you down. If you will always choose comfort over discomfort then you're in big trouble because your life will get uncomfortable in the end. You can say no now, just say it, just because it is fun and easy doesn't mean you need to say yes right away. Use your brain not your emotion, Stop everything that will put you on a bad position, it may be fun now but it will punish you later. Drop all the pleasures and laziness and see how your life changes. There is no other way, there is no shortcut, if all you do is have some fun if that's what you like then you're in big trouble, you will be punished later so beware of what you do. It's nota bout what you do, it's about what you don't do. Most of the time you're doing a lot of thins that are harming your future and personal life, you are very good in sabotaging yourself. If you will not do it then you will be forced to do the right things that will give you an upgrade. So stop thinking about what to do and just don't do what is making you worse. Bad habits, laziness, toxic food, toxic behaviors, partying, drinking, gossiping, scrolling... these activities are not serving you at all yet you still want to do them because they are easy and fun. Remember that something easy and fun will never take you further, you have to make sacrifices and practice delayed gratification all the time if you want t go to the next level. 


Any idea is a risk already, execute it and make it your own. Fully believe in it and never give up. Focus on your ideas, believe that you are deserving to become huge, believe that you can also make it like others. If they can do it then you can do it too, all it takes is believing in yourself. Work hard, make sacrifices and your confidence will go high. 

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