May 15, 2024


What is your fear for if you will not face it? fear is there to test you, it will give you courage. Just because you are afraid doesn't mean courage is not there, courage will only come out if you will face your fears and take the risk. Do what you are scared of, face the unknown, give yourself a chance to win. Fear is there as a signal, it's an opportunity for growth, it's telling you to take actions and expand, it's telling you o just do it and never mind the future. Once you take actions... you will feel a lot better and your fears will go away.  Just take action, just live and take the first step, follow through as much as you can, go further and never stop. Go towards your goal, follow your philosophy and never give up. Fear is there to strengthen you not to weaken you, it all depends on how you use it. Feel it and it will become nothing, absorb fear and you will get stronger. Push forward despite of fear, ignore the outside influences, follow your heart, follow your intuition and make yourself vulnerable to failure and pain, welcome everything, never be so defensive, never be so protective. Life is like that, it's full of pain and difficulty, get use to it and nothing can bother your mind anymore. Don't look for comfort, don't look for easy path, just deal with what is in front of you and never judge yourself if you're committing a lot of mistakes and stupid decisions. Just keep going, this is life, it is full of challenges, your fear is not something to be resist on, it's something you need to feel, embrace it and 80 percent of your worries will go away. 


These are the two things that you are mostly scared of... time and people. You are scared that you are running out of time, you are scared that there is no time, you are scared that it will take a lot of time and waiting to accomplish something, in other words you are scared of the moment because you don't want to feel the pain and endure the difficulty that is why life is harder for you. You are scared of the future you don't want any casualty. You are scared of people, you are scared of what they might say. You are scared that they might judge you. It's ok to be scared of something, it's a signal that you must do something, fear is the compass, fear is the starter, fear is the way. 


Be fast, if you find yourself procrastinating... work right away, move even if it's hard to move. Be fast and never waste a single second, that's all you need to do and you will have a better life. Just be fast, the key is to just do it, never care about how you feel and just move 100 kilometers per hour, have that sense of urgency, have a purpose in life. Just move towards what is the most important thing in your life and you will get there, the fear will disappear. Never care if your move is perfect or not, just do the next step and keep going further no matter what. Be unstoppable when it comes to taking baby steps. Little by little, step by step do it no matter what. 


Do something that scares you every once in a while. Say hi to strangers, go where you are scared to go, take risks, start your own business, execute your own ideas, speak your mind. Test yourself, test how far can you go with that little courage of yours. 

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