May 25, 2024


Fear will kill you, it will immobilize you, it will make you sick and powerless, it will make you do things that you don't want to do, it will make you a weak person even if you are strong. That's why most people are avoiding fears. Fear is a feeling and avoiding any kind of emotion will make you block the present. Avoiding any feeling means you don't like what's going on and you're trying to avoid it. The only way to avoid fear is to feel it, stop resisting it and embrace it. The truth is you can never avoid it but you can fight it. You cans still move despite of feeling it, never let it immobilize you. You have to understand that being present means not being confident, it means not resisting anything, it means welcoming any kind of emotion without judgement and without fighting it. It's ok to be scared but don't be scared of being scared, don't ever brag that you are fearless. Fear is just a feeling, you think something is big even if it is not, nothing is bigger than life and your life is only one, the only thing you need to be thinking about is enjoying your life while facing the challenges. Just keep going, never scared of what people say, never be scared of what the future holds. Do it for yourself, don't do it for anyone else, be selfish, it's ok to get scrutinized, it's ok if people hate you, it's ok if you fail, once you stop caring about people say... that's how you become powerful. Life will become limitless if you're willing to fail but still give your very best anyway. You will only become expressive and free if you're not minding the people's opinions. Ready or not face the fear, be fast, walk towards it, don't shy away from it. make yourself vulnerable to failure, embarrassment, rejection and pain... that's how to feel invincible, regardless of the result... love yourself, forgive yourself, appreciate yourself and thank yourself for living and trying. It is what it is, you can never control how you feel, something will always threaten you or scare you, some random garbage will try to make you feel bad and you don't have to be ready for it all the time, you just need to be aware that you are being anxious, nervous or uncomfortable with it. 


If you need to do something... do it as early, fast and hard as you can. If you want to avoid fear then you need to focus on taking actions rather than overthinking all the time. The reason why you're scared, weak, slow and undecisive is because you're worrying too much, you're undecisive and you're being too soft. Stop acting like a chicken, if you need to do it then do it. What the hell are you waiting for? nobody is going to spare you. Nothing will wait for you. Life is fast, the world is spinning fast and if you keep on waiting for the right timing, if you're waiting to feel motivated before you act then you will get stuck forever in a mud. Wake up, slap yourself if you need to, you're nothing special so stop acting like an entitled diva. Laziness and depression is a luxury, you're acting like a special child without achieving nothing. You need to work, you need to move if you don't want to become scared forever, stop judging yourself, stop judging the situation and just work, just show up, force yourself to work as hard as you can. Be fast, if you don't want to feel weak again then train your body to work fast. 

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