May 27, 2024


You knew what to do you're just pretending that you don't know it because you're too lazy and acting like a pussy. That's why you're not making a progress, that's why you're losing, you're too addicted to comfort and security, you're not trying something new. All you have to do is create a different you and something will change. Be different than yesterday, work harder, work faster and never procrastinate. Stop thinking too much and do what you can do, that's it, it's too simple yet you couldn't even get started because you're acting like a soft diva without a backbone. You just need to work, get better and that's it, that's not too difficult to do, all you have to do is decide and just start. Be decisive, don't ask too much questions from other people, you knew what to do and you have to do it now. This is just a matter of trial and error method. Try as many as you can and never give up, as simple as that. Anybody can d this, it's the one who can work the hardest and endure many failures that will win. So start now and do whatever it takes to win, don't be afraid of getting tired because you will get tired and stressed even more if you're not taking any action. Just keep pushing and find a way to win, you have unlimited number of tries, you can try forever if you want, nothing can stop you if you will make yourself unstoppable. It will only happen by taking mammoth actions and not stopping until you're done. Anything is possible for you, you just need to believe in yourself. The time to takeover is now, not later not tomorrow. Start now, even if you are tired, even if you feel so scared... just start and make a momentum. All you have to do is never give up and you will win, you don't need anybody tp teach you this, just start and keep going, never mind the problem, ignore the adversity and just push yourself to the limits. You know what is right, you know what you need to do and that is working like hell, staying focused and not giving up on any kind of adversity. It is what it is, it's going to get harder each day but you have to make a decision to keep on fighting and keep moving forward until you finally made it on top. It means you need to make sacrifices, you need to give everything you've got every single day and stop making excuses. Your stupid excuses will never give you anything, it will only make your life miserable. If you want a better life then you better start moving ahead and do what will give you a better chance of winning. Don't ask anybody how are you going to become successful, stop looking for stupid advices and start taking chances. The power is in your hands, you can make it if you really want it bad enough. It's just a matter of focusing on what gives you an edge, focus on what will put you on a better position to become successful. The choice is yours, do you want to get better now or do you want to get worse? It all depends on how you use your time, you knew what is best for you, you knew what will make you advance. Stop looking for an excuses, stop looking for reasons why you need to stop going hard. It is the only way, make sacrifices and stop doing what is easy and start doing what is hard. Believe in the power of numbers, the more repetition you make the bigger chances of winning. It is now or never, stop waiting for the right time because the right time is always now. 

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