May 19, 2024


Understand that it is hard, life is hard, chasing success is hard, living everyday gets hard but it's not hard all the times. It will only get easier if you will accept that nothing is easy and that you have to work hard for it. Hard work pays off, pair it with consistency and belief and you will become unstoppable. It's your habits, culture, philosophy and wok ethic that will bring you on top not your skills or talent. Talent is overrated without hard work and sacrifice. A lot of people think that they are smart, talented and good enough but they were too lazy, that's why they have a bum life and how come you can consider that they are smart if they couldn't even take the first step? This is about mammoth actions, this is about speed and volume. If you can do more then you will go further, as simple as that. be fast, choose to become fast so that your mind won't have any time to think, this is about willpower, this has nothing to do with talent and gifts, this has nothing to do with being smart, just be a fast starter and keep following through.


The one talent that will make you go further, get bigger, stronger, smarter, richer, healthier and happier is forcing yourself to do the things that you hate but are very beneficial. Just do it, do it even if you are tired, do it scared, do it with doubts, do it even if the risk is very big, do it even if you are lazy, do it even if you don't want to do it, do it even if you will get embarrassed. This is very doable, just forget the results and time, forget that you need to make it perfect and you will be able to force yourself to take actions. Being a doer is 1 million times than being a thinker, all the thinking does is stress you out and tire you out without even doing anything, all the thinking does is make you stuck so what the hell are you waiting for? move now and never stop, just keep moving forward because that is what life is all about. You have the power to move, you have the power to believe, use it now and never take any single day for granted. You can make it if you really want it. A breakthrough is waiting for you, you just need to force yourself to take actions and do what is best for you. Make the best move, make the next move and never hold yourself back. Don't complicate things, this is simply about executing your ideas, follow your instincts, follow your heart, you can never go wrong if you follow your heart. If it feels so right then it can never go wrong. Stop trying to become perfect because it will only destroy your mentality, it will never give you any momentum, it will make you stuck forever. You can become the best if you will just master forcing yourself on taking actions. Come to think of it, what will make your life better? moving or procrastinating? you don't need to think about this. Don't worry about failing, don't worry about not making it, don't worry about coming up short. Make yourself vulnerable to failure and pain, don't protect yourself and just embrace life, embrace everything that is about to happen. 

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