May 17, 2024


If you can enjoy your emotions even if they are scary, stressful and difficult then life gets easier. The reason why you're having a hard time and having a difficult life is because you're not trying to have fun with your emotions, it is possible to become one with your emotions, just feel it. Even if it's scary just still feel it, it's being in the moment, it's being calm and still while dealing with your problems, you will see that life is more enjoyable and easy, you will feel more powerful, you will have the strength to carry on and withstand any kind of storm. Fear is normal, it is part of being a human, don't wish to become fearless because you will get crazy by doing that. If you can enjoy your doubts and fears and still move forward then you will have a higher chance of winning. 


Never judge yourself or feelings, never care about the situation and just keep om moving forward, this is the best way to erase your doubts and fears, despite of the consequences... keep pushing forward. Always look forward to finish, always look forward to giver everything you've got. This is where your power is... moving forward and not caring about what's going to happen next. What will happen will happen, stay in the moment and give everything you've got. Focus on giving your very best. Anything can happen, the only thing you can control is your mind and actions. Nothing can stop you, it's your thoughts about people that stops you. It's your anticipation about the future, you need to embrace fears and still follow your philosophy. Force yourself to take the risk, no risk no reward, keep in mind that you will become stuck on the same place forever if you're not willing to fail. Because there is nothing else to do but to move forward. Your fear and doubts will never go away but you can counter it with actions. Moving will give you confidence and momentum, it will give you more control and peace of mind. Just move and forget about anything else. Never care if you fail or succeed... just move. 


Being mentally tough simply means you are not letting any negativity, inputs from other people, frightening thoughts influence your mind. You may be scared, you maybe be nervous but your beliefs should prevail in the end. Embrace your emotions but never let anything influence your actions at all. You need to focus on your goals and game plan. Protect your mind at all cost. Your mind will either make you or break you, don't ever let anything poison your mind because it will affect how you feel and move. The only thing that you can control is your mind, don't ever let your power be use by others. Your mind is everything, your mind is the only thing that can change your reality. If you can think the right thoughts, if you can think the right way then you will become unstoppable. 

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