Dec 31, 2023


If yo want to change then you need to watch yourself all the time and ask yourself if you're thinking right or doing the right thing that will give you a chance to have a better life. Discipline is all you need to have a better life, a game plan and execution. If you are disciplined you will have more time, you will get stronger and faster, you will be able to do the things that you thought were not possible. Watch yourself 24/7 and stop being a bum. If you're doing a lot of useless activities stop it now and never do it again. You have to constantly guard yourself because you're too good in sabotaging yourself. This is a process, this is a minute to minute process. You can never wish for it, you can only live by it. Practice, train yourself to become a doer and not just a watcher or a thinker. Your life will only get better if you choose a different role. Not a bum, not a clown, not a lazy person, your role should be the hardest working person in the world. Your role should be different than your weaker role in the past. You can choose what you want to be. 

Just go, take matters into your own hands and just go. Push yourself to the limits and never give up, as simple as that. At the end of the day you've got to choose what path to go on. You need to choose the better path, choose something that will make you stronger and better. Choose a different energy, a different identity. Define the steps and habits that will make you great and live by it. You have to understand that in order to achieve something different you need to change your character too. That's the only way. If you will not change yourself then you will get the same weak results over and over again. You have to constantly remind yourself that you're a different animal now. It is what it is, it's going to be hard but it is really very basic. It's not how smart you are, it's not how talented you are... it's how disciplined you are. It's very simple yet most people can't do it because they don't have the discipline and habit to do it. They are not even trying, you need to use a tremendous willpower here. Focus is the key, if you are committed then you already succeeded. 

Watch yourself, it is better to do nothing than to stick with your bad habits. It's better to just breathe and stay still so that you can think consciously and not be on an auto pilot mode. It's better to sleep than to scroll on social media for 10 hours, it's better to meditate and just breathe than to drown yourself with pleasures. You have to control yourself, stay away from pleasures because it's making your life miserable, it's making you suffer again and again. Addiction is what's failing you. Addicted to sugar, porn, cigarette, procrastination, social media, laziness, sleep, junk food, gossips etc. If you can just stop your addiction then your life will change dramatically. What's your addiction that's making you poor, unhealthy, weak, slow, unproductive, lazy and dumb? stop it now, you can do it if you really want it. All it takes is using your willpower. Speaking of willpower, you have unlimited supply of it. Just watch yourself, watch your behavior and stay away from your addictions. You can change now, just be present, be in the moment and embrace the discomfort. It's really going to be stressful and hard but that's how to manufacture growth and momentum, you will never change if it is easy. You have to embrace the stress, embrace the change, it's taking place every second you endure the struggle. Just keep going and never quit, you are the owner of your life, never let weakness take over. 

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Dec 28, 2023


be fast, if you need to do something do it without any attachment, just do it. Forget about winning or losing, forget about all the consequences if you fail, just be fast and push yourself to the limits... that's it. You will become faster if you will avoid perfection, if you will avoid trying to look cute all the time. Most of the time you're trying to look like a diva, you're trying to become a socialite which is bad for the process. If you're trying to achieve something or become something you can't look cute, you need to get your hands dirty and do whatever it takes to get to the next level. never let your mind think, just do what yo are suppose to do and feel good about it. Don't overthink, don't worry, just live in the moment and give everything you've got. To become faster you need to move more and do more, you need to force yourself to avoid procrastinating. You will have more energy if you're working hard, as the once said "do it and you will have more energy to finish it". The reason why you can't accomplish something is you don't want to start it, you let your mind be overwhelmed with the long process. But if you will just do it then you will be able to finish it no matter what. Forget the time, forget the wasted opportunities, forget your favorite TV show that you will not be able to watch and just focus on finishing the more important task. 

Pause for a little bit if you've overwhelmed, breathe a little bit and go back to the attack, attack the process like a maniac. Never stop until you're done, be ruthless, be aggressive and hungry. You need to get addicted to the process and treat it like the only thing that matters in the world. Don't hold yourself back, program your mind to become a doer and not a dreamer. That has been your problem in the past, you're so addicted to day dreaming, you're not taking actions anymore, you're living like an entitled bum. You will never get anything if you have a mentality of a loser. Losers never take actions, they always wait, they always talk, they always brag and they always waste their time. If you want to become a winner then you better mind your own business and stay away from distractions that makes you do stupid things without any benefits at all. 

Look at yourself all the time, are you fast or are you slow? are you wasting time all the time? you better create a new identity now. Visualize yourself being fast and aggressive, see yourself winning little by little, see yourself enjoying the process and having the time of your life. Embrace the challenge, never back down to any discomfort and always look forward to what you can do at the moment. Focus on speed, thinking about the past makes you slow, thinking about what people say makes you frozen, you need to be fast and focus on the next move because that's the only thing that will change your bum life. 

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Dec 27, 2023


If you want to go to a different level then there should be no room for procrastination, there should be no room for wasting time, you should make yourself productive 24/7. Stop resting, stop stopping and give everything you've got. If you want a better life then discipline is the key, you really need to stop sabotaging yourself, the truth is you're the only one who is making your life worse and nobody else. Start blaming yourself because you can't avoid entertainment and fun that is putting you to misery. You hate yourself because you can't discipline yourself, you hate life because you have no control over it. You will lose control if the external things or people can persuade you easily. You will lose control if you're not doing the difficult but more beneficial activity. You need to make a stand and push yourself to become the best version of yourself, as simple as that. This requires a strong dedication and razor sharp focus. Focus on where you're trying to go and wanting to be, focus on becoming the strongest version of yourself. If you want to get something you need to become something first. Develop that mental attitude, develop the habits and discipline to stay away from everything that is trying to stop you from making a progress. It's really up to you, you can procrastinate now or do something productive now. You can start now or start later. It all depends on you. If you want to see your real level you need to see yourself, if you can start fast without letting your emotion stop you then you're already on a different level. But if you're always making excuses, if you're always letting the resistance win then you have a weak mind, you're not in control. If you want to take your power back then never let the external things make you decide on something. Never let excuses or weak reasonings stop you from doing the most important task in your life at the moment. You must step on the gas all the time and never think that you are allowed to brake. 


The right timing is when you do it now. Kill the urge of instant gratification. The moment you want to drink alcohol, stop it now. The moment you want to puff a marijuana, stop it now. The moment you want to do something else that is unimportant, stop it now. If the urge to do it is so strong, stop it now and your mentality will go to a different level. It's simple about staying away from temptations and useless things or activities that slows you down and makes you weak. Sometimes you don't even need to do a lot, you just need to stop a lot of self sabotaging activities. Your life will get better if you will stop your vices and bad habits. It's not about working hard and doing a lot of stuffs, it's about doing less... less nonsenseness and less toxic behaviors. If you can discipline yourself to stay away from traps that makes your life more difficult then your life will improve in just a very short period of time. The time for a change is now, you have to do it when you don't want to do it, you have to stay committed to the process. Forget about the results, just stick to making sacrifices. Stay away from what kills you and makes you broke, stay away from traps that is putting you on a downward spiral. Be mindful of what you're thinking and doing, be present, always be aware if something is not putting you on a better position to succeed. 

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Dec 26, 2023


Work as hard as you can, focus as sharp as you can and that's it. It doesn't matter what happens anymore, what matters is your hard work and belief in yourself, external circumstances should not affect your mentality at all. hard work will solve your problems, make it as a philosophy, make it as your lifestyle and you will solve all of your problems. Hard work and focus is the answer, you're lost because you want something but you don't want to work for it. Focus on the process, focus on transforming yourself first. If you want to get something you must become something else, something different than your weak version. You need to become the strongest version of yourself. Results is overrated, process is underrated, you need to master the process first before getting what you want. This means you have to mold your mind, skills and body to become the best version of yourself to attract bigger things. If you can be the hardest worker and most focus man in the world then you will become super unstoppable, as simple as that. Focus on pushing forward and never go back. Don't pause, don't rest, look for the kill all the time, revive that killer instinct in you. 


Don't believe that one day everything will be fine, don't hope for the best and just embrace everything in front of you. DOn't expect for an easy life, expect that it is a process and that there will be a lot of distractions, problems, disturbances and challenges. Life is really like that, if you will fall in love with challenges then nothing will become hard anymore. What makes your life hard is that you're expecting it to be easy, you want peace all the time, you want an easy work, you want easy and soft people. But life is not like that. Life is a chaos, it's a forever war, you need to fight everyday. Life is a like a jungle and there is nothing you can do to fix it. Even if you're living in a corporate world, there is still a corruption, there are still difficult people to deal with. Your life will only get easier and better if you will accept that it is a chaos but you can still appreciate it. Be happy that you are still living because you can still make adjustments, you can still feel life and experience a lot of things. 


dON'T EXPECT for a different life if you didn't work for it, stop dreaming dumbass. You need to wake up and live in the real world, you're always wishing for a great life but you're lazy as a turtle, you're so slow, you're like a soft diva who feels so entitled of something. You're nothing but a bum, remind yourself about that and change, force your life to change through hard work and dedication. 


It's not going to be easy, if it is hard then do it hard, if you need to work for 8 hours straight then do it, if you need to work for 12 so be it. Stop complaining, learn to feel the pain, learn to feel the struggle and difficulty. You don't need a comfortable life at all, who needs comfort? it is for the weak, what you need is the ability to endure everything and be the best that you can be. 


move right away, start right away and never think. Never care about perfection, do it your way, start it your way and never care if you made a lot of mistakes, so be it. What matters is you are moving and you are confident that you can get the job done. You don't need to wait for something before you move, you don't need any help or support or any stupid motivation, you just need to believe that every action has an equal reaction. Whenever you are working hard, good things will happen to you, as simple as that. 

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Dec 25, 2023


You're excited for new year for what? you think you're going to make your new year's resolution real? you think you're going to get richer, stronger, fitter, smarter and happier? trust me you will do the same sh*iT again, you will become the same bum again, what's new? you don't have the discipline right? you didn't build the right habits right? and now you expect that you can turn things around? who the hell do you think you are? some kind of a special person? You will never be able to reach your goals because you're thinking about your goals instead of building the right habits. You're thinking about money, cars, perfect body, happiness etc. You're thinking about a happier life but you don't know that in order to have a better life you must have a discipline, a strong strong discipline. That's why stop dreaming about this better life if you're not fixing your life, fix yourself first and everything you want will be attracted to you little by little. 

Look at you, what are you doing now? do you think that kind of attitude will put you on top? do you really believe that in just a matter of weeks or days your life will change? stop lying to yourself, you've been posting on social media what you're going to do for years but nothing has been achieved. You are so funny you are lying to yourself. Stop fooling yourself and wake up. In order to get something you must be something. In order to have a healthy body you must be a disciplined person, you must stay committed to the process. If you're always skipping your workout and eating rat burgers then stop dreaming about having a fit body, you are just setting yourself up for depression. 

You expect to become happy but you're full of shi*, you're full of useless activities like scrolling on instagram, watching porn, gossiping etc. You have a lot of bad habits that are not helping you at all then you're expecting to be happy? stop that foolishness now, you better wake up and understand that happiness is a work, it is a day to day discipline to build the right habits that will attract happiness. You can't be happy without sweating, you have to work for it and make sacrifices for it. If you want a different result then you need to become a different person, as simple as that. Stop thinking about goals, stop thinking about your wishes and focus on changing yourself first. Focus on being faster, more disciplined and serious about yourself. Watch your thoughts and actions 24/7 and ask yourself all the time if what you are right now will really get the things that you want. Answer yourself honestly, stop clowning around and start making big time sacrifices now. You can't be having fun everyday and expect your life to change, if you want a real change then focus on eliminating bad habits first so that the new and good habits will start to bloom. 

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Dec 24, 2023


To appreciate the good you must experience the bad, you can never know what a good experience is unless you already experienced a bad experience. It's like yin and yang, one can't exist without the other. So whenever things are bad... be happy, you never know what may happen next. Nobody exactly knows why things are happening, one thing is for sure... bad times don't last, it will be much better after it, all you need to do is weather the storm, keep hanging on and soon the sun will start to shine. All you can do is move forward and that's it. Stop judging your situation because you never know the reason behind it, you don't know why it is happening, the truth is... it's happening for a reason, there's a good waiting for you if you persevere and keep going. All you need to do is don't quit and you will be good. Because the baddest option you could ever pick is to give up, you already lost when you give up, nothing good happens after it. You will only have regrets, you will be trapped in a cycle of giving up forever because once a quitter always a quitter, it will become your habit, you will always start from the beginning whenever you give up, it will become your character. So quit being a give-upper and start being a fighter. So what if it is hard, so what if it is impossible? that doesn't mean you're not allowed to try. Bad times never last, just keep going and you will find a way. Never say never, never quit because you are just being tested. 

If it is hard then you need to get harder, as simple as that. Nothing can make you fold if you commit to trying forever, nothing can ever stop you, you can become relentless if you decide to just take it one step at a time, keep going further by taking baby steps. Slowly but surely, you don't need to rush here, you just need to stay consistent. Just keep fighting, keep trying and something will click, you will be able to make a breakthrough. Tough times will be over soon, after it is success, you just need to promise to yourself to never stop when it is hard, never let stress or anxiety make you crumble, you have to have a still mind, protect your mind because it is your strongest weapon. Avoid thinking negative, avoid entertaining frightening thoughts, you have what it takes to survive and thrive, just keep hanging on and you will be able to change your situation and experience a new experience. 

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Dec 23, 2023


You've been listening to a lot of posers or impostors for the past few years, did it made a difference in your life? Did you become rich or something? did you feel the improvement? of course not, that's what happen if you don't listen to your own heart and you listen to other people's comments instead. They can easily penetrate your mind, you can easily get bombarded with their stupid suggestions and critics and that's why you can't be yourself. What if you listen to yourself instead of listening to them? You've been fooled a lot of times by these fake gurus wannabe who couldn't even change their lives, they're punks too like you, they're just pretending to be good, nobody is good here. You listen to them because you don't want to offend them, guess what? you don't need to impress those MOFOS, if you have a goal or a dream you need to listen to yourself or else you will fail. Never mind how they think or feel because you're looking for millions here, you're looking for what you really want. Stop minding what they say because they're words doesn't matter at all. Listen to yourself, listen to your heart and never let anybody affect you. You have what it takes to become successful, all you need to do is give everything you've got and stop wasting time. It's a waste of time and energy to listen to other people, they really don't care about you so why listen to them? Stop getting easily fooled by anyone, you need to man up and believe in yourself. Believe in hard work, believe in your ability to persevere. You have what it takes to win, you are deserving of great things. 

Just try it for a year, listen to yourself. Mold your mind, trick your brain into believing that you can do anything you want. 


never care if you fail, never care if you make mistakes, just attack. Stay aggressive and never take your eyes off your goal, you need to be intentional, you need to stay hungry and committed to your goals. Make sacrifices like hell, make sure you will become a different person by attacking your goals. 

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Dec 22, 2023


The reason why you feel so weak is because you're pretending to be weak, you're so slow because you're pretending to be slow. If you will become fast then you will have more energy, you don't need more energy to become fast... you need to become fast so that you will get stronger, your mind and body will follow. Be fast, if you need to start something just do it without asking anyone how are you going to do it. Don't doubt yourself, don't look for people's approval, trust me... it feels better when you're doing it your way, it feels good when you're pushing yourself to finish a task even if you feel so lazy and uncomfortable. You have to just do it, shut your mouth talking, quit making excuses and just pull the trigger. It's not about the results, it's about the concept. The concept of being fast, being a doer, loving the process and not giving up. 


People wants to have something first before they decide to give their best. People think that once they have a tattoo, a car, a thread mill, nice pair of shoes, a coach, a support or a nice place then that's the time they're going to give their best and do what is needed. 


Every time you push yourself, every time you do something important... you are programming yourself to become great.

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Dec 19, 2023


You need more energy to do more, stay active and become a better man. TO have more energy all you need to do is stay disciplined, stay consistent and focus on what you're trying to achieve, as simple as that. You feel weak every time you sabotage yourself by doing a lot of stupid things that doesn't matter, your body gets weaker every time you eat a lot of unhealthy foods. You will have more energy if you consume less entertainment and food, every time you fast and stay away from unhealthy habits... you get stronger and were able to do more. That's why you need to be mindful of your actions, it's ok if you're doing a lot or sleeping lesser than the average hours but make sure you're not doing a lot of things that are making you weaker and weaker. That's why it's important to stay active and focus on what matters the most. Stay away from toxic people and environment, stay away from pleasures, stop rewarding yourself with instant gratification because it's making your system weak. Practice being disciplined to engage on healthy habits only. You can be more if you will stick with the basics that gives you more power and momentum. It is easy if you will try, it will be easier if you will stay committed. Just believe in yourself and never get distracted by entertainment or unhealthy foods that makes you sick, slow and weak. You need to get better now, you need to remind yourself all the time that discipline is they key. Being fast to take actions, getting better a little bit and focusing on what gives you an edge is what you need to be thinking about all the time. You can become a high performance person if you will make the process simple and avoid things and activities that are fun but really destructive. Mind and body will get stronger if you will stay disciplined and committed to the process that gives you power and small results. You may not see the improvement fast but you will see it in the near future, it will accumulate, things will get better if you stay committed. 

People have lesser energy because their energy were scattered everywhere, they're doing a lot of stupid things that doesn't matter at all. They're doing a lot of unhealthy habits that's making them weak and slow like playing video games, scrolling on social media for long hours, eating junk foods without detoxifying, mindless actions, mindless engagement with toxic people that drains a lot of their energy. If you want to get stronger, faster and productive then you need to focus on what you need to do. You are either getting stronger or weaker every second, it's up to you if what you want to be. It's easy to have more energy if you will be focusing on what makes you stronger. Every action can either make you stronger or weaker, negative or useless actions will make you weaker while positive and useful actions will give you a relentless motor. It's all about watching yourself and setting up your life to your advantage. You can have an edge if you will be smart with your habits and decisions. 

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Dec 18, 2023


Just one simple move and you will feel much better, just one action and detach from the outcome and you will gain some confidence. The reason why you feel so low is because you want to finish your pending works right away, you're overwhelmed all the time because you're too attached with the future. Your fears will go away if you take an action, you will feel good and satisfied if you do the work and not delay it anymore. Stop delaying something, you just need to keep moving forward and half of your problems will go away, you only feel stressed because you're thinking too much instead of taking actions now. Your mind is anxious because of inaction, you need to take the fist step and then follow through, enjoy the journey and never give up when it's hard. 

One move, don't ever think about it, just do what's on your mind and never judge yourself. Keep going as much as you can, one step at a time... do it. Don't ever stop, you need to push yourself whenever you're feeling lazy, stop being too emotional, emotions will never help you at all. Move now and keep going, you don't need to become super fast here, you just need to be consistent and persevering. It doesn't matter how many steps you need to take, it doesn't matter how many days you need to work, you don't even need to become perfect here.. you just need to move and believe in yourself. Believe in the power of your actions, keep grinding and try to enjoy the process as much as you can. Life is about movement, it's about ups and downs, it's not about perfection or success... it's about trying and giving yourself a chance to win, it's about uncovering your full potential and knowing who you really are. But how can you know yourself if you're always feeling stuck because of inaction. You can move anytime you want to, nobody can stop you, what the hell are you waiting for? force your hands and feet to move, it's too easy if you will try. You can pause for a little bit if you need to but don't ever stop permanently, you need to go for the finish. Have that assassin mindset to finish what you've just started. Keep going, your energy is unlimited, you will have more energy if you are pushing, you will get weaker whenever you're resting and procrastinating. One simple move will get the job done, it will serve as a very strong momentum to finish anything. You don't need to look for a perfect step, you don't need to look for approval from others, approve yourself and go the extra mile. You don't need any motivation at all, you don't need an evidence that you're going to succeed, you just need to move and don't worry about making mistakes. At the end of the day you won't get executed for moving, nobody has the right to kill you if you made some silly mistakes. Go ahead and take the risk, believe that anything is possible and keep moving forward. 

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Dec 16, 2023


You shouldn't be surprise because life is really hard, life is tough and you need to get use to it. What do you expect? some cake walk, some fantasy or walk in a park? life is full of surprises, life is full of discomfort and pain, you need to get use to it to make it easier. Nothing will be handed to you, nobody will do it for you, there is no free in life... you have to make sacrifices or do the work if you want to get something or be something. Change is hard, success is hard, if it's easy then everybody will do it. Stop wishing for an easy life because the more you wish for it the harder it will be. You need to face all the obstacles, embrace all the challenges and try to fight your laziness all the time. Depression is just an excuse, it's just a drama. People get depressed because they're so lazy to move, if you will just walk everyday or exercise a little bit then you will never suffer the trend called mental health. You need to force yourself to fight, life is a fight, life is all about facing your fears and welcoming the adversities with open arms and open mind. 

Just keep pushing, live your life. Create a different energy, make your energy positive and never feel negative, force yourself to feel good even if you're feeling heavy and problematic. Appreciate life even more, you've got to keep on moving forward if you want to feel happier. Even if results are not happening yet... still try and never give up. Work as hard as you can and squeeze whatever you can squeeze from life. Take chances, feel the pain, feel successful, appreciate what you have and never complain. Never make excuses, never point fingers to anybody and blame them for your unhappiness. Remember that you are responsible for your own feelings, if you feel bad now it's because you're not forcing your mind to entertain positive thoughts. If you're feeling down it's because you're not doing everything you can to become positive. Life is simply about controlling your thoughts and actions. You will feel better if you're disciplined and always moving, you will feel so sloppy and depressed whenever you're being negative and always lying on you couch doing nothing but watching TV and eating pizza. You need to do what is harder to feel better, as simple as that. Life will not happen to you, you make it happen. You will will have no time for what you want, you make time for it, you need to force yourself to become better to get better. You need to start now and never put off things tomorrow. When you're not ready get ready, when you feel lazy take actions. Move now and do whatever it takes to make your life more fun, it's all in your effort, focus on what you want to happen and it will happen. Get rid of all your bad habits and never go back being a bum again. It will be a lot easier if you will take matters into your own hands and never let anything or anyone become responsible for your happiness. Life is what you make it, if you're feeling so low right now then it means you're not doing the right thing. Stop all the dramas and negativity, give everything you've got, use all of your energy to make your situation a little bit better and never give up when things are hard. Keep pushing when it's hard and eventually you will feel much better. You can be anything you want to be, just stop making excuses, stop being a diva and take charge of your life. Hard work will make you better, stop being a perfectionist, stop feeling entitled and just live life. 

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Dec 14, 2023


The real journey, real greatness is simply to stop yourself from sabotaging yourself. It's to stop yourself from doing stupid stuffs that makes you weak and broke. You will become mentally stronger if you will be patient and choose what makes you better. The thoughts, actions, choices, decisions that makes you better... this is greatness already. Watch yourself all the time, what are planning to do? what do you want to do, practice having a buffer time for 5 second and judge it if it is right or wrong, is it going to make you better or worse? Discipline will make you great, it is hard but so simple. All you have to do is repeat the process a million times and you will squeeze something from it. Then from there you can tweak something that will double the result or even triple it. It's a simple trial and error method, you don't need to become a genius here, you just need to be good in mastering the repetition even if it's too boring already. Sometimes you need to become a robot without emotions, become a machine... that is the price of greatness, it is simple repeating the process until you get tired of it and then repeat again, it's a never ending cycle. 

Walk by faith not by sight, if what you're doing is not working just keep doing it. Maybe your effort is not enough that's why it's not working yet, sooner or later you will make a breakthrough, it's just a matter of believing in yourself and sticking with the process. Be patient, you have to give everything you've got first before you judge the process that it's not working. Everything will work if you are serious of trying to make it work. Define yourself, what are you? are you a doer or a dreamer? there is no in between, you can't be both. Some people were having too much fun in dreaming and they will just work a little bit, and in the end they will wonder why they are failing. You can't be a 90 percent dreamer and a 10 percent doer, you have to lock in. If you want to dream then just dream but don't ever expect that your dreams will happen. If you want to become a doer then commit to the process, make it as your lifestyle, make it as your culture. If you're a doer then you will be able to attract your dreams automatically because you keep on getting better each day, you will become faster, you will become more efficient... you will become a different beast. So just do it and never stop yourself, quit thinking too much and enjoy the baby steps, stay consistent and follow through, never stop when it is hard... stop when you're done. 

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Dec 13, 2023


If you're trying to get better, if you're trying to change your life... you will be tested all the time. Something will try to disturb you, something will try to tempt you or make you angry. Something will try to destroy your focus and you have to be aware of it. If you're trying to be kind somebody will get on your nerves, if you're trying to work hard a lot of temptations will seduce you, entertainment and pleasures will try to pull you back to your bad and old habits. If you're trying to save money a promo will suddenly pop up out of nowhere and will try to get your money. If you're trying to become a new person, useless and unproductive activities will try to tempt you. You can never escape these temptations, they will show up all the time but you can say no all the time. All you need to do is be conscious, be present and always know what you're doing at the moment. Don't ever let yourself fall into these traps, these traps were tests that will try to stop you form becoming a new version of yourself. That's why you need to stay disciplined and committed, never let any useless or nonsense drain your energy. Protect your time, protect your mind, know what really matters the most and focus on what you're trying to achieve. Everyday it gets harder, something will try to make you quit but you have to stay strong, you have to stick with the process and never give up even if it's already too hard and uncomfortable. That's how to level up, that's how to get better... you focus on the now and you pick the right choices. Just because it's easy, fun and entertaining doesn't mean you need to choose it. Just because it's convenient and very easy to do doesn't mean you will go that way. Go to a different direction, choose what is harder but has more benefits. Stop taking shortcuts, stop getting controlled by external things or people. You have to stay on your lane, mind your own business and never give up. Keep trying, you will make a break through in just a matter of time. 

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Dec 12, 2023


The reason why you can't take actions is because you're not relaxed, you're thinking too much and worrying about what will happen or what won't happen. You have to calm your mind and just do it, get calmer and calmer every time you take actions. Just do it, it feels so uncomfortable in the beginning but it will feel much better as you move forward. Take your time, take it slowly if you need to, just enjoy it, be happy that you were able to work, you must feel bad every time you are lazy and you must feel happier every time you are working. Force yourself if you need to. Just do it and follow through. Time is fast, you will never even notice that you're already done. Relax and forget your problems, don't worry about the future and past and stay in the present moment. It will be easier if you will let go of attachments, free yourself form the outcome and forgive yourself for all the past mistakes. The power is in the now, be present, stay still and just give your best while enjoying the process. It doesn't need too much power to pull the trigger, it's harder because you're thinking about finishing it fast, but if you will take your time and breathe then you will find out that it is not hard. It's ok to become quick but don't ever rush, don't ever think that you need to finish it right away. The world will wait for you if you're taking actions so don't worry, it will never wait for you if you're procrastinating so for as long as you are moving forward... you will be alright. So what the hell are you waiting for? work now and follow through until you're done. Stop being soft, stop being too lazy because it won't help you at all. It's time to become disciplined, it's time to do whatever it takes to win. Believe in what you do and you will feel better, always think that it is making your life better. 

At the end of the day life is moving, you will only have a better life if you're moving and not squandering any time. Just Relax and pull the trigger, never worry about what hasn't happen yet, what will happen will happen, you have to put your mind on a better state if you want to make a progress and that will only happen if you will force yourself to move now and feel every second. Learn to be conscious, be aware of what is going on, appreciate life, love your work. You can train yourself to appreciate life even more, once you mastered this... your laziness will be over because you will understand that life is a one time thing and that you need to give your very best to see what you are made of. You need to se your full potential, don't take your life for granted, every day is an opportunity to get better. The doors will open, opportunities will come if you're looking for it, if you can't see it then create it. You have the power to create, you are a creator... nothing can stop you. 

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Dec 11, 2023


If you will try something, if you will chase something... always give your all, never reserve any of your energy, never do something else outside of it. Chase it like your life depends on it... that's how to become great, that's how to see if you can really make it. Most if the time you want something but you just want it, you're not hungry for it. If you can't force yourself to have the burning desire then you will never be able t make it because having a burning desire is the only way to do the impossible, you will only go the extra mile if your will is so decisive and has no intention of quitting. You will only have an unlimited energy if you want it so bad to the point where it's almost like the air that you breathe. But if you're always second guessing and you didn't make your dream a priority then you already failed, as simple as that. 

Have no time for your excuses because that's only making you weak even more, it's only making you a failure. If you don't want to do it then that's the time you need todo it, as simple as that. You have to start now, don't wait for tomorrow, don't wait for your good feelings to come... start now and do something about it. Use your time and energy for chasing that goal only, the reason why you are failing is because you're not focused, your energy was scattered everywhere, you're being too busy about different things that doesn't help you to get closer to your dream. And now you're blaming other people and circumstances why you are failing. It's time to make a stand and get serious, it's time to dedicate your life into something and stop quitting all the time whenever it gets hard. When it gets harder you need to go harder even more. Stop stopping when it hurts, stop resting when you're stressed, stop being soft and start pushing yourself to the limits. You have to see your limits and break it if you really want to make a breakthrough. Because most of the time you're just using 20 percent of your skills and energy that's why you're getting weak and mediocre results, if you want to see greatness then you better be fast, you better force yourself to get excited and believe that anything is possible if you will try and give your very best only. Just try, just give your all or else don't even try because you're just wasting your time and energy if you're not giving everything you've got. If you want to become great then make big time sacrifices, focus your time and energy for getting a little bit better each day. Never look for an easy way out, never look for shortcuts, don't copy what other people are doing, they have their own path, never get jealous if they're progressing fast and you are making no progress at all...just be consistent because your time will come, something will click and when it does click... you will have that very strong momentum, nothing can stop you anymore on your way to victory. 

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Dec 10, 2023


Today is a new day, believe in yourself, forget the past and cut all the BS now. It's time to become a beast, you need to stay disciplined, you need to forget everything and start creating the life that you want. Don't waste this day for nothing, treat today as a blessing and never let any outside influences make you feel bad, you have to create the state form within and be the best that you can be. Squeeze everything you can squeeze from life, grow as much as you can and never let anybody control your life and emotions. You should be in control of how you feel not other people. Start taking over, be the fast that you can be, be a doer not a daydreamer who keeps on dreaming about girls and riches but doesn't do anything. Make an impact, make waves, shake the world and let them feel you by working hard and trying to do something they haven't seen before. The time for being weak is over, you're a different beast not, you're taking matters into your own hands and you're not playing around like a clown, you are serious, you knew what to do and you will stick with your game plan. Cut all the BS that is making you a clown, stop being soft, you're better than that, you know what to do and you're going to do it no matter what. You will be tested, you will be challenged, if you are trying to become something the old you will try to pull you back so be ready for way. If you're trying to become a hard worker your lazy version will try to show and tempt you to stop going hard, that is life, that is the journey. That is why you already won if you stop being the old version of yourself. Your old and weaker self is full of BS and crap, you need to disconnect from that identity and start building something stronger today. Stop wasting time like you have unlimited supply of it, time will come and your time will run out, you better use what you have now for better things, look for better experiences, look for greater activities that will make you prosper and happier. 

Stop being soft, there are lot of BS in your life that is making you soft.  Your vices, your laziness, your jealousy towards others, your lack of focus, your impatience... these are the things that stops you from going all in about something. Sometimes all you need to do is cut all the BS in your life and you will have a much better life. The quality of your life will get 10x better than the past, all you need to have id discipline and willpower. The more disciplined you are the more you believe in yourself, your confidence will start to grow, you will start to feel that you are capable of achieving something great. It's too simple but hard because your opponent is yourself, you have to control yourself but your old self wants pleasures, easy ways, shortcuts and good times. But success and change will require sacrifices, pain and delayed gratification. You will never become successful if you keep on thinking the same way again, you need to force yourself to go to a different direction if you want to see a different result. The equation is very simple... if you're too comfortable then you are not improving, as simple as that Make yourself uncomfortable and do what is hard to forge greatness. Cut all the BS now, watch yourself, stop yourself from getting addicted to useless things again. The truth is when things are hard you immediately want to get comfortable and look for pleasures and safety blanket but that kind of mentality will never work, if it is hard so be it, endure it and finish it, don't look for a protection, don't look for safety, expose yourself t pain and see yourself transform into a different beast. 

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Dec 9, 2023


When you are building a habit you have to do it everyday or else you it will never stay forever. You have to stop skipping, when you miss a day... go back to work right away, build it up again, forgive yourself that you didn't do it and then do it fast. Start now and never hesitate. The key is to revive the good habit once a gain and never go back to the old habits. It's simply fighting back, it's simply choosing the right thing once again. Forget the past, stop overthinking and start picking yourself up, dust yourself off and go back to the grind. 

Don't be a dreamer, be a doer. 

The problem with you is you're dreaming a lot, you're talking about your big dreams, you're so arrogant and thinks that your dreams are so big but you have the poorest execution, you're so slow, you're day dreaming all day long and not taking actions. You can have the wildest dreams but if you're not a doer then you will end up on the same place as yesterday, you will never make the slightest progress. 

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Dec 5, 2023


Success is simply all about speed, it doesn't mean you need to have the fastest arms or legs, it only means you need to become a doer. Discipline and consistency makes you faster, knowing what you need to do and following the game plan makes you faster. You don't need a shortcut here, you don't need a magic pill to become fast, you just need to identify what slows you down and stop doing it. Scrolling, watching TV, overthinking, being indecisive, procrastination... these are the things that slows you down, it's not helping at all, it's making your position worse, it's making your life miserable and weak. Looking for comfort, looking for entertainment, judging yourself, thinking about the past, looking for an easy way out... these slows you down. Wasting time slows you down, thinking about other people's problems slows you down, not minding your own business slows you down, being affected by what other people say slows you down. Doubting yourself, comparing yourself to others, being jealous, being bitter, not giving your best... these is making you weak and unproductive. If you need to do something do it now before it's too late, stop thinking about what's wrong, stop looking for what is missing in your life, forgive yourself if you already wasted a lot of time today and just work on what's remaining with your time. Build the momentum again, go back to work, go back to the game plan, if you don't have any game plan then just do something positive and never go back being a bum. Stop clowning around, I know you want something else in your life, if you're so sick and tired of your life then do something harder, do what is hard but more beneficial, make sacrifices, focus on your goals and chase it with all your might. It doesn't matter if you fail or succeed, what matters is you try. Taking actions is the main thing, doing it now is the focus, stop focusing on other things that are completely useless and only making you slower and slower each day. 

Focus on the positive, focus on what's making you better and faster. be mindful of your actions and thoughts, stop thinking about negativity because it only breeds hatred in your hear, it's making you lazier and lazier. Look at your actions, look at your behaviors and habits. Look at your reactions, look at your next actions every time you experience something that is stressful. Most people will light a cigarette, eat food or watch TV or scroll on their cellphone every time they are stress. Watch yourself if you're doing it and stop yourself right away. If you're stress or uncomfortable... just breathe and go back to work, go back to what is difficult. Stop looking for an easy way out because it will only make matters worse, it will make you slower and slower. Stop allowing yourself to make excuses, if you need to do something... do it now and never stop until it's done. The only way to become really productive is by using your willpower, finish what you've started, start what you need to do and enjoy the process even if it is uncomfortable. 

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Dec 3, 2023


If you want to become productive, efficient and effective then you need to make sacrifices. You need to endure boredom and plainness, you need to stay disciplined and avoid all the unnecessary pleasures and habits that makes you slow and unmotivated. You're really good at sabotaging yourself that's why you can't make a progress. Make sacrifices, do what is hard but contributes to your growth, do what is necessary. Stop being a clown, stop making your life harder, you make it harder because you're too lazy and slow, you're not making the right but basic decisions, it's too simple... you will just start fast and finish strong, you will just stick with the basics and do everything you can to make your life a little bit better than yesterday. Just stop being lazy and that's it, you will make it through if you will discipline yourself to just do the right thing. You need to make sacrifices, you need to pass on parties and TV programs, you need to use your time for your growth only, you can't be using your time for entertainment only, your time is too precious to waste. Just go hard and see what happens, don't worry about the future, don't worry about failure, you just need to focus on making yourself better, create a mentality of working hard and doing whatever it takes to win. Your life will change if you change, make an inventory of your crappy life yesterday, you will see that you wasted a lot of time, you will get disgusted of yourself. It's time to change now, change everything you do. It's simply a change of how you spend your time. Focus will change your momentum, it will change your vibration. Focus on what you want, focus on hard work, dedicate your time today for grind, never stop even if it is hard, never stop even if you're not making any results, the results will come one day but you have to grind like hell first to see heaven. You have to know the real meaning of grind, be real, it's not going to be easy, if you're having an easy time with your work then it means you're not evolving, you will only make a breakthrough if you're really giving your all and working non stop to take your life to another level. 


Say no to everything that is slowing you down, say no to stupidity and idleness, say no to procrastination, say no to scrolling on social media, say no to everything that is not trying to improve your life. The power of no will make you faster and more productive. It's easy to say no if you are mindful. Most of the time you are not aware of what you are doing that's why you can't say no. Be conscious of what you are doing and say no to a lot of BS that is only making your life worse. Even if it is fun and so much amusing... say no to it because it will never help you at all, it's only making your situation uglier. Yes, it is fun in the beginning but it's only eating a lot of your time and it's not giving any upgrade to your life. 

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Waiting is for the losers, it will slow you down, it will destroy your hope especially if you can't see your desired results. Instead of waiting why not start working and you will see a different momentum change. You can't even make a small progress because you're always checking for results and that's making you stuck. Just work as hard as you can and believe as much as you can, as simple as that. You don't need to doubt your dreams because it will come on the right time, just make sure you are giving your very best everyday. The truth is it's not about the results, it's about the person you become. You become great by working hard for it and taking it seriously, your character will evolve, you turn into a different kind of animal, your mentality get stronger, your attitude gets better. Focus on yourself, focus on getting focus, focus on getting faster and more serious. If you can make yourself a little bit better each day then the results will come naturally, you don't have to worry about it anymore. 


If you are building a brand, if you are trying to establish a business, if you're trying to prove yourself to get a raise, if you're trying to market something... you need to sell through hard work, don't sell using your mouth or trying to pull somebody else down just to make yourself look good. Don't ever try to be so loud to the point where everyone was annoyed at you, just sell yourself through hard work and belief. Work for it, make it great, make it awesome, give it a lot of time and energy and it will blossom into something. You have to do what you've got to do. Be the hardest worker that you can bee, just try and see where it goes, don't worry about the future, don't worry about failure, just try, because you have more control if you are working hard instead of trying to force people to like you and give you something. Hard work is where the control is, being passionate, falling in love with the process is what will give you peace and happiness. 


This is what most people don't know, this is what most people who are stuck in a mud don't know that one positive action is a great momentum builder. Keep doing what you need to do and you will attract better opportunities. Bust most people who don't have a job or money or anything good going on with their lives keep on being negative. They're lazy, they're not focused, they're doing a lot of useless activities that are making them even miserable. Something you don't know is when you keep on moving forward and do some positive things... it will come back in the future, good things will happen to you, it's like an investment. You are learning even if you don't know it, you are progressing even if you can't see it, you will be rewarded in the future, you just need to trust the process and never give up. Focus on what you want and keep doing small things to get a little bit closer from it. Time is fast, you will never even notice that you're almost there, so don't stop and just do what your heart tells you to do so. 


It's crazy how could you give time for other people and give no time for yourself, you're not solving any of your problems by getting so interested with other people, you're not giving yourself any favor by watching them or giving them your free time. You have to get strict with yourself, stop paying too much attention to other people because it's just sucking up your energy, mind your own business and stay with the course. Focus is the only thing you need to be focusing on. Stop giving time and energy for useless people and activities that doesn't even matter. Focus on your plan, stick with it, believe it even if it's not working yet, it will eventually work in the future, you just need to get serious with it and never exchange it for useless things and habits. Gotta give your all for your goal, you can't be giving your 50 percent only because it will produce weak or no results at all, you will not get the best if you're not giving your best, you will only get leftovers. At the end of the day, those people will never help you, they're just eating your time, give time to important people only that truly matters in your life, never give time to anyone who doesn't recognize your value at all. 


Having the ability to work is a blessing itself, it's a privilege yet most people don't appreciate it. If you can go hard, if you can grind daily then you must be happy, it means you're still strong, it means you're still on your prime and can still grow. No matter what age you have, if you can still hustle and push yourself then you must be happy. Don't be afraid to get tired, it's a blessing, it's a strength that you must not take for granted. Be happy if you can work, be happy if you can try, don't get jealous with other people who are earning but not working, they are weak, they will feel depressed because they are not moving at all. Detect what is useful and useless, you have to know what is helping you or not, this is a basic thing, all people know it but they choose something that is not helping them because it's easier and fun. Any action or decision is either helping you or making you worse, you know the answer, stop pretending that life is hard if all you do is choose instant gratification that makes your future life worse. You are in control here, stop playing like a victim because you are not. 


Don't talk about your plan, don't talk about what you're up to. Stick with the plan, focus on hard work and consistency. Every time you talk about your goals and dreams to other people you end up doing nothing, why? because your mind got satisfied with showing off, you got happy with impressing people, that's why you feel already accomplished without accomplishing something. be secretive about your goals, don't be loud, just keep quiet while working hard. 

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Nov 30, 2023


Change is too simple, just face the pain. Success is not that complex, just do it. You have to stop making excuses in order to attract success. Face the pain of uncertainty, face the pain of leaving your comfort zone and start doing the right thing that will put you on a better position to succeed, as simple as it sounds. Don't be a pussy, don't be a chicken who's afraid of everything. Just go out there, show up, do the work and persevere. It doesn't matter if you don't have the skills, it doesn't matter if they don't like you, it doesn't matter if you're not getting what you want, it doesn't matter if you don't have the support. Just do it and never stop, keep going, go all the way and push yourself to the limits, that's how to win in life. Excuses are for losers, it's for the weak, if you will make yourself a doer then anything is possible. If you want a million dollars then go ahead and make a million dollars, nobody can stop you, nothing can tell you what or what not to do. You are the captain of your own ship, you are the driver of the steering wheel, anything is possible if you will believe and work as hard as you can. The harder you work the luckier you get, if you're feeling unlucky then it means you're not giving your all, it means your effort is too weak and unacceptable. 

Just go, stop lying on your bed all day long watching stupid tik tok reels, you need to man up, you need to grow and be the best that you can be. It's all about the repetition, you are what you repeatedly do, so if you keep on procrastinating then it means you are a loser because that's what a loser does... they waste time and complain later why life is so hard. Life gets harder and harder if you're not pushing yourself to do the work. The best time to move is when you feel like not doing it, you have to do it even if it is hard, take the first step even if you're not feeling well. Because the truth is... you're feeling bad because you're not using your body, you're always stuck and overthinking, you want pleasures all the time that's why you can't build the right habits to succeed. But if you will force yourself to do the work and give your best then life will become amazing, you will live on a different level. The time is now, start something and finish it, stop making excuses because it will only make matters worse. The more you refuse to take actions the more you feel like a crap. If you want to feel so much better then you better go all the way and give your all no matter what. 

Never care if it is hard, just do it. Never care if you're not making any progress, just do it. You just feel stuck because you want to see results right away, but if you will give everything you've got and never care about your situation then you will make a breakthrough in just a matter of time. Just be patient and never be scared of working hard even if you're not getting anything from it. Stay consistent because one day you will attract success, you may not see it now but if you believe and keep persevering then you will make it. Stop quitting all the time when it is hard, don't be like other people who thinks they are entitled of something without having to struggle and suffer. If you really want success then prepare yourself for a battle. Be ready to discipline yourself because it will take a lot of effort and energy, it will take a lot of your time.

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Nov 26, 2023


Start now, it doesn't matter if it is hard, it doesn't matter if you're late, it doesn't matter if it feels like it will never make an impact. Just start now and keep going, as simple as that. The truth about starting something is you can start anytime, anywhere, nothing can stop you. If something is stopping you just ignore it, let it stop you as long as it can but persevere and never give up, that's all you need to do and you will be alright. Keep it going, the idea here to move forward for a very long time and rest if you must. Keep pushing for a year or two then keep going, if you need to rest then rest but always remember that you have to use your time very well and never spend any second for useless things that doesn't matter at all. 


Be the captain of your own ship not just the paddler, not just the servant, you must feel like a boss. Feel like you can do anything you want anywhere you want and anytime you want. Feel unstoppable because you are, it's just a matter of perspective. Always feel free, always feel creative and assertive. Feel like a boss but back it up with speed and hard work, be decisive and bold, be all about actions not about talk. 

You're not taking your goals seriously that's why they annoy you, that's why you're unfocused, that's why you're jealous and bitter. If you will take your goal seriously then you will focus on your own life and get better everyday, you will have a rapid progress. Avoidance is the key, avoid all the distractions and you will get better, as simple as that. Avoid everything that makes you slow, weak and useless. You know what are these things, you're better than that. The problem is you're too addicted with comfort and easy ways, you're showering yourself with instant gratification and that's why you keep on going down like a weak clown. 

To start fast you need to stay humble too, always think that you are nothing, that you are just here to try and give your very best. Don't ever think that you're already good enough, stop focusing on your ego and perfection. Just start with what you have, don't judge yourself and don't judge people, as simple as that. You will feel much lighter if you will just focus on taking actions instead of overthinking and trying to look perfect right away. 

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Nov 19, 2023


What will you do will determine what your future will be like, as simple as that. So the best thing to do is to take the best step and follow through. If you wanted to change then you better keep going and take the best option available. No matter how broke or loser you are, you can still change your life and reverse the course if you keep going and discipline yourself. Just do what is hard, do what is boring but beneficial and never stop believing. Every action is the right action, every step is the right step if your intention is good and logical. You know what to do, you just don't want to do it because you're afraid to fail, you don't believe in yourself enough that's why you're not going all in. But you have to remind yourself that if you're not going to take risk then you will remain stuck in a mud forever. You can start now, you can move now, nothing can stop you. Just use your willpower and give everything you've got. Never stop moving because if you do then it's over. It's all about surviving this day, discipline yourself as much as you can and never look back. You're already progressing every time you pick the right choices, stop looking for immediate results and just go all the way, lock in with the process and never stop believing in yourself. The harder you work the more confidence you gain, so start taking actions now, do what you hate but beneficial. Take the first step and keep going. 

Develop a habit of just doing it even if you hate it. Never mind your emotions, stop living with your emotions because it is useless, you need to prioritize your thoughts, what you are thinking right now is the most important thing. Program your mind to believe and just do what you need to do, you have to ignore negative feeling because it doesn't help. You may feel bad, lazy, depressed or overly dramatic but these emotions can never stop you if you're willing to succeed. Always remind yourself that the best time to move is when you're feeling lazy and unmotivated. Stop being a diva, stop being a chicken because you're better than that. Focus on what really matters and that's trying to improve yourself. Always think that you're already getting better every time you do the right thing. 

Just don't waste time and that's it. Just because something is entertaining and fun doesn't mean you have t do it. If you really wanted to make a breakthrough then you better stop doing nonsense things that are depleting your energy. Have no time for people and activities that are not helping you to make a progress. Just don't, it's hard in the beginning but once you mastered the art of choosing the best options then you will improve fast. Know what you want, define the self image that you want to live and live it. It's all about moving, remind yourself about it, focus on the concept  of taking actions all the time. It's not about the results, it's all about taking the right actions every now and then. Stop hesitating, stop procrastinating and just do it. 

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Nov 17, 2023


Success is simply a compilation of small decisions every now and then. Small but right decisions. You decide what action to take, you decide whether you study or watch TV, you decide if you're going to drink or stay at home and do some important things, you decide whether you're going to work or not, you decide whether you're going to spend or invest, you decide whether you're going to show off or stay humble. It's just a matter of making small decisions that are pretty basic and will give you a momentum to become successful. The sad thing is, the boring options are the ones that you must pick that's why it's hard. It's so much fun going out with your friends and not studying, it's so much fun scrolling on social media instead of creating your own content, it's so much easier to eat a chocolate rather than a carrot. It's easier to rest than going the extra mile. You must be aware that everything that is easy will not make you better. It's easier to be slow and lazy rather than being forcing yourself to become fast and productive, it's easier to slack off rather than pushing yourself to the limits. Always remember that the easy things will give you misery and the harder things will give you victory, remind yourself about this so that you will learn how to discipline yourself and pick the more boring option first before having a good time. 

Most people are broke because they always choose the easier and more accessible path. They choose to spend more than they can earn, they choose to take a vacation instead of taking an overtime, and that's why they can't make a progress, that's why they're stuck in a mud. Once they have a little money they will spend it for nonsense things right away and will just pray for luck the next day. The key here is to be aware of what you're thinking and doing all the time, be aware if you're acting like a bum. Get rid of your clownlike habits, eliminate all the weak behaviors and you will be able to change your life so fast. It's not that you're not doing something, it's that you're doing a lot of nonsense things that doesn't contribute to your growth, you're like a stray bullet that has no target, you're like a fire that has no flame at all. You need to pick the right things and decide to go harder no matter what. It is what it is, change is hard, success is hard but it's worth it. It's not the money, it's not the success, it's the person you become. Chase the impossible goal and see your attitude and character transformed into a beast. But you have to start picking the right decisions first, you have to start going to other direction, something that is different from the past. Look at yourself, what are you doing now? it's the connection for your future, you can predict your future by looking at your actions now. 

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Oct 30, 2023


What a good day! this is another day, another opportunity to change your life. Get excited with the process not with the results, it is logical to focus on taking actions because it's the only thing that will bring you closer to success. Appreciate this day even if you're having a hard time or not feeling well. Just focus on what's in front of you at the moment and try to squeeze the best out of it. Work hard, take actions and never squander any second. It's on you to make this day better, it's not about the situation, it's about your reaction. Stop reacting to things outside of your control and focus on your effort. Just don't stop, take the first step and never stop moving, do only the most important things and never do something that is useless and will make you weak... that's how to experience greatness, focus on the activities that will make you grow and better. 

You will only feel great if you're giving your very best every single day, as simple as that. Just destroy procrastination and you will feel much better. Don't seek for comfort because it will kill you, seek for harder challenges, test yourself, test your endurance and you will feel so much better, as simple as that. Don't seek for easy ways, don't seek for comfort and focus on the best option even if it is hard, focus on the best next step even if it's really not easy at all. Look for the next best step and do it regardless of how you feel. Don't worry about perfection, don't worry about doing it right and just do it no matter what. Start fast and finish strong. Always remember that the next step is always right, for as long as it is positive and the intention is to get better... it is right, don't worry about it being perfect or not, just do it and you will be able to make a breakthrough. 

You got embarrassed it's still a good day, you didn't performed well it's still a good day, something bad happened it is still a good day, you're living so it means you're lucky, you can correct everything in your life you still have a lot of time, no matter what your age is you still have a lot of time if you persevere and live in the moment. Just embrace the bad times because sooner or later it will be much better. 

If you don't have any goals just make a very simple and small goal today and that is to focus on yourself and stop being lazy. Let stop wasting time be your goal. Try it for one hour and then do it again, try one more hour of being productive. It can be anything, it can be building a small business or cleaning your house or spending time with your family, just don't waste your time on social media scrolling on everything that's not helping your mentality at all. Just don't waste a single second doing useless stuff and you're on the right track, it's ok if you are slow but just don't waste time. 

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Oct 26, 2023


Having the mentality of you don't need them to love you is a very strong mentality. If they can't appreciate you here, they will appreciate you there, there will be a place for you and your dream. It's impossible that you can't find a right home. If you are really giving you best, if you're grinding like hell then there will be a place to welcome you and treat you like a gem. That's why you don't need to please everyone, if they don't like you so be it. Just be yourself and never fake your beliefs. You will be tested every now and then if you want it or not, there will be temptations, there will be challenges and it's your duty to focus on your goals and beliefs. So just keep going, if they reject you or hate you so be it, if they don't trust you so be it. You will find another place that will accept you. There is always another chance. There is always another girl, job, friend, home, community that will accept you and will welcome you with open arms, just keep going and be the best that you can be. Stop being negative or bitter if you feel that they don't like you, just stay positive and be true to yourself, it's better to be hated by being yourself than to be loved by being fake. 


you get slower, you can't make a decision because you are too much. You care about the results, you care about the future, you can about what people will say instead of focusing on the next step. That's why you're too conservative and cautious, you're too concerned about what people think of you, you're jailing yourself instead of abusing your freedom. Remember that you are free, you can do whatever you want so stop trying to feel weak by focusing on the outside and instead focus on the inside. You will get faster and faster if you will just do it, stop worrying about what's going to happen next and just focus on taking baby steps. Inch by inch, do it, have fun and always try to give your 100 and 10 percent effort. Remember if you're giving your best then you will win, as simple as that. The reason why you can't win or make a small progress is because you're always exerting a very weak effort, something that even a baby can do, give a grown man effort, give your all, don't be afraid to get tired, never care, be reckless, take the risk and always push yourself to the limits. 

Face the pain of moving, it's much better than facing the pain of laziness. If you are taking actions then you will feel better later, confidence will be felt after taking actions, just force yourself to move even if you don't like it and you gradually build a momentum that will lead to wins and positive changes. 


You can't act like a chicken forever, you can't hide forever, time will come and you have to face your fears and express yourself to the fullest. And even if you don't want to be scared but you can't control your fears, don't worry because that fears will go away anytime soon if you're moving forward all the time. It's ok to be scared but don't ever stop yourself from taking actions. use fears as a signal to move and not to stop. 

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Oct 23, 2023


Wanting to win so bad only gives you a lot of pressure. After winning what will you feel? nothing right? maybe you will feel happy for a moment but you will go back to the drawing board again, you will think of something to do again. Winning is overrated, the truth is it's not about the destination, it's about the journey. You will never feel satisfied unless you accept that there is no such thing as completion. You will have to struggle again and again but that's ok, it's part of the design. There's no such thing as an easy life, living itself is a blessing, life is a gift, you don't need a lot because living itself is very rare and beautiful. You don't need to win, you just need to try, you just need to give your best and see what you can achieve, you don't need to be needy of the results, it will come on the right time, if it's for you it's for you, you don't need to worry about it, the only thing you can control is your effort. You can never control success, you may still lose even if you work and prepare so hard. Life is full of surprises but on thing is for sure... you will never win if you don't try. Just try and forget about winning, don't expect, just live in the moment and enjoy the process. If you're so focused on winning then you will never be able to express yourself anymore, you will become so attached to the outcome to the point where you're so afraid to make a mistake. 

Life is too simple, just keep on trying and you will get something. It's simply like investing or creating a habit, the more you become a tryer the faster you are to become a winner. You will win no matter what, it doesn't matter if you try a million times before you win, you will get it so be patient and just enjoy the ride. It's simply like hustling, it's simply like a game. You will get it if you really want it but you have to pay the price. At the end of the day you really need to work  hard, you can never escape the process if you wanted to win. It is what it is, it's all about the grind, the harder you work the luckier you will get so stop thinking about winning because it only puts pressure on you, just be your best and you will make it through. There's no harm in giving your best, just don't give up and you will be bale to overcome anything, as simple as that. 

Because thinking about winning too much will make you a fragile person. It's what the society is telling you, they only prioritize winners but they never preach hard work and perseverance. All you have to do is keep pushing and you will win. But most people will quit when it's hard, it's because they don't know that you have to get tested first before you win. That's why focus on taking challenges, focus taking risks and let go of success. 

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Oct 21, 2023


You can believe anything you want, believing is not a sin. For as long as you're not hurting anybody, believe as much as you want. You can believe in a dream, you can believe an idea, but make sure you will take actions or else that belief will forever be a belief. If you have to believe in something why not believe in yourself? why not bet on yourself? it's ok, you will not get executed for it. Believe in a plan, believe in your own process and work on it until you make it real. Believe in an idea, it can be any idea, for as long as you believe it... it will give you something. Just try it, experiment, put all of your energy on it and never quit until you find the meaning behind it. Believe in hard work, believe in the process, believe that you too can become great if you do what most people can't do. Just separate yourself from the pack, if they're partying you should be grinding, if they're relaxing you should be in a sense of urgency, don't be like them because you will get the same results if you stay on their level, you have to stay consistent and never hold yourself back. 


This is the only way to get on top, push as hard as you can and never stop. Being stagnant and relaxed will never get the job done, life will listen to your energy, it will reward your efforts and intensity. It knows if you're giving your 100% or not, you have to push as hard as you can and never mind if you're not getting nay results, it will come later, it will come on the right time, for the meantime you have to grind like hell and never let anything stop you. It is what it is, it's going to be hard and brutal but what can you do? there's no other way, you will never believe in yourself if you're not working hard, you will never feel good if you're always holding yourself back. The harder you work the luckier you will get, your faith in yourself will increase if you're hustling like there's no more tomorrow. You can go hard anytime you want, you can continue forever, nothing can stop you. 


Once you're having a roll... keep going, if you're hot you're hot, don't dim your light just to please other people. Don't kill the momentum, believe that you can go further as much as you want. Believe that you're unlimited, if you're on fire then keep feeding the fire with your burning desire, don't make yourself cold by trying to be humble and nice. Just do what makes the momentum stronger and never give up when something is trying to kill your fire. Keep getting hot, work as hard as you can and never stop moving forward. Believe that greatness is happening now, believe that you can make it to the finish line. 

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Oct 11, 2023


The habit of pushing whenever it is hard, the habit of just doing it and not minding the future... this is the best habit that you can develop and will take you to different places, you will go to a different level when you were able to master this habit. No excuses, not looking for an easy way out, not blaming other people, just giving yourself a chance to win and prevail, just giving yourself a chance to thrive a little bit and then following through, you can make something bigger and better if you will just commit to taking actions and not minding what other people say, never mind if you're going to struggle, never care if it is hard. If it's easy do it, if it's hard do it, never let any challenge intimidate you, you have what it takes to win, all you need is to use your willpower and harness that tenacity to keep going no matter what. Never respect any difficulty, never let anything intimidate you, you have to stay competitive and fast, you have to do whatever it takes to succeed and give everything you've got. Nothing can stop you if you will push yourself to the limits. Just embrace your negative emotions and do what you want or need to do. Because there's no progress if you're not going to push yourself. 

When you're in doubt, when you're scared, when you think there is no more hope... that's the time you have to push yourself and squeeze what you can still squeeze. Don't just take an opportunity to become great for granted. Everyday is an opportunity, you can improve, you can get better a little bit, appreciate the small things, appreciate the time you have to improve a little bit because it will accumulate in the future. Don't ever give laziness a single second, don't ever give a useless subject or person a piece of your time, if you wanted to have a new life then you better push yourself to the limits and stay disciplined as much as you can, as simple as that. 

Don't look for a specific and effective solution, don't look for a miracle or cure, don't look for an instant relief... just deal with your life, deal with what's in front of you and never give up. Always keep on pushing, stay humble and do whatever it takes to make your life a little bit better than yesterday. Have not time for thinking, have no time for checking the results, have no time for worrying and just do what you need to do, stop thinking about the future because there is no really future, the real life is happening now. Just don't care about what's going to happen next and you will feel powerful, as simple as that. You take the first step, you pull the trigger and you don't feel anything when you made a mistake, just go to the next step, do something that you think will work and repeat. 

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Oct 3, 2023


Don't just seek and ask for help, don't just look for it... grind for it. Success will be attracted to you faster if you're working hard and doing whatever it takes to win. Stop wishing for it, stop looking for it without doing an extra effort, you need to be grinding like hell and pushing yourself to the limits if you really want to make a difference with your life. Because if you're too mediocre and weak and just hoping for it then you will never get it. You should take massive actions and give an extraordinary effort if you want to experience something new. Get excited with the coming breakthrough, believe in yourself that you will be able to make an impact today that will serve as a bridge to success. Force the issue if you need to, do something you haven't done before and believe that everything is under control. It's only just a matter of time before you win, if you're going through hell... keep going and never give up. Because the only thing that matters is taking actions and nothing else. You have to take chances while you still have a chance before it's too late. 

Forget the results for now, forget the external forces and just focus on believing yourself first and grinding like hell. The next action should motivation you, the next step should give you a fire. Stop wasting time and energy for useless things and activities that will not even help you to grow. You will become more powerful if you are grinding and pushing yourself to the limits. Focus on doing your best and you will get the best, focus on giving a weak effort and you will get weak results. It all depends on what you put out to the universe. Never care about the finish line and focus on the next step. Just take it and go further as much as you can. Look forward to do it now, look forward to do it fast and never feel bad if you're getting zero or lesser results than what you expect. You will be rewarded, numbers don't lie, if you really put in the hours and hours of work then you will never fail, as simple as that. Mainly the reason why you're failing or not making any progress is because you're really not pushing yourself to the limits, you're not going extreme. 

What you need is to see the best version of yourself, you're never going to see it unless you go all in and discipline yourself to the extreme. It's going to be really hard but it's too basic. All you have to do is get rid of the bad habits, stop consuming the useless and never focus on what makes you weak and slow. You need to live like a monk, like a warrior, like an athlete that is aiming for the olympic gold medal. You will never make a progress if you can't make big time sacrifices. It is what it is, it's going to be hard and stressful but without pressure there is no growth, without difficulty there is no improvement. If you want to get better then you better take chances and do something you haven't done before. 

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Sep 28, 2023


If you want to get faster, if you want to have more, if you want to get better then you better master the art of ignoring. Ignore everything that is distracting you, ignore the haters, ignore what you hate, ignore what is not giving you any edge. Focus your mind on greatness only, try to improve as much as you can, push as much as you can and never give up, as simple as that. Be fast in starting, don't let doubts cripple you, don't let your fears immobilize you, ignore what you feel and simple carry the hell on. Keep moving forward even if it is hard, because the reality is... you can still do something even if you're scared or unmotivated, you can go against your emotions. Start taking actions now even if you're emotionally down, you will feel better in a while if you don't pamper yourself like a baby. Because the truth is... there is no really problem, the real problem is you, it's you being a soft diva that cares too much about what's going on around you. Ignore all the weakness, ignore everything that creates weakness such as stupid social media posts, news, fake information etc. Ignore the people that are not making you feel better, you better focus on what gives you strength and growth, focus on giving more time for yourself and get rid of your unhealthy habits. Focus on doing more, focus on improving a little bit, take baby steps and follow through as much as you can, force yourself to go all out. Create a new mentality that is bulletproof against negativity, critics and fears. You will only be able to create it if you keep on moving forward and stop being afraid of the future, make your life be about taking actions, be great for one day and then follow through. If you want to experience greatness then stop checking for results and pursue your goals regardless if you're making any progress or not. You need to stretch yourself as much as you can, see what you are made of. Are you made of steel or are you made of cotton? do you melt under pressure or do you shine during the toughest moments of your life? You will never see who you really are if you don't put yourself under scary adversity. 

Be in the moment, know what you need to do, define all the actions that you need to take, create the mind that is powerful and not accepting any negative thoughts. Remember that your life is all about you, it's not about being a narcissist... it's about believing in yourself and giving yourself a chance to see who you really are. Protect your time, protect your mind, never let any happening affect the way you feel. Reject people if you need to, ignore all the temptations, ignore all the events that will never make you better. It doesn't matter what happen around you, the only thing that matters is what you believe and what you're trying to pursue. If someone or something is tempting you then you better ignore it right away, never let something eat your precious time, never let your peace be ruin by something that is not even worth any of your attention and energy. Never let people or circumstances make you feel bad or worse, you need to focus on what you really want and avoid everything that makes you feel bad. It's not being scared, it's being smart and disciplined. Why will you even give time for something that will not even put you on a better position to succeed? why will you waste your energy for something that is not giving you an edge? avoid all the conflicts, arguments and subjects that are not pushing you to the top. Focus on the art of ignoring, if something or someone doesn't sever you at all... ignore it and focus on your life, focus on trying to improve a little bit. 

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