Dec 26, 2023


Work as hard as you can, focus as sharp as you can and that's it. It doesn't matter what happens anymore, what matters is your hard work and belief in yourself, external circumstances should not affect your mentality at all. hard work will solve your problems, make it as a philosophy, make it as your lifestyle and you will solve all of your problems. Hard work and focus is the answer, you're lost because you want something but you don't want to work for it. Focus on the process, focus on transforming yourself first. If you want to get something you must become something else, something different than your weak version. You need to become the strongest version of yourself. Results is overrated, process is underrated, you need to master the process first before getting what you want. This means you have to mold your mind, skills and body to become the best version of yourself to attract bigger things. If you can be the hardest worker and most focus man in the world then you will become super unstoppable, as simple as that. Focus on pushing forward and never go back. Don't pause, don't rest, look for the kill all the time, revive that killer instinct in you. 


Don't believe that one day everything will be fine, don't hope for the best and just embrace everything in front of you. DOn't expect for an easy life, expect that it is a process and that there will be a lot of distractions, problems, disturbances and challenges. Life is really like that, if you will fall in love with challenges then nothing will become hard anymore. What makes your life hard is that you're expecting it to be easy, you want peace all the time, you want an easy work, you want easy and soft people. But life is not like that. Life is a chaos, it's a forever war, you need to fight everyday. Life is a like a jungle and there is nothing you can do to fix it. Even if you're living in a corporate world, there is still a corruption, there are still difficult people to deal with. Your life will only get easier and better if you will accept that it is a chaos but you can still appreciate it. Be happy that you are still living because you can still make adjustments, you can still feel life and experience a lot of things. 


dON'T EXPECT for a different life if you didn't work for it, stop dreaming dumbass. You need to wake up and live in the real world, you're always wishing for a great life but you're lazy as a turtle, you're so slow, you're like a soft diva who feels so entitled of something. You're nothing but a bum, remind yourself about that and change, force your life to change through hard work and dedication. 


It's not going to be easy, if it is hard then do it hard, if you need to work for 8 hours straight then do it, if you need to work for 12 so be it. Stop complaining, learn to feel the pain, learn to feel the struggle and difficulty. You don't need a comfortable life at all, who needs comfort? it is for the weak, what you need is the ability to endure everything and be the best that you can be. 


move right away, start right away and never think. Never care about perfection, do it your way, start it your way and never care if you made a lot of mistakes, so be it. What matters is you are moving and you are confident that you can get the job done. You don't need to wait for something before you move, you don't need any help or support or any stupid motivation, you just need to believe that every action has an equal reaction. Whenever you are working hard, good things will happen to you, as simple as that. 

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