Dec 3, 2023


Waiting is for the losers, it will slow you down, it will destroy your hope especially if you can't see your desired results. Instead of waiting why not start working and you will see a different momentum change. You can't even make a small progress because you're always checking for results and that's making you stuck. Just work as hard as you can and believe as much as you can, as simple as that. You don't need to doubt your dreams because it will come on the right time, just make sure you are giving your very best everyday. The truth is it's not about the results, it's about the person you become. You become great by working hard for it and taking it seriously, your character will evolve, you turn into a different kind of animal, your mentality get stronger, your attitude gets better. Focus on yourself, focus on getting focus, focus on getting faster and more serious. If you can make yourself a little bit better each day then the results will come naturally, you don't have to worry about it anymore. 


If you are building a brand, if you are trying to establish a business, if you're trying to prove yourself to get a raise, if you're trying to market something... you need to sell through hard work, don't sell using your mouth or trying to pull somebody else down just to make yourself look good. Don't ever try to be so loud to the point where everyone was annoyed at you, just sell yourself through hard work and belief. Work for it, make it great, make it awesome, give it a lot of time and energy and it will blossom into something. You have to do what you've got to do. Be the hardest worker that you can bee, just try and see where it goes, don't worry about the future, don't worry about failure, just try, because you have more control if you are working hard instead of trying to force people to like you and give you something. Hard work is where the control is, being passionate, falling in love with the process is what will give you peace and happiness. 


This is what most people don't know, this is what most people who are stuck in a mud don't know that one positive action is a great momentum builder. Keep doing what you need to do and you will attract better opportunities. Bust most people who don't have a job or money or anything good going on with their lives keep on being negative. They're lazy, they're not focused, they're doing a lot of useless activities that are making them even miserable. Something you don't know is when you keep on moving forward and do some positive things... it will come back in the future, good things will happen to you, it's like an investment. You are learning even if you don't know it, you are progressing even if you can't see it, you will be rewarded in the future, you just need to trust the process and never give up. Focus on what you want and keep doing small things to get a little bit closer from it. Time is fast, you will never even notice that you're almost there, so don't stop and just do what your heart tells you to do so. 


It's crazy how could you give time for other people and give no time for yourself, you're not solving any of your problems by getting so interested with other people, you're not giving yourself any favor by watching them or giving them your free time. You have to get strict with yourself, stop paying too much attention to other people because it's just sucking up your energy, mind your own business and stay with the course. Focus is the only thing you need to be focusing on. Stop giving time and energy for useless people and activities that doesn't even matter. Focus on your plan, stick with it, believe it even if it's not working yet, it will eventually work in the future, you just need to get serious with it and never exchange it for useless things and habits. Gotta give your all for your goal, you can't be giving your 50 percent only because it will produce weak or no results at all, you will not get the best if you're not giving your best, you will only get leftovers. At the end of the day, those people will never help you, they're just eating your time, give time to important people only that truly matters in your life, never give time to anyone who doesn't recognize your value at all. 


Having the ability to work is a blessing itself, it's a privilege yet most people don't appreciate it. If you can go hard, if you can grind daily then you must be happy, it means you're still strong, it means you're still on your prime and can still grow. No matter what age you have, if you can still hustle and push yourself then you must be happy. Don't be afraid to get tired, it's a blessing, it's a strength that you must not take for granted. Be happy if you can work, be happy if you can try, don't get jealous with other people who are earning but not working, they are weak, they will feel depressed because they are not moving at all. Detect what is useful and useless, you have to know what is helping you or not, this is a basic thing, all people know it but they choose something that is not helping them because it's easier and fun. Any action or decision is either helping you or making you worse, you know the answer, stop pretending that life is hard if all you do is choose instant gratification that makes your future life worse. You are in control here, stop playing like a victim because you are not. 


Don't talk about your plan, don't talk about what you're up to. Stick with the plan, focus on hard work and consistency. Every time you talk about your goals and dreams to other people you end up doing nothing, why? because your mind got satisfied with showing off, you got happy with impressing people, that's why you feel already accomplished without accomplishing something. be secretive about your goals, don't be loud, just keep quiet while working hard. 

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