Nov 30, 2023


Change is too simple, just face the pain. Success is not that complex, just do it. You have to stop making excuses in order to attract success. Face the pain of uncertainty, face the pain of leaving your comfort zone and start doing the right thing that will put you on a better position to succeed, as simple as it sounds. Don't be a pussy, don't be a chicken who's afraid of everything. Just go out there, show up, do the work and persevere. It doesn't matter if you don't have the skills, it doesn't matter if they don't like you, it doesn't matter if you're not getting what you want, it doesn't matter if you don't have the support. Just do it and never stop, keep going, go all the way and push yourself to the limits, that's how to win in life. Excuses are for losers, it's for the weak, if you will make yourself a doer then anything is possible. If you want a million dollars then go ahead and make a million dollars, nobody can stop you, nothing can tell you what or what not to do. You are the captain of your own ship, you are the driver of the steering wheel, anything is possible if you will believe and work as hard as you can. The harder you work the luckier you get, if you're feeling unlucky then it means you're not giving your all, it means your effort is too weak and unacceptable. 

Just go, stop lying on your bed all day long watching stupid tik tok reels, you need to man up, you need to grow and be the best that you can be. It's all about the repetition, you are what you repeatedly do, so if you keep on procrastinating then it means you are a loser because that's what a loser does... they waste time and complain later why life is so hard. Life gets harder and harder if you're not pushing yourself to do the work. The best time to move is when you feel like not doing it, you have to do it even if it is hard, take the first step even if you're not feeling well. Because the truth is... you're feeling bad because you're not using your body, you're always stuck and overthinking, you want pleasures all the time that's why you can't build the right habits to succeed. But if you will force yourself to do the work and give your best then life will become amazing, you will live on a different level. The time is now, start something and finish it, stop making excuses because it will only make matters worse. The more you refuse to take actions the more you feel like a crap. If you want to feel so much better then you better go all the way and give your all no matter what. 

Never care if it is hard, just do it. Never care if you're not making any progress, just do it. You just feel stuck because you want to see results right away, but if you will give everything you've got and never care about your situation then you will make a breakthrough in just a matter of time. Just be patient and never be scared of working hard even if you're not getting anything from it. Stay consistent because one day you will attract success, you may not see it now but if you believe and keep persevering then you will make it. Stop quitting all the time when it is hard, don't be like other people who thinks they are entitled of something without having to struggle and suffer. If you really want success then prepare yourself for a battle. Be ready to discipline yourself because it will take a lot of effort and energy, it will take a lot of your time.

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