Nov 17, 2023


Success is simply a compilation of small decisions every now and then. Small but right decisions. You decide what action to take, you decide whether you study or watch TV, you decide if you're going to drink or stay at home and do some important things, you decide whether you're going to work or not, you decide whether you're going to spend or invest, you decide whether you're going to show off or stay humble. It's just a matter of making small decisions that are pretty basic and will give you a momentum to become successful. The sad thing is, the boring options are the ones that you must pick that's why it's hard. It's so much fun going out with your friends and not studying, it's so much fun scrolling on social media instead of creating your own content, it's so much easier to eat a chocolate rather than a carrot. It's easier to rest than going the extra mile. You must be aware that everything that is easy will not make you better. It's easier to be slow and lazy rather than being forcing yourself to become fast and productive, it's easier to slack off rather than pushing yourself to the limits. Always remember that the easy things will give you misery and the harder things will give you victory, remind yourself about this so that you will learn how to discipline yourself and pick the more boring option first before having a good time. 

Most people are broke because they always choose the easier and more accessible path. They choose to spend more than they can earn, they choose to take a vacation instead of taking an overtime, and that's why they can't make a progress, that's why they're stuck in a mud. Once they have a little money they will spend it for nonsense things right away and will just pray for luck the next day. The key here is to be aware of what you're thinking and doing all the time, be aware if you're acting like a bum. Get rid of your clownlike habits, eliminate all the weak behaviors and you will be able to change your life so fast. It's not that you're not doing something, it's that you're doing a lot of nonsense things that doesn't contribute to your growth, you're like a stray bullet that has no target, you're like a fire that has no flame at all. You need to pick the right things and decide to go harder no matter what. It is what it is, change is hard, success is hard but it's worth it. It's not the money, it's not the success, it's the person you become. Chase the impossible goal and see your attitude and character transformed into a beast. But you have to start picking the right decisions first, you have to start going to other direction, something that is different from the past. Look at yourself, what are you doing now? it's the connection for your future, you can predict your future by looking at your actions now. 

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