Sep 28, 2023


If you want to get faster, if you want to have more, if you want to get better then you better master the art of ignoring. Ignore everything that is distracting you, ignore the haters, ignore what you hate, ignore what is not giving you any edge. Focus your mind on greatness only, try to improve as much as you can, push as much as you can and never give up, as simple as that. Be fast in starting, don't let doubts cripple you, don't let your fears immobilize you, ignore what you feel and simple carry the hell on. Keep moving forward even if it is hard, because the reality is... you can still do something even if you're scared or unmotivated, you can go against your emotions. Start taking actions now even if you're emotionally down, you will feel better in a while if you don't pamper yourself like a baby. Because the truth is... there is no really problem, the real problem is you, it's you being a soft diva that cares too much about what's going on around you. Ignore all the weakness, ignore everything that creates weakness such as stupid social media posts, news, fake information etc. Ignore the people that are not making you feel better, you better focus on what gives you strength and growth, focus on giving more time for yourself and get rid of your unhealthy habits. Focus on doing more, focus on improving a little bit, take baby steps and follow through as much as you can, force yourself to go all out. Create a new mentality that is bulletproof against negativity, critics and fears. You will only be able to create it if you keep on moving forward and stop being afraid of the future, make your life be about taking actions, be great for one day and then follow through. If you want to experience greatness then stop checking for results and pursue your goals regardless if you're making any progress or not. You need to stretch yourself as much as you can, see what you are made of. Are you made of steel or are you made of cotton? do you melt under pressure or do you shine during the toughest moments of your life? You will never see who you really are if you don't put yourself under scary adversity. 

Be in the moment, know what you need to do, define all the actions that you need to take, create the mind that is powerful and not accepting any negative thoughts. Remember that your life is all about you, it's not about being a narcissist... it's about believing in yourself and giving yourself a chance to see who you really are. Protect your time, protect your mind, never let any happening affect the way you feel. Reject people if you need to, ignore all the temptations, ignore all the events that will never make you better. It doesn't matter what happen around you, the only thing that matters is what you believe and what you're trying to pursue. If someone or something is tempting you then you better ignore it right away, never let something eat your precious time, never let your peace be ruin by something that is not even worth any of your attention and energy. Never let people or circumstances make you feel bad or worse, you need to focus on what you really want and avoid everything that makes you feel bad. It's not being scared, it's being smart and disciplined. Why will you even give time for something that will not even put you on a better position to succeed? why will you waste your energy for something that is not giving you an edge? avoid all the conflicts, arguments and subjects that are not pushing you to the top. Focus on the art of ignoring, if something or someone doesn't sever you at all... ignore it and focus on your life, focus on trying to improve a little bit. 

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