Oct 26, 2023


Having the mentality of you don't need them to love you is a very strong mentality. If they can't appreciate you here, they will appreciate you there, there will be a place for you and your dream. It's impossible that you can't find a right home. If you are really giving you best, if you're grinding like hell then there will be a place to welcome you and treat you like a gem. That's why you don't need to please everyone, if they don't like you so be it. Just be yourself and never fake your beliefs. You will be tested every now and then if you want it or not, there will be temptations, there will be challenges and it's your duty to focus on your goals and beliefs. So just keep going, if they reject you or hate you so be it, if they don't trust you so be it. You will find another place that will accept you. There is always another chance. There is always another girl, job, friend, home, community that will accept you and will welcome you with open arms, just keep going and be the best that you can be. Stop being negative or bitter if you feel that they don't like you, just stay positive and be true to yourself, it's better to be hated by being yourself than to be loved by being fake. 


you get slower, you can't make a decision because you are too much. You care about the results, you care about the future, you can about what people will say instead of focusing on the next step. That's why you're too conservative and cautious, you're too concerned about what people think of you, you're jailing yourself instead of abusing your freedom. Remember that you are free, you can do whatever you want so stop trying to feel weak by focusing on the outside and instead focus on the inside. You will get faster and faster if you will just do it, stop worrying about what's going to happen next and just focus on taking baby steps. Inch by inch, do it, have fun and always try to give your 100 and 10 percent effort. Remember if you're giving your best then you will win, as simple as that. The reason why you can't win or make a small progress is because you're always exerting a very weak effort, something that even a baby can do, give a grown man effort, give your all, don't be afraid to get tired, never care, be reckless, take the risk and always push yourself to the limits. 

Face the pain of moving, it's much better than facing the pain of laziness. If you are taking actions then you will feel better later, confidence will be felt after taking actions, just force yourself to move even if you don't like it and you gradually build a momentum that will lead to wins and positive changes. 


You can't act like a chicken forever, you can't hide forever, time will come and you have to face your fears and express yourself to the fullest. And even if you don't want to be scared but you can't control your fears, don't worry because that fears will go away anytime soon if you're moving forward all the time. It's ok to be scared but don't ever stop yourself from taking actions. use fears as a signal to move and not to stop. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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