Jan 7, 2022


You can't change, you can' make a breakthrough, you can't experience something new because you have the same pace as ten years ago. You're still slow, comfortable, complacent and not pushing. The only thing that can change your life is speed. Stop being lazy and start working right away, stop putting off until tomorrow what you can do today. Stop acting like you already did enough, stop waiting for the right timing, stop stopping all the time, stop resting if you don't need to, you better be fast and always taking actions if you want to change your life. Speed is the only thing that will make you better. Be faster when stating your work, wake up earlier, do more, come early to the office, finish everything fast, stop procrastinating, if you are fast then you will attract success, many people will like you, many opportunities will knock on your door. Try doubling your normal speed and you will feel the difference in just a short period of time. Speed is the name of the game, if you use it properly then you will have bigger chances of winning. 

Stop thinking all the time and just move. Overthinking will kill the process, it will slow you down and make you weak. Why will you think if you can move now? thinking too much is just a waste of time and energy. Learn to enjoy speed, learn to just start something you need to do and never look back, always move forward, enjoy making small progress, enjoy the process and never feel tired again. You can control your actions, you can control your life, all you've got to do is never waste time and you will get on top. This is a simple formula that never fails, all you have to do is be early, do more and never procrastinate and that's it... you're already a winner. Some people were not even talented at all, they're just good in trying and trying and trying, they never get tired of trying and that's why they become successful. They never feel sad whenever they fail, they move fast and try something new again. They never feel jealous, they never hate, they never worry about what other people are doing because they knew it's only making them slow. They knew that time is fast so they need to become faster, they just focus on what they do and that's they they're too fast in building something. Today they will fail and tomorrow you will see them trying again. T

That's the mentality that you should have... never stop, always keep going no matter what. No matter how slow the progress is... keep going because you only get better every time you take an action, you never get worse by doing that. So push yourself to the limits and give everything you've got, the perfect time to start is now, do whatever it takes to win in life. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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