Jan 6, 2022


To have a much better life that 3 or ten times better then your present life... you need to be moving forward all the time. Chase something, chase a goal and move towards it, that's the only way to have some direction. Never stop moving forward, that's all you need to do. Even if the action was already repetitive and not making an impact anymore... still do it because it still helps, you're on the right track by doing that because your mind and body is moving and it's a good thing. 

Never care if you're slow, never care if you're behind, never care about who's winning and who's not, focus on your own journey, focus on your life, improve yourself as much as you can and never look back. Never care if your process was old fashion or not making a big impact, just keep doing it. Do it the old school way, just pure grit and grind. Stop trying to look cute here, never care about your image and just push yourself to the limits. Most people doesn't want to move because they always care about how they look, they care about what people are going to say, they don't see success by doing this. If you want to have a better life then never care about your identity, stop trying to look rich or special. You're not special, you're a nobody, if you can instill this into your mind then you are free. 

Move forward even if there's something wrong in your body, mind, system, place, work etc. Move forward even if there's something missing. Don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid to come up short, don't be afraid of anything because you can still start over again. That's the best thing about life... you can try as many as you can for as long as you're still alive. So never miss the opportunity to become better today, never take this day for granted, make it as fruitful as it can be. You have to keep going even if there is a discomfort or something is missing, stop making excuses and man up. Because the truth is... you can still move despite of how you feel or even if there is something missing. The show must go on, you should never stop, always show up and never act like a pussy. 

Great things happen during the most uncomfortable and scary moments. Growth only happens during the stressful times, obstacle is the path, remember this and never back down to any challenge again. Challenge yourself to show up and face everything that needs your attention. Don't cower like many people do, just show up and do what you can do, there is nothing else to worry about, just give your very best every single second. 

Take your goal seriously so you will have serious results. If you will not take it seriously then nothing will happen in your life, you have to give your life to it, breathe with it and never treat it like a joke for a second. You have to act like a professional, move like an assassin meaning there should be no wasted action. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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