Jan 5, 2022


If you're scared of anything all you have to do is be closer to it, feel it, look at it, don't resist it, embrace it and it will go away. You have to continuously expose yourself with it and always think that it's nothing. Feel, embrace your fears and admit that you are scared but still move forward, admit that you are scared but always be in the moment, never try to rush something, never wish that it would go away, be one with your fear, any phobia can be fixed. You're in control here, you just need to see yourself and watch your thoughts, you can become scared but never think negatively, don't panic, don't ever count yourself out. Always remember that you have the power to overcome anything. 

So if you're scared to ask a girl out on a date, just ask her. Don't be afraid to get rejected, don't be afraid to embarrass yourself. It's ok if a girl disrespect you, that means she has no class. Just be polite, talk to a girl, ask her, try to make her laugh. And when you fail... try again the next time, try and try again until your fear evaporates completely. It's simply about trying, it's not about winning or conquering, it's about showing up and not hiding from your fears. Your life will become super amazing if you learn how to control your emotions. Always remember that you have nothing to lose and that you have everything to gain, all you need to do is be scared but still take actions. Don't listen to other people telling you to don't be scared, of course you will become scared but you need to face it. Feel the fear running in your system and keep moving forward. Remember that it's all about taking actions, it's not about how you feel. Because your fear will always haunt you every time you don't face it. 

If you're willing to feel then you will conquer anything, it's all about how present you are not how brave you are. If you can feel anything and never shy away from defeats, pain or embarrassment then you will become powerful. And even if you are scared, if you can just slow down and never rush anything then you're in complete control. Don't try to force courage, don't try to look savage, just feel everything in your life. Be present and never hide from anything, expose yourself to risks, expose yourself to what scares you and never judge any of your actions. Never mind how you look, don't judge how you react, love yourself and the mistakes that you just did. Accept that you are scared but still feel proud of yourself because you're moving. 

Just face it, never mind the future and just face it. Face it with all your heart, do it, conquer it. It doesn't matter if you're embarrassing yourself, it doesn't matter if you're losing... just face it and stay calm as possible. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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