Jan 30, 2022


Don't be a pussy, don't be a weak clown... learn to fight back, learn how to become strong, learn how to control your emotions and pick the right strategy to win in life. You're not born as a loser forever, you can change your life, you can change your destiny, all it takes is the willingness to fight back and do whatever it takes to thrive. If life is putting you down, fight back. If a bully keeps bullying you, fight back. If a challenge keeps on beating you fight back, if bad luck keeps on putting you in misery, fight back. Learn to fight back, you can do something with your life, you can change the outcome, all it takes is a little courage. Stop being too emotional and make a plan, once you made it... execute it, as simple as that. It's a do or die situation, it's all or nothing, if you want respect then have some respect for yourself first, stop letting the world disrespect you. Walk away if you need to, let go if you need to but don't let anything abuse you for a long period of time. 

You have what it takes to win in life, all it takes is the courage to do it. Just do what is needed and never look back. Have no regrets, always choose action over reaction, always choose execution over procrastination. You have the power to take actions, you have the power to do what is right. All you need to do is never quit, keep moving forward and you will win in life. Never let life stomp on you, never let life stab you to death, fight back and claim the throne, claim what is rightfully yours. You need to start now, move faster because time is really fast. Stop wasting time thinking about people that doesn't help you to reach the new heights, stop acting like a bum, you're always better than that. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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