Sep 20, 2020


Look at you... looking like a helpless weakling bum again, that's what you get for not moving, that's what you get for not taking matters into your own hands and not believing in yourself. Don't tell me you don't have any confidence, the reason why you don't believe in yourself is because you're not moving, you will become braver if you're taking actions. Actions creates confidence, inaction creates doubts and fears. So if you want to feel good all the time, if you want to have a tremendous belief in yourself then keep moving forward no matter what. That's all you need, pull the trigger and draw the first blood, take the bull by horns and never give up... as simple as that. What the hell are you waiting for? do you need a massage or something? do you need to drink dozens of redbull first? the reason why you can't make a significant progress is because you're always waiting, you're focus on the resistance instead of destroying the resistance. Stop what is stopping you, that is the key to make a move...look for what is stopping you and destroy it, dismantle it as fast as you can, no more waiting, no more excuses... it's all about what you can do now. You have to get rid of entertainment, get rid if useless information and stop spoiling yourself. You love yourself but you are not loving yourself the right way. You are loving yourself by being lazy instead of training yourself how to work hard and push yourself to the limits until you win. 

Because the truth of the matter is things will never get easier, it will become harder and harder. The more you procrastinate the more your life gets harder. It's going to be a grind, you have to hustle, you have to work like hell if you want to make a progress. Because the truth is you're in hell right now, if not then ask yourself is that the life you want to live? are you satisfied with what's going on with your life now? are you ok living like a loser? Decide now that you are going to push so hard, do the impossible, create the unbelievable, never stop until you win. That is the trick to success.... never quit, keep moving forward like a raging bull, feel unstoppable all the time. If you really want it then you need to show that you are willing to die for it, there is no other way, a weak and mediocre effort is unacceptable, it will never take you anywhere. You have to know what you can do and do it, repetition is the key, repeat a million times. 

If you want a new life then create a new attitude, create a new personality. Start fast, forget everything that stops you, forget that you can't do it and start believing that anything is possible if you persevere. Always think that it's only just a matter of time before you become successful, always think that there is a way and all you have to do is find it. 

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