Sep 25, 2020


Most people wanted to eat but they are not willing to hunt, they are not willing to hustle and find a way how to become successful. Most people just wanted the easy road, and always looking for an easy road turns out finding a bad and worse road. The formula for success is no secret, it's been revealed by a lot of greats a long time ago... it's HARDWORK. But most people don't believe it, most people are looking for shortcuts but did they saw it? did it appear on their door? did the touch it and use it? There are no shortcuts to success, if you really want it then you better be grinding, you need to hunt now, chase it like a poor little puppy that has no way of escaping from your hands, always think like a lion, feel like the more dominant creature while hunting. 

Hunting is the only thing you need to do, you need to transform yourself from being a loser to a hunter. You must make yourself strong, create a new character in you. Hunting is fun if you will make it as your lifestyle, be like in a computer game... you keep hunting until the game is over. You get everything you can, you make yourself better, you keep pushing, you keep fighting. Successful people were hunters, they hunt their dreams all day long, they never stop, they never get stagnant, they keep moving forward all the time, it's their lifestyle. Keep pushing because it's the only way to greatness, it's the only way to success. It should be in your blood, it should be in your DNA, you should feel like itching if you're not hunting, you should feel weird whenever you're not moving, make taking actions as your number one hobby, feel bad if you're lazy and stagnant. Just keep hunting, keep moving forward and never stop, it's very simple... just dedicate your life to hunting, never stop and just look forward to become successful, hunt your goals like you can't live without it and for sure you're going to get it. 

Don't be like other people who wants to get a lot but are not willing to make sacrifices, those are the losers in life, don't be like them. You need to be in a sense of urgency, you need to be alert and hungry all the time. Always think that there is a piece of meat around and you need to hunt it or else you're going to die. This life is just a game, it's a game of hunters and prey, are you a prey or a predator? which side are you on? If you want something then be willing to work hard for it, sweat for it and never wish for an easy path. Be ready to hunt, always prepare yourself for a chaos, always stay active and moving. Because if you will not hunt then you will become broke, you will have an ugly life, do you want that? 

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