Sep 23, 2020


Listen to me carefully if you're struggling and you already wanted to quit... all you have to do is overstay, this is right you heard me right... overstay. Don't go anywhere else, don't quit, don't stop and just overstay. Overstay in your work, overstay in the process, don't try to look for an easy way out. Sometimes all you have to do is outlast everyone, most people were quitters, most people will never dare to go the extra mile once the feel that it's hard. Of course life is hard, success is hard, what do you want me to say? that it's easy? of course it's hard. So if you're always failing, if you can't figure out what to do next, if you feel stuck forever then just overstay. It's ok to be slow, it's ok if you're not making any significant progress for as long as you're working... you will be alright. 

Just a few years from now people will quit so don't get jealous of people who are making it fast. Look at Conor McGregor after getting all of his money... he is completely lost, he is not relevant in the UFC anymore, Dana White is already trashing him. Another example is Rhonda Rousey, making all the noise saying she's the best and can even beat any woman in his division with one arm, she even said that she can beat Floyd Mayweather but where is she now? doing the fake wrestling for money, we thought that she's the real deal but she can't handle a defeat, all she wants is to become a winner. Real winners are not afraid to lose, real winners are not afraid to embarrass themselves and keep fighting. Real winners will keep fighting until the end, they are here to stay for as long as they can, they never look for an easy way out, they never quit when the going gets tough, they are ready to give everything they've got in whatever circumstances they are in. 

So if you're struggling, if you're losing... just don't quit. You can beat them by simply moving forward everyday and doing what you need to do. It's all about being consistent, it's about the discipline to never give up, it's the tenacity show up every single day. So stop getting frustrated, just build your brand, run your business everyday, do your thing because this is a marathon not a race. This is what most people don't know... it's the one who can endure that will find the cure. Don't look for fast cure, just endure and keep going. Time will come and your time will come. You will become successful too, you will go to the top and become the number one. You just need to weather the storm today, look for ways to survive, look for ways to stay in the game and soon you will blossom, the odds will favor you, you will claim what you rightfully deserve, you will reap the fruits of your sacrifices and labor. 

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