May 19, 2020


If you fought for it like a wild beast, if you really give everything you've got. If you go all in and forget that you might lost in the end, if you give your heart and soul, if you commit 100 percent and you forget about the results, if you attack it like there's no more tomorrow and you keep pushing even if you're badly bleeding... then that is already your reward, your reward is how you fight. Because if you really give your heart and life for something then you already felt greatness, that is your reward. Going hard will make you really feel good, it is an amazing feeling, that's already a big prize.

Because most people feel incomplete. Even if they are winning... they don't know how it feels like to become great because they never push themselves to the limits, all they do is fool themselves, but deep inside they feel that there is something missing, because they were never been tested, they didn't experience how it feels like to keep pushing even if you don't know how to win anymore. So if you're fighting for your dream... really fight for it, don't be a pretender, really go for it and take it seriously. Every second matters, every minute is crucial for your success. Again, forget about success, forget about winning or losing... just experience how it feels like to give everything you've got because that is already the prize.

Every sacrifice, every push, every adversity, every step... face it. It's not going to be easy, it's so hard because that is what it's all about. If winning is easy then everybody will win, but it's not. It's the reality, you have to give every ounce of your blood, you have to fight for it like it's the air that you breathe. Because if you're not serious about it then you are just wasting your time, you will never go further, you will just reach a low level victory. You have to do whatever it takes, you have to stay focused and committed, you should never stop working... that's how to see greatness, that's how to experience real victory.

How do you fight? how do you chase your dream? how do you spend your everyday? that's the biggest question. If you're like other waiting for help or clowning around then you will never win in life, as simple as that. This is a serious business, only the strongest will win, only the ones who can sacrifice big time will win. It is what it is, you have to be tough as nails if you want to survive and thrive. So stop checking for the results and focus on giving your full maximum effort. The rewards will come, the results will be yours in the end.

Just take actions, do something and never hesitate, never let your mind wander or scatter to different places. Stay focus and committed... that's the only way to win. No more wasting of time, no more doubts, no more worries... just go for it, chase it like a hungry lion, do whatever it takes, you should be on a sense of urgency, treat it like your life depends on it. 

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