May 6, 2020


If they can do that you can do it better, if they feel strong you can be stronger, if they can get 1 million, get 2 million... as simple as that. Break records, set the bar so high, be an example that people would love to be but not love to do. Show them what a real beast is. Show them what you are really made of, show them that you are in a serious business and you're not playing around. So push yourself to the limits and never feel that you're limited, outwork everyone, be strong, never feel lazy, never rest, be relentless as you can be.

A beast will do everything to win, a beast will eat fire, catch bullets, make the rain stop, make medicines sick or even melt a rock. A beast is unstoppable, it's not about the skills nor talent, it's about the willpower, how hot is the ire inside of you? do you have a burning desire? are you hungry enough to go the extra mile and do what most people are afraid to do? because a real beast is not thinking, it keeps on raging forward and do something that will make him closer to his goals, he doesn't care about exhaustion or defeat, he doesn't care if he is wounded or cannot step anymore, he will crawl if he needs to, he is not intimidated of pain. he loves pain because he just knew that pain is the key to gain. He will stretch his limits, he doesn't care if it's game over, he will keep on doing something to make himself victorious in the end. All he knows is how to win, he doesn't mind facing the most frightening obstacles, he doesn't mind not sleep for 3 days or not eating for one week... for as long as he is pushing... he is very happy with it.

So if you want to standout, if you want success to be attracted to you that fast... show them what a beast is. If you can do 30 push up yesterday... do 31 today, if you can earn 1 million a month then push to earn for at least 2 million a month, your mind and skills should be upgrading all the time, you must have that relentless push, you must have that eager and hunger to do better and bigger. The only question is... are you willing to become a beast? are you willing to produce big numbers? are you willing to destroy and disbelief your limits? A real beast doesn't think that something is impossible to achieve, a real beast is someone who thinks big and is willing to risk everything he have just to become successful and great. You can become a beast, all you have to do is push yourself to the limits and go all the way, whatever you can do now to get your dream... do it, it doesn't matter if you're right or wrong, being a beast is a habit, it's a commitment, it's pushing yourself every time you don't want to work, it's looking for something bigger that what you have, it's doing more than what you can normally do.  

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