May 23, 2020


Are you having a hard time now? is your momentum on and off? was there a time when you thought that everything was already going well only to find out that you're in big trouble again? it's ok, there is a reason for that tragedy, bad luck or adversity or whatever you wanted to call it. It's not a setback, it's just a setup for you to see the better things that are about to come. It's not about being delusional, it's about being logical. If there is a door that shuts down... another door will open, if you can't see the opening then drill a hole or create a duplicate key to open the door. There are millions of ways how to become successful again.

If you got fired in your job it only means that there is a better job waiting for you, it only means that you need to improve your skills... and that is not a bad thing, you just need to make an effort, you have nothing to lose because you will become a better person. So never feel bad if you lost your job... fate is directing you towards a better opportunity, all you have to do is look for it and stay positive. Never think that you're not good enough. You're not a loser, you just need to try again, redeem yourself by working harder this time and not taking any second for granted. Each adversity is a clue, every time something bad happens... something will good happen later, you just need to see the positive side of it, you just need to change your perspective of it. Just because you don't feel good because it happened doesn't mean you're going to feel bad all the time, you will feel good later once you begin to learn what was the bad event all about. It is only teaching you something, and you have to be conscious and aware of the lesson. Everything happens for a reason. You have to stay optimistic because your life will only get worse if you focus on complains, looking for a sympathy or making dramas. It is what it is, what happened already happened, you can never go back to the past anymore, you can never change what is done, all you can do is make yourself better now and fix your thoughts about it.

Stay tough, stay resilient, stay committed to improvement. All you can do is make your life better, stop making it worse by complaining and looking for something that will ease the pain. Face the pain and make your life a little better each day. Work on yourself, focus on your life, focus on creating something that will put you on a better position. 

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