May 22, 2020


If you're doing something that's new to people you will be judged. They will call you crazy. They will call you a lot of names. It's because you're doing something that they're not familiar with. You are innovating and being creative, not all people will like it. They will tell you that what you've been doing was wrong all the time and you need to stop it. 

What if you really feel that you're right? What if you really feel that you can do something great? And that's why you have to keep expressing yourself, you need to close your ears and stop listening to them. Listen to your heart, follow your instincts. You will only know if you're right or wrong if you go further and search for the answers. Who are they to judge you? They've done nothing, all they do is talk. They haven't prove anything yet so just keep doing what you're doing and never give up. That's how to win in life.

It doesn't matter if they like your work or not. What matters is you're innovating and doing whatever it takes to win. Never doubt yourself, that's the stupidest thing you could ever do. Trust yourself and never have an argument with anyone. You don't need to prove that you're right. You don't owe anyone an explanation. Never change because someone told you that you're not right. You will only know it if you keep fighting until the end. At the end of the day... You need to follow your heart, you owe it to yourself. There's nothing wrong if you fully believe in yourself. 

If it looks wrong to them it's simply because they haven't seen something like that before. So keep pushing and never doubt yourself again. It's ok if you're being criticized. It's normal, it means you're doing something right. You don't need to please those people, let them enjoy their opinions because you will enjoy your success later. Just keep believing and keep working... Your time will come in just a matter of time.

Being yourself and believing in yourself is the greatest gift you can give to yourself. So erase all of your fears, let them judge you but neber believe what they say. Believe in yourself and nover forget to chase your dreams.

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