Nov 28, 2022


we are all struggling, we are all having a hard time, we all have problems, we all have something in our lives that we don't want but the question is who can enjoy the pain more? who can feel comfortable even if it is uncomfortable? who can play with his life the right way? who can smile during the recession? who can work harder even if the reward is very small? that's the big question. Accept that everyday is a war, never look for an easier path, never look for an easy way out, face the pain without feeling like a victim, enjoy every second of your life no matter how hard it is. Because at the end of the day you will never evolve if you will never feel the pain, there is no growth from comfortable situations, you need to make yourself uncomfortable or face the discomfort if you want to become a better man. 

The truth is it's ok if you are losing, it's ok if you are out of place, it's ok if you can't fit in because you don't need to, it's ok if you're at the bottom. If you still have the heart to keep fighting and give your very best every single day then you will be fine, you will win in just a matter of time. Only time can tell but your fortune will change for sure so don't every give up and just enjoy the pain, feel it as much as you can and never judge that it's bad for you. Stop feeling like a victim, feel like a warrior and you will become one. It doesn't matter if you're on top or at the bottom, what matters is you give your all, you push yourself to the limits and you don't give up. It's that too simple, just hard work and perseverance will put you on top. There's no secret to success, just focus and sheer willpower alone is good enough. 

There is a pain but there is no suffering. Suffering is a choice, if you will think like a victim and always have self pity then you're suffering. But if you're enjoying the hardship and simply moving forward then you're a warrior, you will be able to change your life. Pain is only in the mind, you can give it a different meaning. You can tell yourself that it's making you stronger and preparing you for a bigger experience of you can tell yourself that you're being punished. It's up to you how to interpret the pain. Think of pain as something as your ally, it's making you stronger and better, it's teaching you a wisdom that cannot be learned from school or any stupid sensei. You need to enjoy it as much as you enjoy comfort. Pain is the key to evolution, pain is the key to greatness and nothing else. 

It's not about being crazy or masochistic or something, it's about dealing with the reality. Life is not easy and you need to accept it. There will be problems and unexpected challenges but that what makes life interesting and cool. It is unpredictable, there will be chaos, you need to learn how to manage your emotions and stop feeling like a victim all the time. Be a doer not a complainer, be an action taker not a waiter. Don't wait for the right time, don't wait to feel good before you act. Act now, do something about it and just give everything you've got. 

There will be a relief. Just keep going because you will have a breakthrough in just a matter of time, there will be a relief, there will be a different story. You can flip your story if you will persevere enough until the end. 

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