Nov 4, 2022


Accept it, love it, have peace with it, move forward with it, be one with your pain. If you can just accept it without judgement, regret, hate, remorse, fear and worries about the future then you will become more powerful. You will feel free, the resistance will go away, the pain will subside. Pain is there to teach you, it's reminding you to slow down a little bit and be in the moment, it's teaching you how to become stronger and better, it's reminding you to appreciate life a little bit more and stop dwelling on things that doesn't even matter at all. Pain is not there to make you suffer, it is there to make you stronger. Whatever pain you are feeling right now.... go with it, move forward with it and accept that it is part of your life. It may go away anytime soon or it may stay for a very long time or even forever but don't ever hate it nor wish for a better situation. It is there so be it, the more you try to put it away the stronger it will get. The cure to pain is endurance, endure it if you can't cure it, accept it with all your heart, treat it like a friend that the main purpose is to make you stronger. Without pain you will never realize how strong you are, without pain you will never appreciate life even more. Pain is there to teach you a valuable lesson, it's shaping your true character, it's preparing you for a stronger storm. Accept that you must take your journey with your pain, accept that you will never when it will go away, accept it and feel it and you will become invincible. Feel it with all you heart, don't try to rush the healing, don't wish for it to go away, feel it because it is the realest feeling in the world. It's easy to become happy without pain, it's easy to become happy without any trouble so if you can be happy with feeling a lot or some pain then you're one of a kind, you're different from others. Pain is the realest thing in life so be happy if you're feeling it, pain will make you feel alive, it will make you grow, it will make you understand the deepest things. It will give you the knowledge that only you can understand so embrace the pain and befriend with is, never hate it, accept that it is your friend in your journey. 

There's no time for being scared, you are only wasting your time if you're focused on the future, feel the pain now and enjoy every second of your life. The truth is... you can still become happy, productive, energetic and positive while feeling some or a lot of pain. It's all in the mind, it's all in your perspective. Pain is your companion now, don't push it away, don't be afraid of it... accept it honestly and never wish for it to go away, it will be the one who will decide if it is going to leave you or not. Don't complain, don't feel sorry for yourself. Feel it without resistance, feel it with open arms and open mind. Have fun with your life while feeling it, be normal and be strong all the time. 

It's in your mind, the more you think about it the stronger it gets, the lesser you think about it the weaker it gets. Maybe pain is just teaching you where to focus. It's saying that you should focus on the better things in life, focus on what really matters and stop crying about petty things that doesn't really matter at all. 

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