Nov 3, 2022


Stop hoping that money, success, fame, greatness will come to you without even trying. You're only fooling yourself, you're only giving yourself a false hope. Stop thinking that way because it will never come, you're only wasting your time. The best thing to do is to try, start now, try something and give yourself a chance to win. Keep pushing, do something you haven't done before, just try, try a million times and don't be afraid to fail a million times. It's ok if you try, it's ok if you fail, it's all in the mind. You have the courage to try. Try a new process, try something new try a new discipline, try everything. A small tweak in your habit and timing can make a difference, it can alter something. Just try and commit to it, don't just try and then stop it once you feel that it is hard. Once you try... fully commit on it and do whatever it takes to make it work. Never try and only giving your weak effort, give your full maximum effort and never feel regretful if you fail, once you fail... try again later or tomorrow. It's not about winning or losing, it's about not giving up. 

Be intentional, if you try you must think that you're going to win, you must give your full maximum effort. You must use all of your time and energy for your goal. Discipline yourself to give your all for your goal and forget everything that is trying to slow you down. Forget the past, forget your problems, forget your issues, forget all the dramas in the world and just keep pushing forward towards your goals. Force yourself to take actions and never hesitate for a second. Always remember that if you wanted to win then you need to move. 

Choose to become unstoppable, never stop when it is hard, keep pushing when you're tired. It's ok if you're getting slower but don't ever stop, this is not a race, it's a marathon. Be tough, don't entertain your fears instead entertain your beliefs. Never care about what people are going to say and just focus on trying to reach your goal, you will become super relentless if you have a mindset like this. You are the one who is stopping yourself, you're thinking too much, you're too worried about the future that's why you can't feel loose, that's why all of your actions were so stiff and over calculated. If you're just going to free your mind then you can do anything, you will become super creative and fast. 

Do it your way, force the fate, keep trying again and gain until you succeed. Because at the end of the day all you want is to become a winner, why stop now? why stop trying? nothing else matters other than winning. So drag yourself to take actions and do something even if you're badly exhausted. Emotions doesn't matter anymore, nobody cares if you are tired. You need to try, you need to keep pushing until you finally made it. There's no time for making excuses, there's no time for regrets or blaming something... just go out there and try, give your very best and never care about what's going to happen next. 

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