Nov 22, 2022


Rather than spending most of your time for useless things that will make your life worse... it's better to be grinding and working your way to the top even if the progress was too slow. Rather than being lazy and stupid it's better to be grinding and working your ass off. Even if you're not getting enough results, even if you're struggling everyday and exhausted for trying too hard... it's better to live that way because at least you're getting stronger mentally, at least your skills were being developed, at least you have a bigger chance of winning than a person who is stupid and lazy. 


Weakness is hoping, it's being needy, it's focusing on what you can control. It's endless daydreaming and not taking actions, it's blaming other people and things for not succeeding, it's focusing on other people's lives. You have to delete weakness and train yourself to become stronger, faster and better. Weakness is worrying about the future and disregarding the potential of the present moment, weakness is being to worried about imaginary problems and letting oneself get immobilize with fears and self imposed problems. Weakness is chasing something and feeling bad if you can't have it. 

That's pretty weak... hoping for something without giving the time and effort, hoping to become a winner in life by being lazy and mediocre. Stop being weak and use your strength now, you have what it takes to become what you wanted to become. 

Something will change, if you keep pushing something will change, it's impossible that you will stay like that forever, it's impossible that you will never get a chance to win. Something will change in just a matter of time so just keep pushing ad never give up. It's on you, you can win if you will give your all so never stop trying, never stop believing, it's better to live that way, it's better to be giving your all than not giving anything at all. 

Always look for discomfort, always do the harder things than the easiest things, always do what is needed than what is convenient. It's better to live that way because there will be no regrets in the end. 

Nothing can outclass hard work and focus. It's not about how fast you get it, it's about how much effort are you putting into it. It's not about how successful you are, it's about how happy you are with the process. Just trust the process, keep doing it even if you're not getting any results, remind yourself that hard work pays off and it's only just a matter of time before you win. If you're really giving your all then there is nothing to be ashamed of. Just do it for a year or two... give your all and never go back, never look back, never engage with bad habits again. It's ok if you are slow, it's ok if you're not getting successful fast like others, let the be who they are and never get jealous with them, never envy them for a second, just keep progressing and make a little improvements everyday. One day is going to be your day, be patient because it will take time. Remind yourself that it's better to live that way than being a bum and lazy. 

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