Dec 21, 2021


Never care how bad it gets, never care how slow you are, never care if you're struggling too bad... just don't stop and never waste time. Because you will become slower even more if you're wasting a lot of your time, you will fail more if you keep squandering every second of your life. You have to constantly move forward no matter what, you have to stay consistent and focused, never waste any second because it's critical to your success. You have to take actions everyday even if it's not making too much impact, a slow progress is still a progress, even if you're only improving .0001 percent, still be happy with it, appreciate it and keep doing it. 

Because wasting time is the baddest decision that you could ever do. It's setting yourself up for failure. It's letting opportunities go away, you have to capitalize every single day, use everyday to put yourself on a better position to succeed. Use every single second to improve and be closer to success. Always keep moving forward no matter what. Do something, even if it's raining fire, even if you are sick, even if the traffic was so heavy, even if there is Covid-19, even if it's the end of the world... still move forward and never mind what's going to happen in the future, the only thing that matters is improving now. Prioritize working hard, always give everything you've got. Forget the past and focus on doing something positive now. The more you discipline yourself, the luckier you get and the more you become successful. You just have to say no to a lot of bullshits and focus on the activities that will improve your situation a little bit. Stop looking for shortcuts, stop looking for a fast way because you will never see it, you have to continue grinding and just push yourself every single day. 

Just do it, whenever you think of something positive to do just do it and never hesitate. Always keep pushing forward whenever you feel so scared and hesitant, do whatever ever it takes to get to another level. Don't slack off, don't take a break, be relentless as you can be and devour every opportunity to grow.  Never stop for a second, never think why you are failing, never look for reasons why you should sop what you've been doing and always stay busy on the grind, keep hustling everyday, force fate and feel unlimited all the time. Have that sharks mindset, you need to keep moving forward or else you will die. If you can be the hardest working person in the world then sky is the limit for you. The game plan is too simple, work as hard as you can and never doubt yourself, always trust the process and be patient because it will take time. No matter how slow your progress is... don't waste time, don't stop, don't fall into the trap of instant gratification, say no to things that will never help you to evolve, always treat your time like the most precious thing in the world. 

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