Dec 27, 2021


Your fear is a liar, it's telling you not to try, it's telling you that it is hard, it's telling you that you can't do it, it's telling you that you don't have any chance. Don't ever believe it because the truth is... anything is possible if you believe in yourself. Believe so hard, believe in what you can achieve and never let fear interfere. Focus on taking actions despite of fear and fear will go away in an instant. The reason why you're always scared is because you're always thinking instead of moving, you're always worrying instead of doing something. 

Your fear is a liar, it's just a feeling, it's not even real. It's telling you that it's too risky and dangerous, it's telling you that you don't have a chance but the truth is you can be anything you want to be if you will push yourself to the limits and give everything you've got. Claim your independence, don't believe in your fears, don't believe that you are limited, don't believe that you don't deserve to win. You have the power to fight for what you want, fight for what your heart is itching to get, fight for what you think you deserve. Fear is nothing, action is everything. Just take actions and do something and you will be alright, you're already on the right path. You will only win if you allow yourself to take actions, so what are you waiting for? draw the first blood now, forget all the resistance and feel free to do something. Enjoy every movement, enjoy every action. Force yourself to move whenever you're scared and that fear will all go away, always remember that you can do anything you want for as long as you're not hurting anybody and not disobeying the laws of the government. Play with your life, play with your potential, don't get stuck on the same place over thinking and worrying about the future, create the future by being creative now. Do something, move forward and make yourself a little bit closer from your goal. Go all in, go for what you want and never let your fear stop you for a second. 

Just move forward to eliminate your fear. Taking actions will make you forget your problem, you're so scared and worried because you're not doing something to improve your situation, instead you're complaining about it, you're wishing that it would be better, you're wasting your time and energy overthinking. But if you will just move then good things will happen to you. Forget everything that makes you feel bad and simply focus on taking actions, focus on doing whatever it takes to succeed instead of focusing on your problems and whining about it. 

Your fear will kill you if you let it. Fight fire with fire, never let your fear rule you, you have to treat it like a bitch, treat it like nothing. 

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