Dec 18, 2021


Maybe you are doing it for the results, maybe you want to get something fast, maybe you're always checking your status and progress and that's why you can't win in life. Why not do it for the hard work alone,? do it for the process, do it because you're trying to build a character, you're trying to build a new version of you that's better and real. Why not do it because you just want to? why not do it because you just believe that someday you're going to make it? the reason why it's harder is because you're checking for the success every now and then and when you can't see it... you're feeling bad, you're stopping, you're always quitting. 

Do it for the hard work, do it because you want to become the hardest work in the world, do it because you want to become a better person, you don't want to become lazy anymore, do it for your new character and not for a better results. Maybe something will attract, maybe there is a better chance of winning because you are doing more than before. You are starting faster, you are loving every step, you are doing whatever it takes to win unlike your attitude before that only wants to get something and not willing to give more. 

Do it for the culture of hardworking people and be part of it, do it because you just want to test yourself, do it because it makes you feel much better. Working hard and just pushing will make you feel 100x better than being lazy and always hoping for a change. Do it because you just want your attitude to become better, do it because you want a different mindset, not for any external things, just do it because you want to see a new version of you that's 10x better than yesterday. 

If you can just have a very strong work ethic then your life will change. The reason why you feel so stuck is because you're always checking for an improvement in your life even though your effort was too weak. You're always complaining, you're always feeling needy and asking the universe why you haven't got your piece of cake yet. Change a different mindset now, do it because you want to feel great and feeling great will only be experienced though pushing yourself to the limits and breaking all the boundaries. You will only feel greatness if you're disciplined and doing what you haven't done before. Make unbelievable sacrifices, discipline yourself to work 100 times harder than yesterday and see what you will accomplish in life. Don't look for results, don't look for any progress and just do it for the hard work alone. 

Trust hard work, never doubt it. You're not getting enough results because you're too soft and always needy of the success. Just work hard every single day and make yourself closer to what you want. Never stop, hustle all the time and give everything you've got. 

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